When the BL female author, Lu Xiao Ying, meets the straight male dream editor, Lian Ye, of course she'll take advantage of it! In addition to his good looks, this ditzy upright young man is willing to slog it out serving her without complaints, and he also comes with special (?) abilities, which Lu Xiaoying deeply appreciates it. Just when she thought he will stay by her side always, a crisis sudden descended upon her...... will he still be willing to stay by her side? Come come come~ the old driver teaches you how to get your driving license! The story between a BL formal author and an innocent special assistant is about to start!
By a turn of events, Jin Naye ended up kissing her co-worker’s boyfriend, not to mention she keeps hearing a maleficent voice which nobody else can hear… At home, she’s a pitiful daughter who didn’t even get married yet, and at work she’s a weak-willed pushover. Day by day, Naye is forced to live a life full of torment. In order to defy her mother’s wish to meet a marriage prospect on her own birthday, she attends a party and gets herself some drinks – actions which are unlike her. There, she ended up having her first kiss, but with her co-worker’s boyfriend?! From that day onward, Naye’s life started to change bit by bit…
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A childhood friend became an obsessive husband “She has to become a villain to survive? But she’s not the villain, how did she do that?” One day, Kim Da Jeong, an ordinary Korean office worker, suddenly entered the world of a novel. In short, she unwittingly took possession of the body of Christine Rosaline, the villain who would die at the beginning of the novel that was being published in series. Perhaps because Da Jeong already possessed her body she was able to avoid death in the first part, but that was only for a moment. How can she live without dying? “A world collapsed, characters all distorted. If you want to live, you must know who you are.” That statement was simply that she could only live if she was a villain, did that mean that she could only live like that? In the end, she heard the voice of a villain, but Da Jeong’s life was difficult and painful. It turns out that Christine is just a person born with a ‘half-life’ fate. In front of Da Jeong, who was in such trouble, characters she didn’t expect suddenly appeared. Raymond Myers, the main male character in the original and Christine’s enemy. Diane Schneider, who is not mentioned in the original but is famous as an evil witch in the world. Cordelia Parker, owned by the original author, the heroine of the original and the creator of this world. The three of them approach Da Jeong with different goals… My Childhood Friend Became an Obsessive Husband This is a good story, teenmanhua will quickly translate this story as a weekend gift for readers. Please support our work!
Sang, once the little boy too afraid to jump into the lake with the older children, comes back home a brave new man – a huntsman, to be exact. It's only after reuniting with his friend Sejin, the shaman’s daughter, that he notices a black shadow has been following him... The experience reminds him that there are spirits that walk amongst us, and not always in the dark.
I. want. to. go. back! Under the guidance of her obstinate father, Seizel had been living as ’the most perfect lady in the world’ until her demise as an unexpected murderer. That very day when her miserable ten-year-long imprisonment was about to end with her beheading, her second life commenced. I’m just not gonna give a f*ck! I’ll screw them over before they screw me over! I’ll chew them up and spit them out before they can leech off me! No more Ms. Nice Girl. Now, Seizel decided to live however she wants! While she was at it, she planned to become the greatest con artist who swindles the empire itself, and picked up some former cellmates to get the second act of her life going… Why does it seem like the world’s gonna end when I’ve just made up my mind! “……Open your eyes, you fine lad. I need to get my money’s worth.” For a world that’s easier to exploit! As a final, bite-the-bullet act of charity, she took in and patched up ’The Empire’s Last Guardian’ Duke Leviaus, saving him from the brink of death. Now, all he has to do is bring glory to the empire…… Wow. What kind of a sucker is this? “About who saved me, I cannot remember anything.” The person who saved him is me, yet I’m about to be done dirty by randos, hell no. Thus, unintentionally gaining the title of duchess, Seizel kickstarts her ’getting her money’s worth’ project. “As long as you pay the promised fees on time, I will act as the perfect duchess for a year.” “That would not be necessary. Everything in this house belongs to Your Ladyship anyway.” But this man was a sucker of another level that was never before seen or heard. Courteous, pushy, clingy. “W-what are you doing here, Your Grace?” “It’s our first night together, my lady.” …and lecherous.
