“That cool face of yours… I want to mess it all up” Ritsuki told Sumire at the gym. A game between the school’s most popular boy, Ritsuki and a friend has begun. The game was to win the heart of Sumire, who was rumored to be the biggest slut in school. As Ritsuki becomes closer to Sumire, he starts to see Sumire’s true colors. A bitter sweet love story of 2 people with broken hearts. Sono Egao Suki Janai / Sono Egao Suki Jyanai / その笑顔好きじゃない / 我不喜欢你的笑容
<div class="post-title"> <span style="font-size: 16px;">To Nivea, the world seemed like an eternal winter. Her parents and maids had given her the cold shoulder ever since she was a baby. When she fell down in the snow, no one spared her a glance. It was truly a dreadful winter.</span> </div> <div class="tab-summary "> While living day to day like a doll on a display shelf, Nivea was engaged as part of a pre-natal agreement between her father and her fiance’s father. Her fiance was a Wistash. Duke Valor Wistash. As in the prelude to every tragedy, it all began with a damned love. “Love has its moments. You missed them all, and now I don’t love you anymore.” Niveia said to her fiance who had never once looked at her for the past decade, then left the Empire for the neighbouring country where she was welcomed with open arms. She didn’t expect anything there and was simply planning to live quietly but the Emperor’s attitude towards her was exceedingly friendly. “I want you to be happy. You can wish for anything and do as you please. I want to give you a season where you don’t have to be constantly wary of other people.” After meeting Arendt, Nivea’s winter began to overflow… into spring as the snow began to melt. </div>
The female leads who reincarnate into different worlds are usually both smart and brave, and possess special skills as the main characters. They avenge the original heroine who died a tragic death, then win over handsome men and conquer the world. But what would happen if a useless person reincarnated as the female lead of a harem story?
She was obsessed with the male lead, her husband, and died after she kept on going after him for 10 years. Of course, she wanted to live. So she tried to divorce him nicely before the real female lead appeared. However, she soon found out that her husband’s young self was secretly being abused under the prejudice and pressure of his family. At that moment, her sense of responsibility and duties as an adult and a modern person was stimulated . . . . Aiden’s back was turned away from her despite both of them holding hands. Considering the amount of strength he had put into their hands, it seemed strong enough to possibly tear off his arm. Carefully, Elaine called out his name and clasped at his hands tighter. “I’ve told you yesterday that we’re a couple now. So, in other words, I shall be on your side.” “…” “So it’s okay.” The words seemed to cast a spell that comforted him. And very slowly, Aiden’s trembling began to subside. . . . . When they turned into adults, Elaine proposed a divorce to Aiden before the real heroine appeared. Aiden’s face, which was smiling a moment ago, suddenly changed. “I will never divorce you.” Aiden said as he tore the divorce papers into small pieces. Elaine could only quietly observe the situation unfolding before her. !! Promo Manhwa for the Novel !! I am Afraid I have Failed to Divorce My Husband Divorce plan with husband failed 흑막 남편과의 이혼에 실패한 것 같다
Her family used all their money for her extravagance and luxuries and brought a crisis of bankruptcy. While trying to figure out how to pay off their debts, she found a leaflet from the duke looking for a lost child. The reward is so much money that you can play and eat even after you pay off your debts! Following the memories of reading this book, right away, Lizelle picked up the boy who was caught in a tr*sh in a poor village. She took the lost Lapel and went to the duke. “This is the child the Duke is looking for.” Duke Chester said, looking at me with a doubtful glance. “I need confirmation, so you should stay with my child in this house for the time being.” The strange cohabitation of the three people started like that. However, Lapel keeps thinking of me as a mother and won’t let her leave. * “Let’s get married.” Lizelle was startled by the unexpected words. “Are you insane? Did you drink?” “1 year. If you perform a contract marriage for one year, I will pay you 10 times the amount of the rewards you were given.” “Can I call you honey?” And the contract marriage and marital life began. But why are my eyes constantly changing? Why do you keep coming every night!
