2020 - Page 22

Please Be Gentle, My Bossy Uncle! The Killer Queen Has Got A Chance To Live Her Life Again, But Two Things Scare
Her… One Is When Master Jue Flirts With Her.

738 results

Blood Lovers

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I Make Scum Men Cry

Ning Shu died, but in a twist of luck she became a Miserable Cannon Fodders’ Counter-Attack agent. Eventually, Ning Shu goes through one world after another, playing the roles of all sorts of characters, meeting all sorts of scum men. Ning Shu roared, all you scum men, I’m just here to counter-attack, please do not hinder me from accomplishing my mission. If you hinder me, I’ll torture all of you human scums to death! I’ll Make the Scumbags Cry Their Hearts Out / Wo Rang Zha Nan Tong Ku Liu Ti ; 我让渣男痛哭流涕


Please Be Gentle, My Bossy Uncle!

Please Be Gentle, My Bossy Uncle! The Killer Queen Has Got A Chance To Live Her Life Again, But Two Things Scare Her… One Is When Master Jue Flirts With Her. He Is So Hot That She Has No Idea How To Turn Him Down! The Other Is Master Jue’s Huge Cannon. The Moment She Gets Close, The Fuse Is Blown. “Little Uncle, We Are Both Decent People. Please Don’t Flirt With Me!” But Wei Hanjue Simply Twitches His Lips And Says: “Guess Thats Not How I Define Myself.”


Cultivating the supreme dantian

he gets transferred to a new world in the body of waste son of a god, he gets a system that gives him tasks and rewards… he gets transferred to a new world in the body of waste son of a god, he gets a system that gives him tasks and rewards…


The Night When the Crow Caws

<h3 class="item-title">The Night When the Crow Caws</h3> <h3 class="item-title"><span style="font-family: Consolas, Monaco, monospace;">As the hottest actor in the action genre, the handsome and talented Woogang is always being chased by the women around him. But when a mysterious agent on a secret mission breaks into his home, he's the one who falls in love at first sight. Sadly, he has no clue who the beautiful stranger is... until she shows up at his workplace as Detective Park Taeyi to investigate a bomb threat. It turns out that she's no ordinary policewoman, but an elite member of the Secret Intelligence Agency who is after a criminal organization called "The Crows." Fate brings Woogang and Taeyi closer when the actor catches The Crows' attention and needs the agent's protection. Can Woogang break through Taeyi's cool exterior and win her heart as they face off against their dangerous enemies?</span></h3> <div class="row detail-set"> <div class="col-24 col-sm-16 col-md-18 mt-4 mt-sm-0 attr-main"> <div class="mt-4 episode-list"> <div class="head"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mt-4 episode-list"> <div class="head"></div> </div>


Infinite Level Up in Murim

Infinite Level Up in Murim Tang Yoo Sung, a junior warrior with no talent or low level of training, died on the battlefield. But when he opened his eyes and thought what kind of underworld it was! He returned to his childhood past to change the future! The moment of death, the greatest moment of life you find! [Welcome to Murim Online, a world that rises as much as you perform your mission and strive.] [Would you like to log in now?] [Yes/No] Click. [complete. Then have a good time.] No more envy of gold spoons! Because this life has a definite price for hard work! Infinite Mission! Infinite level up! Muri soil spoon’s endless effort! Unlimited Level-ups in Murim, 무한 레벨 업 in 무림 Search for series of same genre(s) Welcome to Mangazin site, you can read and enjoy all kinds of Manhwa trending  such as Drama, Manhua, Manga, Romance…, for free here. All of the manhwa new will be update with high standards every hours. If you are a Comics book (Manhwa Hot ), MangaZin is your best choice, don’t hesitate, just read and feel !


Second-To-None Adoration

Snatched from the modern world to the ancient period of warring states, an ordinary girl finds herself in the position of Helen of Troy—monarchs, dukes, and countless men in power would wage wars just for her. She must escape from that tyrant of tyrants as quickly as she can. However, can she really make up her mind to leave him without turning back? &nbsp;


Recording Hall

The Viridescent Crown  An Ordinary Graduate Student Reincarnated Into The Novel “Eternal Love”, Written By Her At The Age Of 15. However, Instead Of Arriving When The Original Story Began, She Reincarnated Seven Years In The Past. She Became Ran Romea De Lachia, The Daughter Of The Male Lead’s Stepmother – A Character That She Didn’t Even Know The Name Of Before Reincarnating. The Stepmother Tormented The Male Lead, Yustav, So Much That He Began To Mistrust Other Women. Ran Tries To Change The Events That Are Going To Happen, Yet Their Parents And Little Brother Still Die. With Yustav Away In The Academy And His Uncle In Control Of The Family House, Ran Has To Work As A Housekeeper For Two Years And Begins Working On The “Male Lead Happiness Plan” Where She Will Join Him With The Female Protagonist And Let Him Have His Chance At Happiness.  


Exclusive Stewardess Of Mr. Ceo

He Xinran works as a stewardess. One day, she accidentally finds that her boyfriend dates one of her friends. The frustration in love has made her depressed for quite a long time. However, she comes across a radio host of a midnight programme. And then, by accident, they meet each other in reality. Is he a real radio host? What stories will happen between them? Will He Xinran walk out of the shadows in the end? Will they gain success and love?


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There’s no doubt secretary Lee Gayoung is the weakest link at her illustrious financial firm. She didn’t graduate from a top university, nor is she particularly talented at anything. But she’s determined to work hard and repay the kindness of the mysterious “Mister Long-Legs,” an anonymous good samaritan who has provided for her ever since she lost her family in a terrible accident. Only one person stands in her way: Cho Yisun, the cold-hearted company president who always seems to catch Gayoung at her worst moments. It’s only a matter of time before President Cho fires her… or is there something else in that icy stare of his?
