2021 - Page 19

Please Be Gentle, My Bossy Uncle! The Killer Queen Has Got A Chance To Live Her Life Again, But Two Things Scare
Her… One Is When Master Jue Flirts With Her.

1258 results

Say Ah, the Golden Spoon is Entering

Say Ah, the Golden Spoon is Entering novel Summary: New Manhwa  Say Ah, the Golden Spoon is Entering / 아 하세요, 금수저 들어갑니다 “I want to be able to fight for large property, not just those small side dishes! Let me increase the tension between parents and their children! Brother, I’m asking for a promotion!” And so, my miserable life as Korea’s number one ‘dirt spoon’ ended. Round two, and I’m back as the daughter of a chaebol! Moreover, I’m also the heir to the Sergio family, who’s gained complete control of the South! Although there’s some downsides being the sister of a villain, in the end, does it even matter? After all, I’m still fated to inherit the family at the end of the day! But things take a turn for worse, and my life goal to reach the top is jeopardized by my back-stabbing little sister. There’s two weeks until my father returns. During that time, he must somehow bring back the best groom of the empire. And that’s how the bridegroom expedition started. If you’re young, capable, and handsome, even better! Although it’ll take a little while… whatever. It’s a contract marriage anyway, so there’s no way to really confirm all those attributes. — Adelaide looks at him resentfully, not licking her lips. It may have be embarrassing in front of the statue-like Commander of Knights, but she’s already learned from the depths of her bones that this man is also a beast. “Ah… that’s it.” Killian approached her with a charming smile and locked her in his arms. A voice whispered against shoulder and into her ear. “You never said you had a problem with this.”


The Day When The Star Drops The Sun

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How to Clear a Dating Sim as a Side Character

When Yewon opens her eyes inside Midnight, the top-ranked dating simulation game, she realizes things aren’t quite as fun when her own life is at stake without a “Load Save” option. The only way to clear Midnight is to reach a happy ending with one of the five love interests, but each route poses a different set of problems. Meeting the master of the mage’s tower will lead to almost certain death, the crown prince doesn’t even try to hide his animosity towards her, the merchant seems to be missing a few screws, and another barely speaks. The swordmaster seems relatively normal, but it turns out he’s a devout follower of the temple she’s desperately trying to escape. Will Yewon be able to capture the heart of one of these men and use her insider game knowledge to clear the game? A Trivial Extra in a Dating Sim


The Pampered Regent of the Richest Woman

The Pampered Regent of the Richest Woman Great Yan’s richest woman, Wen Jiu, struggled throughout her entire life to become wealthy. However, she was deceived by a scumbag, which caused her to lose both her life and wealth. When she woke up, she has become 15 years old again. Opening her eyes, she sees an old enemy on top of a sedan coming for marriage in place of his fifth brother! Knowing that the handsome man in front of her will one day become the regent, Wen Jiu firmly decided to show her favour to him: I will be responsible for earning money to support our family. Eldest brother please be at ease! Who would’ve expected that on the wedding night… Wen Jiu (Stunned): Eldest Brother, why did you enter the bridal chamber!


Please, Let Me Return Home

집으로 돌려보내 주세요 The protagonist, who loves romance novels, possessed a character in the world of the novel as soon as she received a confession from her crush, Yejun. In the novel, she possessed a fallen aristocrat named Beatrice. Rather than having a sweet relationship, she was threatened with her life. Daniel, the suspicious fiance who tries to take her life every now and then, and Ellin, the cursed imperial knight that protects her from him. There were strange feelings surrounding the two. “I want to return home!” Will I be able to return safely without dying…?


The Princess Imprints a Traitor

The seventh Imperial princess, Evenrose, once died. Her last memory was when the royal family was destroyed by the Homunculus, who caused treason and was drowned in the scheme of their brother standing on their side, by swallowing poison. But when she opened her eyes again, “I…I’m not dead.” She realizes that she’s back to the past and was eight years younger. It was before the third emperor, who will be the next heir, was officially chosen as the successor. An opportunity to prevent the fall of the imperial family by pressing the third emperor Bridgette and being recognized as the successor. As part of the preparation, Evenrose decided to write her own article about Michael, the king of Homunculus and the monster of public prison, in order to win the emperor’s heart. “I need you, Michael. Very badly.” Will Evenrose be able to get him and protect the imperial family safely?


The People On Earth Are Too Ferocious

Read The People On Earth Are Too Ferocious Novel – The People On Earth Are Too Ferocious Manhwa Online Free At ZINMANGA.NET The summary of the comic The People On Earth Are Too Ferocious: Fifty years ago, Dracon City fell into another dimension. Despite having to fight and defend themselves alone, they held fast to the banner of Earth and stood tall against the terrifying Exbeasts found within the Altermension. Fast forward to the present day, Meng Chao was reborn. Much to his surprise, he found out that he could become stronger by contributing to society. He then decided that he would become the most powerful of them all, wipe out every single Exbeast, and conquer the entire Altermension. His ending, his parents’ ending, and even the ending of all mankind; he swore to rewrite them all! “The People On Earth Are Too Ferocious” is also known as: Diqiu Ren Shizai Tai Xiongmengle / Dìqiú Rén Shízài Tài Xiōngměngle / Earthlings Are Insane / Người Trái Đất Quả Thật Rất Tàn Ác / The Earthlings Are Indeed Extremely Fierce / Ode to Humanity: Earthlings, Rise! / 地球人实在太凶猛了 / 地球人實在太凶猛了 / 地球人實在太凶猛了漫畫 / 滅亡都市の回帰者 / 멸망할 도시의 회귀자 The comic The People On Earth Are Too Ferocious belongs to the Genre: Action “Top Manhwa, MangaUpdates, Read Manhwa Online…” are the most searched keywords on the website ZINMANGA. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comic series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at LikeManga. You can read TOP MANGA Silver Tree The Corrupted Witch Has No Choice But to Become a Villain I Became The King by Scavenging


