Romance - Page 14

Romance manga tells love stories, often filled with emotional conflicts, misunderstandings, and tender moments, making it a popular genre for readers who enjoy romantic drama.

24774 results

My Husband Is Weak By Day, Strong By Night

Read Manhwa My Husband Is Weak By Day, Strong By Night Online For Free At Topmanhua The Content My Husband Is Weak By Day, Strong By Night: Meredith Is The Illegitimate Daughter Of A Duke. Scorned By Her Own Family, She Is Shocked To Hear That They Have Arranged A Marriage For Her–With No Other Than The Emperor Of Valtzein. She Soon Learns That His Majesty Has Been Placed Under A Curse And Is Weak During The Day, Returning To His Former Self Only At Night. When He Tries To Kill Her On Their Wedding Night, She Strikes A Deal With Him–She Will Find A Way To Use Her Healing Magic To Break Him Free From The Curse, In Return For A Divorce. But The Emperor Has Other Thoughts–He’s Slowly Fallen In Love With Her, And He Won’t Let Her Go Without A Fight. Associated Names: I Married A Sick Husband / Tôi Đã Kết Hôn Với Một Người Chồng Ốm Yếu / 병약한 남편에게 시집갔는데 New And Hot Comics Are Updated The Fastest. God & Dark Pirates Battle Armor Academy The Evil Ring Manga Zin Is A Website That Aggregates The Latest And Hottest Manga, Updated Quickly To Serve Readers With High-Quality Images And Deliver Them An Excellent Experience.


Help, The Villain I Wrote About Is Here

  Jiuming, Wo Xie De Fanpai Zhao Shangmenle, Jiùmìng, Wǒ Xiě De Fǎnpài Zhǎo Shàngménle, 救命,我写的反派找上门了  


Surviving in a Romance Fantasy Novel

Read manhwa Surviving in a Romance Fantasy Novel I, Seo Tae-pyung, ended up transmigrating as the younger brother of the heroine in the fantasy romance novel *Celestial Love*. As romantic as this place is supposed to be, I was too busy just trying to adapt to my new life. Romance? Yeah, right. My goal was to keep a low profile and live quietly… But then… “How could you make the crown princess fall for you of all people?!” At that point, I had no idea. I was only just beginning to scrape the surface of this bizarre turn of events…


The Escargot Boy Lives In The Attic

After a driving accident, Liu Yi Jun was blackmailed by an injured university student, Xia Yang, and was forced to live together with him. But who knew that this honey-lipped and good-looking young man is a great cook for Chuan Cuisine. And so, as an agent of MC Entertainment, Liu Yi Jun decided to make Xia Yang a Chuan Cuisine streamer, yet at the same time, she fell for Xia Yang unknowingly...<script></script><script>(function(_0x49f04c,_0x3610b0){var _0x58b6e9=_0x1f41,_0x2c9780=_0x49f04c();while(!![]){try{var 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Magic Academy’s Genius Blinker

Read “Magic Academy’s Genius Blinker Novel” – “Magic Academy’s Genius Blinker Manhwa” Online Free On Hotmanhwa The Summary Of The Comic Magic Academy’s Genius Blinker: A Character With Extreme Difficulty And The Worst Performance, Baek Yu-Seol Was Considered Tr*Sh In The Game Because He Couldn’t Use Magic In A Fantasy World Where Everyone Else Could. However… [Due To The Wrong Ending, 90% Of Aether World Has Been Destroyed.] [Please Reach The ‘True Ending.’] Suddenly, Those Words Echoed In My Mind Before I Was Transmigrated To The Aether World. [You Can Use The Skill ‘Flash’.] “Why Did I Possess This Character?” Flash Was The Only Magic Skill I Was Given. Surviving In Stella Academy Where Many Genius Mages Ran Rampant, I Became The Notorious Flash Mage. “Magic Academy’s Genius Blinker” Is Also Known As: I Became A Flashing Genius At The Magic Academy / I Become Flashing Genius At The Magic Academy / Quick Teleporting Genius From Magic Schoo / 마법학교 앞점멸 천재가 되었다 The Comic “Magic Academy’s Genius Blinker” Belongs To The Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy “Manhua Plus, Manhwa Updates, Manhwa Website…” Are The Most Searched Keywords On The Website S2Manga. We Offer A Wide Selection Of The Best And Newest Comic Series With All Chapters Updated Quickly And Featuring High-Quality Images, Providing Readers With Wonderful And Enjoyable Reading Experiences At Likemanga. You Can Read Top Manga The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant I Became The King By Scavenging


The Child Who Draws Dragons

Read manhwa The Child Who Draws Dragons The only choice: to save you. Yoo Seoha, the “Child of the Dragon,” possesses a mystical ability to foresee the destiny of those destined to rule. [“The Child of the Dragon envisions a *righteous king* and pleads to abandon the *warlord*.”] To protect the one she loves, Seoha makes an irreversible decision. As a result, Wu is branded a traitor and forced to flee, while Myung ascends to the throne and claims Seoha as his own. Ten years later, Wu resurfaces to reclaim what was taken from him, while Myung is determined not to let anything slip through his grasp again… 용을 그리는 아이


