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Explore the world of Super power manga, where gripping stories await. Start reading the best Super power manga free now!

26 results

Office Worker Who Sees Fate

Read Manhwa Office Worker Who Sees Fate Online For Free At KunManga Office Worker Who Sees Fate Manga also known as “운명을 보는 회사원”. This OnGoing webtoon was released on 2022. The story was written by Yeong Wan (映完) and illustrations by Im Seongwook. The content of the comic Office Worker Who Sees Fate: A child born to become a shaman with the fate of putting the world in chaos. To let go of his greed and refuse god, he’s trying to become an ordinary office worker. Choi Yeonghoon, the one who can see destiny through physiognomy (face fortune reading) and fortune telling. Will he succeed in becoming an ordinary office worker? The comic Office Worker Who Sees Fate belongs to the Genre: 운명을 보는 회사원 Hari Manga is a comprehensive website featuring the latest and hottest manga, updated rapidly to cater to readers with high-quality images and provide them with excellent experiences. With keywords such as “TopManhua” and “Manhwa Web,” as well as related terms like Manhwa Top, New Manga 2024, and Read Manhwa Engsub ensures readers have access to a wide selection of top-notch manga content. Please always follow and share with your friends to support the website MANGAZIN.ORG so that we have more motivation to publish the latest and best comics. Follow get to read NEW MANHWA updated: Confession Attack Maxed Out Leveling In the Doghouse


Only Aurora

In a world where magic girls are illegal, living as magic girls are absolutely risky. Life as a magic girl was a big flaw for the popular idol, Aurora, and the appearance of strange wizard boy, Simcheong raises questions. Can Aurora finish her magic girl’s contract safely and continue living her glorious life? Magical Girl Aurora


Powerful Big Shot Is Quite Cautious

In Lian Meng College's virtual portal, the ace students of each college are doing their best for the graduation assessment, all the while waiting for the Breaker. In the end, a mysterious man with the code name Ling surpassed the ninth-level difficulty of the Seth Canyon alone. Thus, giving +1 to the CV evaluation of all Nan Luo College graduates. In the midst of the crowd's cheers, Lin Chuan, the user of code name Ling, couldn't help but smile in the equipment maintenance room. Everything seems to hold secrets. 这个大佬有点苟 / This Bigshot is Quite Careless


Red And Mad

Lee Ye-joo is a female college student who lives alone and has a secret. She has a special ability to go to the future beyond by walking through the ‘door’ right before she dies! One day, she crossed the door and arrived in the future a thousand years ago to avoid a natural disaster! However, a thousand years later, the Earth is in a situation where humanity is almost destroyed. A dark world where animals talk and humans try to eat each other. Worse, a handsome madman who has superpowers has started chasing her to kill her! He called her a ‘time traveler’ and attributed her to the cause of doom. At the moment she tried to survive and find a way back, she lied that she didn’t know what a ‘time traveler’ was. “If you take me to the other humans, I’ll tell you how to survive!” read more The contractual relationship established in exchange for death in silence. But why does that man’s back look so safe and warm? That wasn’t part of her plan. What made her want to melt that frozen future? “You not only depended on me, but also aroused other unclear emotions in me.” A romantic chase between an obsessed man and a woman trapped in the future while trying to avoid death! Will Ye-joo be able to overcome all this and go back to the past?’ 레드 앤 매드


Return of the Legend

Read Manhwa Return of the Legend Online For Free On ZinManga Associated Names: Die Rückkehr der Legende / El Retorno de una Leyenda / Le Retour de la Légende / The Legendary Return / ตำนานคืนตำแหน่ง / 회귀의 전설 The Content Return of the Legend: Due to the situation like the second IMF, the security company Jang Taesan worked for goes bankrupt, and he becomes an unemployed man wandering around Noryangjin-dong. He loses his life saving an elementary school student who was almost hit by a car. But thanks to his good deed, he goes 14 years back in time and is welcomed to a new life. However the joy of being revived is short-lived. The thought of having to take the college entrance exam again makes me dizzy… But I remember all of the CSAT problems that I encountered while studying and the stock market graph I saw while working as a stockbroker…?! The last life was ruined, but the this next life will become a success! New and hot comics are updated the fastest. Transformed Into A Piece Of Land Spring Letter in the Snow I Became the Youngest Member of Top Idol MangaZin is a website that aggregates the latest and hottest manga, updated quickly to serve readers with high-quality images and deliver them an excellent experience.


