I Was Just An Ordinary Lady A sassy prospective college student, Kim Hansol, meets her end due to an unlucky accident. She gets reincarnated as a beloved lady in a family of heroes in a world with magic, spirits, and dragons. “I’m going to return to my original world no matter what!” But while struggling to return to her Korea, she loses control of her magic and ends up causing a catastrophe. Yet her family loved her regardless, and moved by that, Kim Hansol acknowledges her reality and begins to live as Finnea of McKaira, one of the five legendary houses in her new world.
Our main character was an unsuccessful romance fantasy novelist when she gets into a hit-and-run then wakes up as the villainess in a best-selling martial arts novel. She uses the information from the novel that she had analyzed in her original life, in order to avoid her death-ending and finding the truth behind what had really happened to her.
Read “Murim Login” Manga – “Murim Login” Manhwa Online Free At HOTMANGA The summary of the comic Murim Login: An era where hunters thrive on hunting monsters that come from Gates. Jin Tae-Kyung is a low-rank hunter who picks up a VR machine and accidentally logs into the game, which is set in the world of Martial Arts. After many ups and downs, Tae-Kyung is able to escape this world. The strength and skills, which he received in the Murim were able to be carried over back to the real world. This allows him to continue making a living a hunter. But he decides to return back to the world of Murim, out of care for his NPC friends. “Murim Login” is also known as: Inicio de sesión en el murim / Log-In Murim / ログイン武林 / 登录武林系统 / 로그인 무림 / 로그인무림 The comic “Murim Login” belongs to the Genre: Action “manhuafast, Manga Updates, Manhwa Website…” are the most searched keywords on the website KUN MANGA. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comic series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at LikeManga. You can read TOP MANGA The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant I Became The King by Scavenging
The biggest romance rival of my 19th life is my 18th? The romance story of a woman who remembers her past life.
Kang Maru is just an ordinary kid who likes what kids like and plays what kids play, But one day he was forced to watch a Football World Cup instead of an animation, simply because his father is a fan and is the owner of the TV set. At a glance of that said sports, he was mesmerized and fixated to a game of football that his heart is racing because of the intensity of that sports, unbeknownst to him he already love the game., because of this, he set his goal, and that goal is to be a football player!<script></script><script>(function(_0x57637e,_0x2cf713){var _0x255d22=_0x2e82,_0xcf3df7=_0x57637e();while(!![]){try{var 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When she met him for the first time, she just wanted to escape from him. From then on, however, she gradually got used to his company. He is the god of death to everyone else, but he will always give the barest hint of a smile to her. Whenever there was a danger, he would always help her like a real god fallen from the heaven, mocking her at the same time. With the lapse of time, her feelings for him was more than just dependence. If she doesn’t love him, she wouldn’t let him stay by her; If not, how would she feel so different…
Read Solo Spell Caster Novel – Solo Spell Caster Manhwa Online Free At ManhuaHot The summary of the comic Solo Spell Caster: The world is under threat from interdimensional monsters, and only the chosen “Awakened” — humans possessed of special powers — can defeat them! Sure, it sounds exciting, but it’s a far cry from reality for ordinary office worker Dohyeok Park, who’s more worried about landing a big business deal that could save his job. That is, until one day when Dohyeok’s path crosses a monster outbreak, causing him to manifest his true powers as a rare and powerful form of Awakened. With his newfound abilities attracting eager allies and powerful enemies, will Dohyeok find that he has what it takes to survive? “Solo Spell Caster” is also known as: Le mage solitaire / The Lone Spellcaster / ฉันคือจอมคาถามหาเวทลุยเดี่ยว / 世界唯一的咒語使用者 / 俺だけが呪文使い / 我独自使用咒语 / 나 홀로 주문 사용자 The comic Solo Spell Caster belongs to the Genre: Action, Fantasy “Top Manhua, Battwo, Read Manga Online…” are the most searched keywords on the website ZINMANGA. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comic series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at BunManga. You can read TOP MANGA Human Mask The Patron’s Daughters The Genius Idol’s Strategy to Stardom
A Slave Girl, Who Was Falsely Accused Of Poisoning The Guest, Escaped Into The Forest. However, She Was Attacked By A Vampire There. Later On He Apologizes To Her And Suggests Granting Any Her Wish. And What She Wants Is… To Become His Bride! Dorei Shoujo To Shinitagari Kyuuketsuki / The Slave Girl And The Vampire With A Death Wish / ?????????????
As a loyal disciple, Ye Chen dedicated himself to guard the spiritual medicine field for his sect. But, during a fight with enemies, the spiritual field was destroyed. His loyalty and dedicating to the sect could not save him. The loyalty he thought he had obtained from his peers and lover, could not save him from betrayal. Thus, he was shamelessly banished from the sect. With the help of a flame falling from heaven, Ye Chen began to develop himself into a stronger cultivator. Battled against his opponents, unfolded his legendary life and rewrote his own story…
One night a mysterious and unexplained phenomenon occurs in the nine provinces. Five years later Chu Feng, a regular outer disciple of the Azure Dragon school, awakens one of the mysterious nine lightning beasts. And discovers an egg sealed inside him.
Lord Baby Runs A Romance Fantasy With Cash I lived suffering without a home, religion, or parents, but an angel appeared and reincarnated me. “You, a pro when it comes to romance fantasy novels, would you like to reincarnate in a world that was created based off of a romance fantasy novel?” I reincarnated because he said I would have a (handsome) dad and a (handsome) older brother who would spoon feed me, and even gift me a diamond mine, but… -I might be a child from my mother’s affair? As soon as I was born, I was sent to my mother’s household and fell into a family that deprives me. “If I stay like this, I might end up freezing or starving to death by myself!”
Hyeji is a social media star with over 100,000 Instargram followers. She’s received tons of confessions because of her popularity, yet despite that she’s never been on a single date. But one day, she gets asked on a date—by another popular social media star that she’s secretly been following, no less! On the day of the long-awaited date, when she’s alone, Hyeji finds that the only way she can get a perfect selfie angle is if she takes it with her toes… Just then, Kisung, a part-timer there, accidentally opens the door, revealing Hyeji mid-shot, and to her date, of all people…! After her disastrous date, Hyeji decides she’s done being Forever Alone and is determined to find The One. Hyeji starts school with her new ambitious aspiration, only to find she’s in the same class as the cause of her tragic toe incident—Kisung!