From Aarinfantasy: The midsummer sun's rays enter the courtyard. Umehara of the school's art club is commanded to do weeding as a punishment with Mizue, a classmate he doesn't get along with. It was supposed to be the worst scenario Umehara could find himself in, but he begins to have a crush on Mizue and cannot tell anyone about it. Suddenly, Mizue asks Umehara, who puts his feelings into his paintbrush, to draw a picture of him...?! The two of them end up spending time alone in the art room after school. What is he to do with the feelings for Mizue that he can't suppress? Presenting a revised, midsummer adolescent love story!
From Bliss: After losing their parents at an early age, Natsuhiko and Haru had to be seperated. Years later, Natsuhiko opened a cafe hoping to fulfill his and his parents' dreams. After an incident with a customer, Natsuhiko finds out that he is his younger brother. Unfortunately, he now works as a host. Not only that, Natsuhiko had racked up plenty of debt to finance his cafe. Can Natsuhiko overcome these obstacles and convince his younger brother to come back and keep his cafe, and their dreams, alive?
While other knights might pour their time into drinks and brothels, Gael Faris does not. He does not drink. He does not sleep around all for the grand plan of becoming a paladin. Though Gael has failed the paladin examination, he continues to perform his knightly duties for the town Fastes. While on his rounds, Gael accidentally recuses Elcielas, an elf, from thieves. Elcielas recruits Gael to escort him on his mission to the capital to save the king. But, will Gael be able to stay pure on their journey?
Everything was peaceful, in its proper place. However, greed for wealth and power led a race to extinction... Aurelia, as named by those who captured him, is the sole survivor of the extinct race. With his parents and people dead, he became a plaything for his buyer, weak and smaller compared to others, he can do nothing.Incredibly, one of the murdering men sought to protect Aurelia, but the little one is so troubled that even his voice is lost.
.Emperor of the cultivation world Mo Weiyu deceived elders and slaughtered ancestors and committed all crimes and sins known to man. After ending his own life, he was reborn and transmigrated to the year he first became a disciple. In the shell of a boy held an old and weary soul. After coming back to life, truth after truth that had been hidden below the surface in the previous life floated to the top and broke through the waters one after the other. Of all revelations, the one that stunned him the most was that the Shizun he had hated to the bone in his previous life had always been protecting him from the shadows… The heart of a man can change; even demons and monsters can become compassionate and do good. Only, he had sinned deeply. Can the blood on his hands ever be cleansed?
One is a harmless yet capable assistant, another is grump but handsome No-longer-famous young celebrity. Two of them thoughtlessly form a boss-subordinate relationship. Lin Cheng feng thought he was just Zhou bu fan’s assistant, while Zhou bu fan considers him to be a substitute for a beloved pet, to be captured and to be pampered. This is the beginning of leopard male’s observation diary of his little sparrow. 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From Choutomaraseru: An injured soldier on an alien world is rescued/captured by a soldier from the other side of the conflict. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A soldier from one side of the war is injured and the only survivor out of his troop mates. After he passes out, an enemy picks him up a treats his wounds, forming a bond with each other. After they separate, troop members from town see the soldier but when they reunite, the soldier's enemy/friend ambushes them. Will their friendship stop the fight?
Akira, the young champion of a street fighting tournament called Bl@ster, is suddenly arrested for a crime he didn't commit. He makes a deal with a mysterious woman to get out of prison on one condition: to defeat the strongest man, the Il-Re, in a deadly game called Igura, which is taking place under the rule of a drug ring in the abandoned remains of Tokyo. Note: There are two different versions of the Togainu comic by two different mangakas. One is being published in Magazine ZERO, the other is in Comic B's Log. This one is the comic running in B's Log.
(From Baka-Updates) Fujinami Kou is a high school second-year who had lost his boyfriend, an upperclassman schoolmate, to a car accident an year previously. On the anniversary of Misumi senpai's death, Kou is dispirited and contemplating skipping school. Kakitsubata Saki, a first-year, sees him and offers help, assuming that he's ill. As Kou startles at the sight of Saki's face and mentions that he resembles "the person I used to go out with", the younger boy is instantly intrigued and resolves to discover his sorrowful, introverted upperclassman's secret.
nohara Minato is an only child who was raised single-handedly by his father since young, after (believing) his mother passed away. When he skipped club activities one day, an exact replica of himself showed up, claiming to be his twin brother who was separated from him when their parents divorced. Just what is going on between their parents? And as more obstacles come his way, what will Minato and his twin’s relationship blossom into?
Tezuka Ringo has moved to a new school because he didn't want to be apart from his best friend Kei. However, things don't go as Ringo had planned. He ends up sharing a room with Kurosaki Riku (a very attractive young man a grade above Ringo) and things then go downhill for him. Sure, Ringo didn't mind when he first saw Riku (because of how pretty he looked), but things start to heat up once Riku starts making not-so-subtle passes at him; also including him sneaking into Ringo's bed and touching him. Ah, young romance. Contains oneshot called Ren Chaku.
As a behaviour manipulator, Cheng Ran was good at finding human’s weaknesses and manipulating their behaviour. He thought he knew the human heart like the back of his hand: “The reward I want is... to kill you.” Cheng Ran knelt on the ground, his hand and chin perched on Han Qi's knee, looking into Han Qi's eyes like a puppy with his head tilted. “Start a fire, I'll hold onto your corpse, and get burned into ashes along with this house. Our ashes, the ashes of this world, muddled together, never to be separated again.” Cheng Ran is confident that what he said in this moment are love words that Han Qi wanted to hear the most. Han Qi has indeed frozen. “It’s impossible to burn humans into ashes by burning the house.” Han Qi gently caressed Cheng Ran's head with his hand, like soothing a little puppy. He pondered for a while and slowly said: “The body has to be burned in an incinerator at a high temperature of 1,000° for an hour. Afterwards, use a hammer to break the calcified bones. Finally, you had to grind it finely, for it to become ashes.” Cheng Ran was surprised at Han Qi's knowledge of the cremation process, and he’s even more surprised that his thoughts seem to be deviated from expectations. “Okay.” Han Qi looked at Cheng Ran's eyes intently. Okay? Cheng Ran was shocked. What's okay about it? That was dirty talk! I’m not asking you to execute it! Cheng Ran thought using his body would get the other party to open up, but unexpectedly the other party used his heart and accompanied him in this forbidden game. Fraudster Masochist Uke x Willingly Gets Baited Crazy Sadist with Tenacious Mask Seme