2021 - Page 23

Please Be Gentle, My Bossy Uncle! The Killer Queen Has Got A Chance To Live Her Life Again, But Two Things Scare
Her… One Is When Master Jue Flirts With Her.

1258 results

Their Weekend Situation

Woojoo attends college in order to chase after his unrequited love! But as soon as he’s admitted to that college, his crush gets enlisted in the army! As Woojoo loses his first love, he gains a new love at the same time who\'s his senior, Leehyun. In order for Woojoo to stay by Leehyun’s side, Woojoo proposes a part-time job for 200 won per month. That part-time job is precisely for Leehyun to play with Woojoo all weekend! Will Woojoo be able to succeed with his presumptuous strategy?


Oh, Be Patient My Lady!

Oh, Be Patient My Lady! Rose, lord of a small and poor territory, White. She just wants to eat well and live well with the residents there. But her life can’t be that normal. More and more immigrants from other areas are coming, and they are getting into trouble?! This is an exciting romantic fantasy story about Rose, a powerful and capable lord, and the great Archmage Yggdrasil, who wants to secretly hide her in his land and protect her! Follow this story with us and don’t forget to leave your opinion. We hope you will always support us >>teenmanhua.com<< Thank you! Oh, Come On! / 아, 쯤 참으세요 영주님! / 아, 쫌! / Ah, Hang on a Little Longer, My Lord


I Want To Roam

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Roelin Walks the Future

Summary Roelin Walks the Future: Roelin Deaz, the daughter of Count Deaz, who is supporting the family that is in debt due to her father’s business failure. While struggling to raise the family on the verge of collapse, Roelin has an accident that almost killed her one day. This as an opportunity, she remembers the past when she was the high priest of the temple of night and darkness, which has now disappeared, and gains the power of her previous life, which is the power to know the future through dreams-! After accepting her change, Roelin uses her previous life’s experiences and abilities to work hard to revive her family. Then one day, through a dream, she sees someone’s death. That person is none other than the protector of the empire, Duke Dante Van Benerite, who is called the Knight of Brilliance!? Roelin learns of his miserable future and becomes conflicted…! What will Roelin do?


Legend of Star General

Read Manhwa Legend of Star General Online For Free On ZinManga Legend of Star General Novel also known as “Star Armor Soul Will Pass / Tinh Giáp Hồn Tướng / 星甲魂将伝 / 星甲魂将传”. This OnGoing webtoon was released on 2021. The story was written by 乐想动漫 and illustrations by 乐想动漫. The content of the comic Legend of Star General: Song Yunxiang, the last Star Soul General of the Human Race, brought the system back to the campus era. When he was a teenager, he was blinded by the incomplete soul, because he was weak and could only watch his relatives and friends die in front of him. In this life, he returned with a system rebirth, with 60 years of combat experience and knowledge and technology, and returned to school. From then on, he used to build mechas to fight monsters… The things that have regretted, the people who have missed, this time will not leave regrets. The comic Legend of Star General belongs to the Genre: Action, Drama, Mecha, Sci-fi, Shounen MangaZin is a website that aggregates the latest and hottest manga, updated quickly to serve readers with high-quality images and deliver them an excellent experience. You can Read Manga recommendation I Really Don’t Want to be a Saint The Lithromantic Duke Extraordinary Museum


Doctor’s Rebirth

Read Doctor’s Rebirth Novel – Doctor’s Rebirth Manhwa Online Free At ManhuaHot The summary of the comic Doctor’s Rebirth: I had been abroad to do medical volunteer work, when I was swept up in a civil war. I was killed by a rebel soldier, while taking a bullet for a patient. But when I finally woke up, I had become a child?!? And in front of me stood a destroyed carriage and a group of oddly dressed people, who were unconscious! “It’s just like a Murim world.” As I hurry to perform first aid in an attempt to save even one person, I realize that this world is that of [The Supreme Demon King], a Murim novel I’ve enjoyed reading. After meeting the rescue team of the ‘Three Great Doctors’, I found out that one of the person I saved was the protagonist of this novel, the future Demon King ‘Yeoharyun’! “Hey, since I’m indebted to you for saving me, call me ‘hyung’.” For saving his life, I become sworn brothers with the future Demon King, and Baekrineuison, one of the most knowledgeable people around, recognized my potential and took me in as his disciple. This is the story of how I became the greatest physician in Gangho! “Doctor’s Rebirth” is also known as: Doctor, Live Again / The Doctor Lives Again / Uiwon, Dasi Salda / 医員、蘇る / 轉世武林當大夫 / 의원, 다시 살다 The comic Doctor’s Rebirth belongs to the Genre: Action, Fantasy, Isekai, Medical “Top Manhua, Battwo, Read Manga Online…” are the most searched keywords on the website ZINMANGA. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comic series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at BunManga. You can read TOP MANGA Human Mask The Patron’s Daughters The Genius Idol’s Strategy to Stardom