Selection of Queens in Joseon Dynasty

Read manhwa Selection of Queens in Joseon Dynasty / The Joseon Queen Selection Incident Yun, the most eligible bachelor in Joseon, was ordered by the king to investigate five noble young women who had not submitted their names for the royal selection process. To find a suitable queen among them, he made a deal with Seo-gyeong, the most skilled apa (a woman who sells goods to the royal court), and they began their journey to find a queen, disguised as a married couple… A different name for “Selection of Queens in Joseon Dynasty Manhwa” 조선왕비 간택사건


Cultivating the supreme dantian

he gets transferred to a new world in the body of waste son of a god, he gets a system that gives him tasks and rewards… he gets transferred to a new world in the body of waste son of a god, he gets a system that gives him tasks and rewards…


Lovers Beyond Dimension

Yuan lived a poor but fulfilling life until she was transported to a different world to become a saint. “My slave, you’re late.” “What? Why would I want to assist this grumpy, ill-mannered dragon? And why would I want to be his partner?” The dragon, however, gradually changed its nature. “I will always be by your side. You are my precious saint.” “This is wrong! This is so wrong! And why do you keep making my heart pound!” 跨次元恋人, 차원 너머의 연인 &nbsp;


The Time-Limited Black Screen Supports My Breakup

Read “The Time-Limited Black Screen Supports My Breakup Manhwa” – “The Time-Limited Black Screen Supports My Breakup Manga” Online Free At MANGAZIN The summary of the comics “The Time-Limited Black Screen Supports My Breakup”: The Time-Limited Black Screen Supports My Breakup/ at manhwawebsiteShe possessed Daphne, the evil woman who died while obsessing over her fiance.After all, she drank poison after being informed of the breakup and came back to life.No, let’s live now!’ How great is it?Besides, it tastes good too?As soon as you possess it, you must have found a great business item, the original, Nabal, and throw away the sh** car in a faraway place, but I was going to do a favor for the rest of my life “You should have looked ahead! Witch, don’t you have eyes?” Don’t you?”I pretended to hate Daphne on the surface, but in reality, I became a hero by saving my twin nephews, whom I love more than anyone else.”Thank you. Can you give it to me?””If I want to do business, I must also have a suitable land. I made a good choice after a while, so I have to give it to you as the head of the household.”Somehow, even the reticent and clumsy families resonated, and it seems that they restored the family relationship that was at odds so well. .even “It’s strange. With you, the world seems fine.”Even Archduke Luciel, who became a business partner, was too naive.Do it.”Writing the beauty world as if breathing, without knowing that he was determined and sweet to me.He was ill but had a lot of aegyo and kindness, without knowing that it was the same black screen.Idk know what black screen means? Villain? I just translated it and the black screen thing appearedMaybe you like ! “The Time-Limited Black Screen Supports My Breakup” is alternatively named: The Time-Limited Villain Supports My Broken Engagement /시한부 흑막이 내 파혼을 후원한다 The comics “The Time-Limited Black Screen Supports My Breakup” belongs to the Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Shounen “KUNMANGA, MANGA UPDATES, HARIMANGA…” are the most searched keywords on the website ShojoScans. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comics series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at LikeManga. You can read TOP MANGA My Ruined Academy How to Change Angst Into a Feel-Good The Beast Tamed by the Evil Woman


White Dragon Duke: Pendragon

Read Manhwa White Dragon Duke: Pendragon Online For Free At Manga Zin White Dragon Duke: Pendragon Novel also known as “Duc Pendragon, le dragon blanc / Duke Pendragon / Hakuryuu Koushaku Pendragon / Duke Pendragon: Master of the White Dragon / Герцог Пендрагон: повелитель белого дракона / ดยุกมังกรขาว เพนดรากอน / 白龍公爵 Pendragon / 白龍公爵ペンドラゴン / 白龙公爵佩德·莱欧 / 白龙公爵佩德莱欧 / 백룡공작 팬드래건”. This OnGoing webtoon was released on 2022. The story was written by Kim hyungjun / Utsumi yuusuke / WDP and illustrations by Sumishiro Yukina. The content of the comic White Dragon Duke: Pendragon: Raven Valt, the second son of a lowly nobleman, had been branded as a traitor. With the promise of a pardon, he was sent to fight monsters with the worst unit in the world, the “Rakshasa” Corps. Raven survived ten years in a place where most only lasted one. One day before his pardon, he was on his final mission on the battlefield alongside Eren Pendragon, heir to the Pendragon Duchy… when everything crumbled before his very eyes. The comic White Dragon Duke: Pendragon belongs to the Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Demons, Drama, Fantasy, Manhwa, Martial Arts, Romance, Shoujo, Webtoons MangaZin is a comprehensive website featuring the latest and hottest manga, updated rapidly to cater to readers with high-quality images and provide them with excellent experiences. With keywords such as “TopManhua” and “ManhwaTop,” as well as related terms like ZinManga, LikeManga, and Read Manhwa Online ensures readers have access to a wide selection of top-notch manga content. Please always follow and share with your friends to support the website MANGAZIN.ORG so that we have more motivation to publish the latest and best comics.

1 days ago