I. Want. To. Go. Back! Under The Guidance Of Her Obstinate Father, Seizel Had Been Living As ’The Most Perfect Lady In The World’ Until Her Demise As An Unexpected Murderer. That Very Day When Her Miserable Ten-Year-Long Imprisonment Was About To End With Her Beheading, Her Second Life Commenced. I’m Just Not Gonna Give A F*Ck! I’ll Screw Them Over Before They Screw Me Over! I’ll Chew Them Up And Spit Them Out Before They Can Leech Off Me! No More Ms. Nice Girl. Now, Seizel Decided To Live However She Wants! While She Was At It, She Planned To Become The Greatest Con Artist Who Swindles The Empire Itself, And Picked Up Some Former Cellmates To Get The Second Act Of Her Life Going… Why Does It Seem Like The World’s Gonna End When I’ve Just Made Up My Mind! “……Open Your Eyes, You Fine Lad. I Need To Get My Money’s Worth.” For A World That’s Easier To Exploit! As A Final, Bite-The-Bullet Act Of Charity, She Took In And Patched Up ’The Empire’s Last Guardian’ Duke Leviaus, Saving Him From The Brink Of Death. Now, All He Has To Do Is Bring Glory To The Empire…… Wow. What Kind Of A Sucker Is This? “About Who Saved Me, I Cannot Remember Anything.” The Person Who Saved Him Is Me, Yet I’m About To Be Done Dirty By Randos, Hell No. Thus, Unintentionally Gaining The Title Of Duchess, Seizel Kickstarts Her ’Getting Her Money’s Worth’ Project. “As Long As You Pay The Promised Fees On Time, I Will Act As The Perfect Duchess For A Year.” “That Would Not Be Necessary. Everything In This House Belongs To Your Ladyship Anyway.” But This Man Was A Sucker Of Another Level That Was Never Before Seen Or Heard. Courteous, Pushy, Clingy. “W-What Are You Doing Here, Your Grace?” “It’s Our First Night Together, My Lady.” …And Lecherous.
Gun-ha and Seo-yeon were strongly attracted to each other, but because they lived completely different lives their marriage ended short and eventually they chose to divorce. Five years later, Gun-ha proposes to Seo-yeon again to be a ‘contract couple’. “Please marry me again. This time, we stay as an ordinary couple.” Please Marry Me Again / Let’s Get Married Again / Again, A Contractual Couple / Again, A Contract Couple / Again, The Contract Couple / Again, The Contractual Couple / 또다시, 계약 부부
Baek Beom is a talented but lonely sculptor who spends all of his time carving his creations. Everything changes when he's confronted by Gino, a near-immortal with supernatural abilities - forcing Baek Beom to confront the truths about himself and his family.
Park Hye Sung and Jin Seung Ju decide to invite a man to join them out of boredom. However, that man turned out to be In Wu, Seung Ju's college classmate. In Wu has been in love with Seung Ju forever, and Hye Sung becomes jealous of In Wu and Seung Ju's relationship. However, between the two men Seung Ju will have a different turning point than sex.
A Divorced Evil Lady Bakes Cakes I had been in the position of Duchess for nine years for my quiet and indifferent husband, but all I had left was contempt and indifference, and the only thing I was accused of having a love affair: “There’s a limit to what I can endure for this marriage. No matter how much you cry or plead to the Emperor, I can’t stand it anymore.” “Can I sign here?” “So if you pretend to be poor like last time, this time… what?” I waved divorce papers on an indifferent day. “I’m done. Can I go now?” “Oh, you don’t have to talk about alimony, dowry, just give me back my dowry” “What are you gonna do with that little money?” My husband, who had not cared what he had done for the past nine years, asked me a question in his voice. I laughed confidently and answered: – “I’m going to open a dessert cafe.”