[This person has obviously been cultivating for millions of years.] Since time traveling, the transmigrator Ye Fan has been living in seclusion in Tianwu City with the intent of living a worry-free life, until one day he awakened to his millennia of cultivation. While others feign at advanced cultivation, Ye Fan acts as though he knows nothing of it.
Bai Wu, who is frustrated with his life in the real world, suddenly gains the ability to see the success rate of events. Use the success rate to reach the pinnacle of life! 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An F-Rank Hunter. That Too, A Useless, Pathetic F-Rank Hyung Who Dragged Down His Amazing S-Rank Brother. To Me, Who’d Halfheartedly Lived A Disastrous Life That’d Ended Up Devouring My Brother’s Life And Making Me Regress, The Title Given, Was… ‘Perfect Caregiver’ That’s Right, This Time, Instead Of Fussing About Myself, Let’s Quietly Look After Those Amazing Bastards… …Was What I’d Thought, But The S-Ranks Are… A Little Weird.
Ding dong!” “Welcome to the All-Intelligent Cultivation System!” “Important heads-up: While using the system to cultivate, you’ll lose control of your body…” After getting the Intelligent Cultivation System, Pei Ling planned to quietly level up and become a boss without drawing attention. But one day… “Ding dong!” “You’ve selected the ‘Nameless Technique’ for cultivation, but the system says you’re missing some requirements. It’s working on fixing that for you..
Humans, Gods, Demons, all 3 worlds are in the chaos of war, the gods lost against the demons, near the end as they were about to be defeated they passed their light onto humans, such that humans would become demigods. They carry on the legacy of the gods, and have fought for hundreds of years against the demons. Feng Wu Zhe, Fēng Wǔ Zhě, Wind riders, 风武者
Read “1st year Max Level Manager Manga” – “1st year Max Level Manager Manhwa” Online Free At HOTMANGA The summary of the comic 1st year Max Level Manager: Jeong Yun Ho, vice president of Top Entertainment and top actress Ju Yeong In’s husband, is a successful man, but despite all that he always feels empty inside. Would he be living a different life had he made a different choice? Ten years ago, he lost his precious smile. And now, suddenly his mobile phone rang. “What the hell? I’m going to die?!?” But wait, it’s weird. He’s going back to his first year of life! The life of “first year max level manager” is just beginning. “1st year Max Level Manager” is also known as: Rookie Talent Agent Knows It All / 1년차 만렙 매니저 / Back as 1st Year Manager / Legendary Manager Returns To New Employee / ปีที่ 1 ของผู้จัดการเลเวลแม็กซ์ / 今天也在摆平娱乐圈 / 伝説のマネジャー新入社員に戻る / 菜鳥王牌經紀人 The comic “1st year Max Level Manager” belongs to the Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Manhwa, Reincarnation, Shounen, Slice of Life, Supernatural “manhuafast, Manga Updates, Manhwa Website…” are the most searched keywords on the website KUN MANGA. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comic series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at LikeManga. You can read TOP MANGA The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant I Became The King by Scavenging
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I Upset Millions of Cultivators Manhua is becoming a global trend. mangazin.org has updated all the latest chapters for readers to read for free. Summary of “I Upset Millions of Cultivators” Jiang Bei accidentally travels to the Starfall Continent and acquires a cultivation system that uses anger points as a source of power. To survive and enhance his strength, Jiang Bei engages in reckless behavior daily to accumulate anger points. His brother Jiang Nan’s arrival introduces him to the world of cultivators. However, an unexpected incident reveals the identity of his mother as a witch, prompting Jiang Bei to embark on a journey to rescue his mother trapped in the Demon Realm. Alternate Titles for “I Upset Millions of Cultivators” 我气哭了百万修炼者 The update schedule and chapter release of “I Upset Millions of Cultivators” The series was released on mangazin.org on 08/01/2024. The schedule for subsequent chapter releases will be updated on our Discord channel. Join our Discord community to discuss and stay updated on the latest developments of “I Upset Millions of Cultivators”. Recommended stories similar to “I Upset Millions of Cultivators” Overlord of Insects Rise From The Rubble The Great Ruler
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