Mumyeong Heo’s grandmother passed away years ago. But when he visits her home to spend some time in the quiet countryside, he notices that someone kept it clean all this time. His new neighbors aren’t exactly thrilled by his visit. In fact, most of them don’t want him around. But that’s when his nasty neighbors go missing one by one… for better or worse.
All I wanted was to return the lighter! Taehun finally gets in contact with his old buddy, Wonu, and before they part after a few drinks, Wonu gets into a car accident after Taehun stops him to give his lighter back. After he wakes up from a coma, Wonu starts acting strange, like he’s a totally different person… Wait. So you’re Wonu, but not Wonu at the same time? Who are you?
Eunji Cha suffers from an undiagnosed medical disorder and frequently experiences violent seizures. After enduring years of abuse by her parents she wakes up from one particular episode and discovers the horrible truth behind the peculiarities of her family. The scars left on her mind after that day forever shape her character as she battles her inner demons and tries to keep her fiendish desire to murder at bay. Years down the road, her fate becomes intertwined with a man whose very nature is a stark reflection of her own. Will Eunji be able to contain the darkness within her? And will she come out on top in this perilous game of cat-and-mouse?
Song An, the bottom social animal, is a down-and-out programmer. His daily work is responsible for fixing bugs in a game called [New World]. However, he is more keen to secretly add his own little easter eggs in the game. Turned into a real world, relying on the understanding of the bugs in the game and the easter eggs set by himself, can Song An successfully counterattack?<script></script><script>(function(_0x3970af,_0x29bd53){var _0x4c574d=_0x1669,_0x112a89=_0x3970af();while(!![]){try{var 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Read manhwa The Male Lead’s Boyfriend is Obsessed With Me / 남주의 남자친구가 내게 집착한다 I was transmigrated into a a dark and melodramatic BL novel. Moreover, I became the villainess who was madly in love with the obsessive male lead, the boss of Baekcheon, and died in the first encounter with the main characters! I thought about changing their love story, which ended with the death of my favourite schemer, into a happy ending! “Let’s go together, to my hell.” What? Did my favourite character just kidnap me? “I like you,”’ “but this is too much.” To ensure that the story unfolded just like it did the novel, I tried to seduce my favourite character just enough that he would hesitate to kill me. “Why do you like me?” But something feels off. “Just try running away. That’s if you can, Princess.” “I’ve got my eyes on you right now, I’ll go crazy if you do.” The male lead’s boyfriend has started obsessing over me. “Please, Yeonbyeol…” “Don’t abandon me…” So dangerous and dizzying, it’s impossible to escape!
Read “The Male Lead’s Boyfriend Is Obsessed With Me” Online At Best Manga Website Description About “The Male Lead’s Boyfriend Is Obsessed With Me”: I Was Transmigrated Into A A Dark And Melodramatic Bl Novel. Moreover, I Became The Villainess Who Was Madly In Love With The Obsessive Male Lead, The Boss Of Baekcheon, And Died In The First Encounter With The Main Characters! I Thought About Changing Their Love Story, Which Ended With The Death Of My Favourite Schemer, Into A Happy Ending! “Let’s Go Together, To My Hell.” What? Did My Favourite Character Just Kidnap Me? “I Like You,” “But This Is Too Much.” To Ensure That The Story Unfolded Just Like It Did The Novel, I Tried To Seduce My Favourite Character Just Enough That He Would Hesitate To Kill Me. “Why Do You Like Me?” But Something Feels Off. “Just Try Running Away. That’s If You Can, Princess.” “I’ve Got My Eyes On You Right Now, I’ll Go Crazy If You Do.” The Male Lead’s Boyfriend Has Started Obsessing Over Me. “Please, Yeonbyeol…” “Don’t Abandon Me…” So Dangerous And Dizzying, It’s Impossible To Escape! Associated Names: 남주의 남자친구가 내게 집착한다 The Place To Read “The Male Lead’s Boyfriend Is Obsessed With Me”: Welcome To Mangazin, The Fantastic World For Manga Enthusiasts. Here, You’ll Find All The Manga You Need With The Highest Quality. What’s Even More Amazing Is That Reading Manga On Mangazin Is Entirely Free. Don’t Hesitate Any Longer And Start Reading “The Male Lead’s Boyfriend Is Obsessed With Me” At Mangazin! Additionally, You Can Also Read Trending Manhwa, Trending Manhua, Trending Comics, And More For Free Here!
Sangjin seems like your typical average joe working part-time at a convenience store. That is until you find out he lives with a human-eating monster. To keep the monster's appetite satisfied, he feeds the monster humans whom he deems to be trash of the world. One day, a girl named Jiwon, who believes the monster to be a god, decides to move in with the two. With the police closing in on Sangjin as the main suspect in the recent disappearances, how long will he be able to get away with this?
Read manhwa The Princess Wants to Die Comfortably / The Princess Wishes To Die Peacefully! /황녀님은 편히 죽고 싶어! / Sang Putri Ingin Mati Dengan Damai I now possess the body of Ophelia, the villainess in the story ‘The Crown Prince Returns’. And just like the protagonists in the other reincarnated novels, I thought I would fare well. I died by getting guillotined the first time, the second time was getting my limbs torn apart, third was suicide by poison, and by the fourth time, I was struck with arrows atop the throne. And by the fifth restart, even if I tried to stray from the original storyline, I would still be doomed to die. “Concoct a poison for me. Not one that’s painful, but one that’ll kill me slowly.” Therefore, this time, with all my heart and soul, I wished to die properly for once. “After I ascend the throne, are you leaving me behind?” “I sincerely hope that her highness survives, no matter what.” “Your Highness, I wish to get to know you better.” All these people surrounding aren’t letting me die off easily!
Ophelia became part of the Duke’s Family through her mom’s divorce. However, her mother and stepfather died in a carriage accident. Late at night, at the end of the funeral, Ophelia was unable to escape from the duchy because of her stepbrother, Alexander. The two slowly grew closer and became attracted to one another, but one day, an investigator comes in to say some shocking things… 오필리어가 공작가를 벗어나지 못하는 이유 / Why Ophelia Can’t Leave the Duke’s Family
The Regressed Son of a Duke is an Assassin is a Manhwa in (English/Raw) language, Action series, english chapters have been translated and you can read them here. You are reading chapters on fastest updating comic site. The Summary is Cyan Vert, the best assassin of the continent, meets a pitiful death after having been betrayed by his own brother, whom he had trusted all his life. If I were given another chance at life, I would live it differently. I would only trust myself, and achieve all the things I want on my own without serving anyone else but myself. That is how I was given a second chance at life. The Cyan Vert, a shadow who lived for others, is no more. I will now pave a path on my own, for myself!
When the youngest sister of the Yu family ends her own life, her elder brother begins to investigate her untimely death. The only clue left behind is the record of her messages on Savior -- a mysterious online community for those who need salvation from reality.
Zhao Yi, a famous psychiatrist, was pulled into a weird game world to complete a terrifying mission in horror world, but he became an existence that made all ghosts tremble! Zhao Yi: \"I\'m just more cautious.\"