I witnessed the novel’s villain murdering someone – and even got caught witnessing it! I can practically hear the bell signalling the end of my life ringing. However, what he gave me was… “Marry me.” A ring. One with a huge gem at that! What’s going on here?! Is this not better than dying, My Lady? Let’s get married. My newly-wed life with the villainous lead begins now! 악역에게 청혼받았습니다 / I Got A Proposal From A Villain
Everyone has a talent of their own.And the talent I have is ‘eating’.A talent that shines much brighter in this world where countless powerful organisms dwell.
The various, daily life of the female student who hates love, Han Yeonsil. 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Read manhua I Have an Apocalyptic Underground City / I have a post-apocalyptic dungeon A Female President? Then come help me manage the shelter. A Female Special Forces Soldier? Then come and be the captain of the guards. At the end of the world, titles like CEOs, beautiful women, secretaries, electricians, programmers and all other professions are all no longer useful. Don’t be afraid to come to my underground system shelter- as long as you are talented people and human beings! 5 consecutive updates will be launched after February 16.
I’ve gone into the body of ‘Ninaina’, the weakest character, who was fated to die once winter came! With such with weak stamina that it’s hard to even take walks, eat, or just stand, let alone exercise, I have such a tragic life that I even have to endure assassination attempts from my grandfather… “I will definitely recover my health!” “Kaiser” who comes to Ninaina’s side with a cold gaze. Receiving the order that he has to keep Ninaina alive, he comes to her side and protects her. “You will not die. For now.” 건강이 없습니다 / I Am Not Healthy
Reading manga I Have To Be A Great Villain / Eren Xiang Yao Qiang Jiu Yi Xia / Eren Xiang Yao Qiangjiu Yixia / I Am Going to Be a Bastard / I Want to Be a Big Baddie / I Want to Be a Scoundrel / I’m Going to Be a Great Villain / I’m Going to Be a Villain / Je Veux Être un Super Vilain / Quiero ser un gran villano / The Wicked Want to Rescue / The Wicked Wants to Rescue / Tôi phải trở thành một kẻ đại xấu xa / Villain to the Rescue / Wo Yao Dang Ge Da Huaidan / Wǒ Yào Dāng Gè Dà Huàidàn / Злодей хочет спастись / 恶人想要抢救一下 / 我要当个大坏蛋 A true villain needs to be ruthless, evil, and self-destructive! After torturing the protagonist to hell and back, they will exit the scene fabulously with a bang as their work is done. Wang Yi was determined to act that kind of villain. Unfortunately… His male lead could read minds. (:з)∠*) “You mongrel!” Mr. Yi chuckled as he looked down on the novel’s male lead. Suddenly, a thought bubble filled with cute emojis (⁄ ⁄ ⁄ω⁄ ⁄ ⁄) with the words “You’re so cute…” appeared in front of Qin. Qin: ?
Read manhua I Just Want To Be Killed The description of the comics “I Just Want To Be Killed”: Yu Le, who died from overwork, reincarnated and obtained the essential golden finger for any main character – the system. However, Yu Le’s struggling attribute directly made the slacker system say goodbye, and to reactivate the system, he must live a slacker life. To activate the system’s eternal invincibility as soon as possible, Yu Le decided to seek death actively. But why couldn’t he die no matter how hard he tried, and instead become stronger and stronger!? “I Just Want To Be Killed” is sames name: I Just Want to Be Beaten by Everyone I Just Want to Be Beaten to Death by Everyone I Just Want to Be Killed By Everyone I Only Want Everybody to Beat Me to Death Ta Chỉ Muốn Bị Các Vị Đánh Chết Wo Zhi Xiang Bei Ge Wei Da Si Wo Zhi Xiang Bei Gewei Dasi Wǒ Zhǐ Xiǎng Bèi Gèwèi Dǎsǐ 急募俺を殺してくれる人 我只想被各位打死 환생불사