Rise of The Lord God

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Soul Land 4 – The Ultimate Combat

The Douluo federal expedition team found an egg with golden and silver patterns in the Northernmost Land. After detecting, they found signs of life inside. They quickly brought it back to their Institute for incubation. The egg hatched and a human baby came out; at the same time, the Federal Academy of Sciences was unfreezing a silver-haired woman, and a blue-haired young man was found on the waterfront. (Source: Webnovel)


Super Affection System

a college student got transmigrated in fantasy word of the game he loved the most and acquiring a new system. watch as Liu Yuan start this journey to scam his way to the top


The Hunter Wants To Live Quietly

Read manhwa The Hunter Wants To Live Quietly / The Hunter’s Gonna Lay Low / The Hunter Wants to Live in Peace Hunter Cha Eui-jae, who was dispatched to seal a rift that appeared over the West Sea, was flung out as soon as he closed the rift. When he came to his senses, he was lying in a garbage dump. Starving, he was drawn like a zombie is to blood to a hangover soup restaurant, where he realized that he had fallen into South Korea, eight years in the future. In this era, disaster alerts notify people of rift openings in advance, ASMR videos of slimes gathered from dungeons were trending, and idle hunters livestream unboxings of A-rank longswords. Unlike the past, where people trembled in fear of an impending apocalypse, the future was surprisingly peaceful, leaving Cha Eui-jae feeling empty. Since things had turned out this way, why not start a second chapter of life as a part-timer at the hangover soup restaurant, rather than being a hunter? “That’s strange.” “…” “Have we met somewhere before?” Cha Eui-jae’s plan to quietly spend his remaining days as the only part-time worker at the decades-old hangover soup restaurant goes awry when he encounters a mysterious, gas-masked individual… “The Hunter Wants To Live Quietly” is sames name: Cậu Thợ Săn Chỉ Muốn Sống Yên Bình The Hunter Wants to Live in Peace The Hunter’s Gonna Lay Low Thợ Săn Cấp S Chỉ Muốn Sống Ẩn Dật Thợ Săn Muốn Sống Ẩn Dật 헌조살 헌터는 조용히 살고 싶다


The Red Ranger Becomes An Adventurer In Another World

In the final battle against the evil Exterminators, Tougo Asagaki, a power ranger, traded his life for the enemy's. It seemed like everything was over, but suddenly he found himself in another world! He becomes an adventurer, transforming into Kizuna Red, and continues fighting to save people in trouble! Here he meets a young Wizard named Idola and his journey in this new world begins! (Source: MU)


To Another World On My Own!

Tarou Satu, a young man who longed for an otherworldly adventure since a child and devoted his youth to finding it, finally goes to another world on his own. However, things did not go well for him, as his previous life’s memories were about to be erased by God. Despite that, he almost dies during his reincarnation process, which allows him to fulfil the condition for a special ability and luckily, keep his old memories. From there, the now reincarnated Tauro Satu, grows up by using his brains and efforts while gradually developing his mysterious skill, Garbled Text, which everyone thought to be completely useless.


Welcome, Guardian Spirit!

“I’m your matchmaking guardian spirit!” On the lonely day of her high school graduation, Jinri receives an anonymous bouquet of peonies… which changes into a man claiming to be her guardian spirit! Dodeok insists he can help Jinri find her true love, but there’s no time for love in the hard-knock life of an orphan — is there? 신령님 어서오고! / Come on God!
