Shoujo - Page 765

Shoujo manga is a genre that appeals to young girls, emphasizing romance, personal challenges, and emotional storytelling. The stories often follow a female protagonist as she navigates relationships and grows emotionally.

9400 results

Quarter of The Secret

Quarter of The Secret , Yin Luowen's mother died in a sudden traffic accident. After receiving a parcel sent by her mother before her death, the "accident" seemed to be premeditated. Yin Luowen embarked on the journey of revealing the secret. Just as the truth of the incident became clearer, the identities and secrets of the four men who were associated with them began to surface


Jealousy Inducers

I want to have a romantic relationship. They have come for those who only trigger jealousy!


Ex-wife of A Billionaire ( Haomen Tianjia Qianqi )

Young designer Jian Mo is the secret wife of Emperor Corporation’s famous C.E.O. Gu Beichen She lives a rich and supported life until work leads her to encounter previous college lover ZiXiao Jian Mo’s love life soon grows complicated as she gets drowned in the world of elites and luxury Jianmo, known as the ‘Campus Flower’ gets separated from the other party after her boyfriend decides to study overseas after graduation. The couple decides to keep a distant relationship and wait for the other partner before starting their new life together.One evening, the female party gets into trouble after having a drink with one of her trusted ones, but little did she know about the nightmare that would follow, the nightmare that would come to change her for good.. 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I See Your Death

Read manhwa I See Your Death /  잔자 작가님 After an accident, Eshana Ash has started seeing person’s lifespan. The date and sign of the person’s death would appear above their head. If the letters were black, she could help, and sometimes save the villagers from danger. “It’s better not to go to the lake today. It’s too cold for going boating,” she said. That man was to die today by drowning in the lake. She saved many of her people this way, so whenever she did, the people in her village would gather around and praise her and would tell her. “You really must be a child from heaven!” Well, I’m not particularly blessed to see death. However, if there is something that cannot be changed, it’s the lifespan shown in red. “Save me.” 422 years of the imperial calendar, a peaceful evening. A bloody man lying in the front yard of the house. And clearer than that blood, is her lifespan. [427/Sign: Eshana] Why is my name there?


Hui Xi Yi’s Love Contract

<h3 class="LC20lb">Hui xi yi's love contract</h3> very good Ordinary staff Qiao Xiyi went home and bumped into her boyfriend and her half-sister. When she was heartbroken, she ran to the bar to get drunk, hooked up with a very cold and handsome Mr. Niu Lang, and spent three thousand to buy him. One night, I didn't want that Cowherd to be the president of my company. Faced with the martyrdom of men and women, the president helped her to rescue the rescue team again and again, and the relationship between the two changed gradually. Adapted from Nanxun's novel "Promotion of Love: Uncle Uncle". &nbsp;


I Became The Villain In The Omniscience Game

I Became the Villain in the Omniscience Game manga, Third-rate web novelist Jia Yi unexpectedly picked up a handsome, powerful, and unfortunate young man in the game?! To find her younger brother, she took the risk of teaming up with him and entering S-class plot missions one by one, and teaching love along the way? Is such a good thing possible?! All the players think we’re just pretty faces, but all the instance records are broken by us! Are you getting angry?


Her Lies

"Warning: Yuri content: This manga contains materials that might not be suitable to children under 17. By proceeding, you are confirming that you are 17 or older." Zhao Fugui, a high school girl who can see everybody's score in life, puts herself at the frontline every day to find the perfect boyfriend. However, she never imagined that someone by her side already held a perfect score, and that she's deeply in love with her... 她的谎言 62.67


Fragrance Princess

After transmigrating into a dynasty and before being able to get used to her new identity, it was time for her to get married. What? She must marry the lame and blind Third Prince?! And she was plotted against on her journey there?! She is an independent and strong masculine woman. Arguing with concubines, lecturing servants and messing around with her handsome husband as she pleased. Living a life during ancient times can be this prosperous.Fragrance Harmonizing Princess


Daughter of the Emperor

Ariadna Lereg Ilestri Pre Agrigent… And so my life begins with this ridiculously long name, born to royalty and the center of attention — all because of one dangerous man; the veritably insane tyrant king, ruthless conqueror of ten empires, nightmare of all continents… and my father?! Will I be able to survive with this maniac?


Youngest On The Top

막내온탑 Arphemia, my greatest God in the universe, give me the power to’ “Let me go through it all!” Before returning, Saelica became a holy power supplier and died. On the other hand, Amaelia, the saintess of Parmanas, is loved by the whole world. People don’t know the fact that the magic was actually Salica’s power. ”This time I will not die unjustly”. The enemy is on my side, first of all, I’ll go to the temple and train my mind and body by Arphemia’s side.” That’s how Salica’s temple life began. And in addition, they searched for an ancient forgotten treasure, and said, “Lord priest, we succeeded.” He educates the children his age, the future of the temple. “Come, I want to be summoned by you.” But the situation became strange. “I will be on your side.” “The thing Sae likes the most is me.” “I said honey bread is the best.” Where are the priests and children? A child of my age who doubts and is hostile towards me?” “I will take her with me.” “No, she will come with me.” The battle between the Grand Duke North and Admiral South would hit me very hard. “I am not that girl!” Even- Getting involved with a dangerous man “You like toying with me? Then play longer.” Who I want to beat are Parmanas and Amelia! Will Salica succeed?


Waking up My Guardian with a Kiss

Xiaoxian, an ordinary working girl, runs into Lin Yucang, the spirit of a general who has been looking for her for a thousand years. It turns out that another soul lives in her body, Princess Lantong. Whenever she turns into Lantong in the moonlight, monsters will hear the news and show up. In this case, only Lin Yucang can save her. As time passes by, they become fond of each other. But Lantong wakes up at this moment.mangabuddy is a website dedicated to fans of anime, , , , video games, and cosplay. Where you may find all of your anime-related memes, recommendations, reviews, manga recommendations, character fanfiction, favorite quotations, and simply those ordinary anime things that you enjoy, particularly memes.You can , online for free at mangabuddy. Chapters are updated hourly with high-quality graphics and a full English translation. Find free translations of your favorite , and . The latest updated content on mangabuddy is now available.


The Younger Male Lead Fell for Me before the Destruction

<span class="mx-1">The Younger Male Lead Fell for Me before the Destruction </span> I spent a carefree day lounging about after paying off my tuition loans, but ended waking up inside a novel as the Amel, the only daughter of a poor count! Even if I worked for the rest of my life, the debt my family accumulated is too much for me to even be able to pay off! Not only that, but it seems that I ended up having a one-night experience with Kyle, the Male Lead, unknowingly after getting stupid drunk! I tried running away from him but he became way too attached to me. Will I be able to change the fate of my and my family's situation into an ending with a peaceful life with love? &nbsp;