Vampires And Knight

Read Manhwa Vampires And Knight Online For Free At Manga Zin Vampires And Knight Novel Also Known As “From Holy Knight To Vampire / Huyết Cơ Và Kỵ Sĩ / Vampire Princess X Knight / The Blood Princess And The Knight / Вампиры И Рыцарь / Рыцарь И Королева Крови / 血姬与骑士 / 闇落ち聖武士の吸血鬼ライフ / 서큐버스가 되어버린 기사님”. This Ongoing Webtoon Was Released On 2020. The Story Was Written By Han Tang Gui Lai / Sf Light Novel And Illustrations By Hehuoren Studio / 啊呜 . The Content Of The Comic Vampires And Knight: I, Who Was A Sacred Knight, Was Defeated And Captured In A Battle Against The Vampire Clan. “Oh? Letting You Die? In Your Dreams! Accept My Embrace. In The Future, Please Take Care Of Me, My Lovely Daughter~” The Silver-Haired, The Queen Of The Vampire Clan, Lifted My Chin And Smiled Cunningly, While Her Sharp Canines Drew Nearer To My Neck… The Comic Vampires And Knight Belongs To The Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Josei, Psychological, Romance, School Life Mangazin Is A Comprehensive Website Featuring The Latest And Hottest Manga, Updated Rapidly To Cater To Readers With High-Quality Images And Provide Them With Excellent Experiences. With Keywords Such As “Topmanhua” And “Manhwatop,” As Well As Related Terms Like Zinmanga, Likemanga, And Read Manhwa Online Ensures Readers Have Access To A Wide Selection Of Top-Notch Manga Content. Please Always Follow And Share With Your Friends To Support The Website Mangazin.org So That We Have More Motivation To Publish The Latest And Best Comics.


I’m a Killer but I’m Thinking of Living as a Princess

Liana, a professional killer, wakes up as a princess in a strange world. Noticing the transmigration, her fiancé says he will let her return to her original world through one contract—but the contents are endlessly strange. Moreover, her friend, Count Arzen, makes her want to stay because of his friendly eyes. However, the hesitation was short-lived and was followed by assassination attempts of those who summoned her. Liana, who is fighting with the help of two men who are unclear whether they are friends or foes, finally found out the secret of the summoning…


I Walk On A Road To Slay Enemies In My Way In Other World

Read Manhua I Walk On A Road To Slay Enemies In My Way In Other World / Assassin In Another World / My Path To Killing Gods In Another World / My Way Of Killing Gods In Another World The Genius Top Student Played Games In An Attempt To Flirt With Girls, But Was Struck By Lightning On A Rainy Day And Transported Into The World Of The Game?! To Survive Here, He Could Only Rely On Himself. Surrounded By Monsters And Gods, Full Of Dangers, Can He Still Return To His Own World And Continue Chasing Girls?! “I Walk On A Road To Slay Enemies In My Way In Other World” Is Alternative: Sát Thần Chi Lộ Tại Dị Giới Wo Zai Yijie De Shi Shen Zhi Lu مغتال في عالم آخر 我在异界的弑神之路 神殺しを極めた俺は最強プレイヤー 이세계에서 로그아웃하는 방법


Feelings In A Dream

Feelings In A Dream one manhwa from us A one-time dream connecting reagent was made with the intention to meet Daniel, the prince that she has an unrequited love for, even in a dream. However, it was her rival, Kaiden that took the reagent, and it wasn’t a one-time thing? Lizen, who has perfect grades and physical skills, is bright and strong on the outside, but hides her wounds on the inside. Kaiden, a man who is blunt and cold, but more warm-hearted than anyone else. Lizen is connected to Kaiden through dreams every day, and not only gets caught in a huge conspiracy surrounding the throne, but also gets confused with her emotions…. An oddly continous meetings in their dreams. Is it because it’s just a dream, so it’s easy to pass off as a joke, or has it become sincere feelings because of the dream. “There’s no point in ‘If’. I already have feelings for you. I like you now even if I don’t dream about you. one manhwa from us A one-time dream connecting reagent was made with the intention to meet Daniel, the prince that she has an unrequited love for, even in a dream. However, it was her rival, Kaiden that took the reagent, and it wasn’t a one-time thing? Lizen, who has perfect grades and physical skills, is bright and strong on the outside, but hides her wounds on the inside. Kaiden, a man who is blunt and cold, but more warm-hearted than anyone else. Lizen is connected to Kaiden through dreams every day, and not only gets caught in a huge conspiracy surrounding the throne, but also gets confused with her emotions…. An oddly continous meetings in their dreams. Is it because it’s just a dream, so it’s easy to pass off as a joke, or has it become sincere feelings because of the dream. “There’s no point in ‘If’. I already have feelings for you. I like you now even if I don’t dream about you.
