My friend stole my boyfriend and then dared to hand me a wedding invitation with a smile? Ha! I had a blast enjoying my revenge and came home and fell asleep but… When I woke up I was in the body of the Villainess of a Romance Fantasy novel who has everything, appearance, assets, and intelligence. The only thing this girl lacked was the insight to judge a man. Throw the bastard Prince away to the main female lead and let us just enjoy the luxury of power and money!
Stranded in the desert, Liu Fu meets Yun Ge, a girl wearing green who came from nowhere sitting upon a snowy white camel. The two promise to meet in ten years. However, when Yun Ge goes to Chang An to see him, he has forgotten all about their promise, and on top of that seems to be in love with another beautiful girl. Just as Yun Ge is about to go back home, she meets Meng Jue. Just when Yun Ge thinks her life is about to get better, she is thrown into a world full of battling for the throne…
“Your Highness! The papers have piled up like this……!” I reincarnated as Irene Weber, the younger sister of an aide who is suffering from overtime because of the prince who is in love and neglects his work. Irene, who was buried in work before the reincarnation and died of overwork, intends to protect her beloved brother from such a terrible thing. No overtime! No call after work! Evil boss, go away! Work less and earn more, brother! To the end, Irene tries to separate the prince from her brother. A method to win by knowing your enemy and knowing yourself. Irene scraps a little record without leaving any details, of the Prince whose face she doesn’t even know about, for the future. Somehow, her brother’s face, looking at such Irene, is dark…… “Brother, if you’re meeting the Crown Prince today, I’ll go with…..” “Absolutely not.” ‘Do you want to meet him alone so much?’ *** “Before that, Benjamin Weber, when can I meet your sister?” “Not for the rest of your life.” The most affectionate brother and sister of the continent. Will the day come when these two siblings can resolve their growing misunderstanding?
There is no need to state the simple truth in large sentences. 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Razé was a cheat soldier at the age of 15, thanks to the memories of her previous life. One day, she was summoned by her superior – the devil Prime Minister and was ordered to go on a long-term solo mission. She was expecting a harsh mission, but… “I knew you are the right person for this, Lieutenant Colonel Razé Orphan. I want you to attend the Centrior Imperial Magic Academy starting from this spring.” “…..what?” Well, it seems that she has been appointed as the “bodyguard” for the prince and other noble’s kids. And so, she was enrolled to the school where the aristocratic-sama gathered. Although she was puzzled by the glittering school life, she was trying to live a life so as not to be bullied in the future. But it seems there was a secret that she didn’t know hidden in this world. “Hey!!!!!! No one told me that this is an otome game!!!!!” As a bodyguard, her life would be over if any of the noble kids got hurt. But then a young lady who claimed to be the ill-fated villainess came by. If the girl died, won’t she be dead too? Today, Razé will continue to watch over her school life (with her own life on the line).
I want to have a romantic relationship. They have come for those who only trigger jealousy!
Haram and Hanul are brother and sister with nobody to rely on but each other. They are also Yin, beings who blur the lines of gender and are shunned by society despite being the only ones capable of giving birth to the blessed Yang. One day, Hanul leaves with a promise to come back soon. But as six months pass without a word, Haram sets out to find him, with the unexpected help of a Yang named Chong Yun..
As she aspired to become an idol like that, the day when she could stand on stage as a group XUM came near when it became unclear where her dream came from. While practicing ahead of her debut, she suddenly shakes the ground, and her wall collapses and she enters this world through the main gate of the clock tower. The time when Baek Ah fell into a fairy tale book is the point when she suddenly falls asleep under her spell after being engaged to her Prince Philip. Therefore, the world in the fairy tale has become chaotic. In fact, Kairos, the country of Princess Sua, was just a small country without a princess. Therefore, without the support of the empire, it was on the verge of collapse. Philip took special care of Kairos in his own right and waited for Sua to wake up. However, Baek-ah wakes up and disappoints Philip because she can’t remember the world in the book. Disappointed, he even brings up the story of breaking up. The imperial family held a ball. It was ostensibly a place to socialize with the princesses of the vassal state, but in fact, it is a ‘place of confrontation’ to find her fiancée again… . King Anno of Kairos asks Baek-ah to save the kingdom and pushes Baek-ah, who has not yet understood the situation, to attend the imperial ball. Baek-a goes there with her maid, Lindsey. In the atmosphere of the ballroom, which is held like a survival program, Baek Ah said that if you are an idol, you should catch everyone’s eyes in other worlds as well.
Lena Has Been Counting The Days Until She Comes Of Age. This Is All To Finally Confess Her Feelings To Nix, Her Teacher, So That He Can Become Her Husband Instead Of Her Guardian. But On Her Long-Awaited Birthday, Nix Suddenly Vanishes Without A Trace, And Five Years Pass In The Blink Of An Eye. Lena Dutifully Tends To Nix’s Store While Waiting For His Return. Then One Day, Out Of The Blue, She Receives An Absurd Letter From Nix That Says He’ll Be Sending Prospective Husbands Her Way That He Has Carefully Sought Out And Selected During His Absence. All Lena Wants Is For Nix To Come Home, But Surely It Couldn’t Hurt To Play Around With These Candidates In The Meantime, Right?
The Demon King, Kaon broke the taboo and tried to revive his dead lover. However, the magic went beyond his expectations and created a new existence, a little girl who looked exactly like his dead lover. However, her soul was that of a Korean woman, “Lee Eun”. The Demon King tried to kill the child and failed. Hence, he thought that it was related to the will of his deceased lover. As such, he made her a princess. And that was how “Luciana Road Moon Bloodlane”, a combination of the power of mankind’s greatest magician, “Asela”, and the Demon KIng, Kaon, was born. But that was the Demon King’s position! Lee Eun had suddenly fallen into another world on the very day she had won the lottery! “Send me back! I could’ve been happy in the modern world!” But why am I liking this place more and more? What is the prophecy of destruction? In a world full of secrets, you’ll meet friends and family, forging friendship and love that didn’t exists in the modern world. A new world unfolds and the even the pain of the past is healed. “Asela, tell me why.” Tell me why we met. 파멸의 공주님
Rembrary, the deputy of God loved by all and the holy high priest. When I woke up while fighting against the Demon King who invaded my world, I woke up as an underrated idol in Korea..! Will he be able to safely adjust to the idol life and return to his original world?
Mirai, a man who does not show his emotions, lives happily with his innocent and cheerful wife Meguru, but he has a \"cursed disease\" that he keeps secret even from his wife. Then one day, Mirai receives an important call from the police concerning his wife...!