Secret Lady

A child who has the ability to see ghosts, Yoon Seol-woo. Has reincarnated into Rosantine, a princess who could see ghosts. I’ve managed to fake not being able to see ghosts somehow but… “Leave my sibling’s body this instant!” I cried out to the spirit who’s possessed my one and only little (brother/sister)’s. However, only the death penalty awaited for me if my ability were to be found out. Then, there’s only one way. “You’re planning to kill Prince Chartus, right?” I will save the Empire’s second prince, Prince Chartus with this ability! “I’ll bet my life on Your Highness.” The Lady’s Secret


I Found a Husband When I Picked up the Male Lead

Her family used all their money for her extravagance and luxuries and brought a crisis of bankruptcy. While trying to figure out how to pay off their debts, she found a leaflet from the duke looking for a lost child. The reward is so much money that you can play and eat even after you pay off your debts! Following the memories of reading this book, right away, Lizelle picked up the boy who was caught in a tr*sh in a poor village. She took the lost Lapel and went to the duke. “This is the child the Duke is looking for.” Duke Chester said, looking at me with a doubtful glance. “I need confirmation, so you should stay with my child in this house for the time being.” The strange cohabitation of the three people started like that. However, Lapel keeps thinking of me as a mother and won’t let her leave. * “Let’s get married.” Lizelle was startled by the unexpected words. “Are you insane? Did you drink?” “1 year. If you perform a contract marriage for one year, I will pay you 10 times the amount of the rewards you were given.” “Can I call you honey?” And the contract marriage and marital life began. But why are my eyes constantly changing? Why do you keep coming every night!


Gwanjeon – Lee Kang-Jin

Read Manga “Gwanjeon – Lee Kang-Jin” Online For Free At Manga Zin The Content “Gwanjeon – Lee Kang-Jin”: Is He Crazy? Or Just A Typical Attention-Seeker? Lee Kwang-Jin, Who Doesn’t Understand The Differences In People, And His Master Kwak No Who’s The One Helping Him To Understand The Differences In People. This Is A Warm Story Of A Student And His Master Set In The World Of The Famous Manhwa “Peerless Dad”. “Gwanjeon – Lee Kang-Jin” Is Alternatively Named: Administrator Kang Jin Lee / Governor, Lee Kangjin / Gwanjeon: Lee Kang-Jin / Kang-Jin Lee / 관존 이강진 Read New Manga Updated: My System Is Very Serious The Fairy Legacy The Marquis And The Iron Wall Lady Manga Zin Is A Website That Aggregates The Latest And Hottest Manga, Updated Quickly To Serve Readers With High-Quality Images And Deliver Them An Excellent Experience.


Quest Supremacy

Kim SooHyun is an ordinary high schooler who isn’t good at studying, fighting, or being attractive. Suddenly, he’s faced with a quest window right in front of his eyes. After being given the powers of a game [system] out of nowhere, how will our hero confront the challenges ahead of him? QUESTISM


Flowers Rot and You Remain

Along with Raymond’s beauty, complicated relationships with women also followed. At first, Helen tried to stay away from him, but she slowly started to fall for his kindness without knowing what’s hidden behind his beautiful face.


Return Of The Flowery Mountain Sect

Read Manhwa Return Of The Flowery Mountain Sect /Return Of The Flowery Mountain Sect  / Return Of The Mount Hua Sect / 화산귀환 Chung Myung, The 13Th Disciple Of The Great Flowery Mountain Sect, One Of The 3 Great Swordsmen, Plum Blossom Sword Saint, Defeated Chun Ma, Who Has Brought Destruction And Disarray Onto The World. After The Battle, He Breathes His Last Breath On Top Of The Headquarter Mountain Of The Devil’s Worship Sect. He Is Reborn After 100 Years In The Body Of A Child. ……What? The Flowery Mountain Sect Has Fallen? What Kind Of Nonsense Is That!?
