Reincarnation - Page 39

Explore the world of Reincarnation manga, where gripping stories await. Start reading the best Reincarnation manga free now!

546 results

Akugyaku Hadou no Brave Soul

“I will never cuckold you!” A young man reincarnated as a villain character in a game tries to live an honest life to avoid a bad ending, but for some reason he ends up becoming friends with the heroines...!? “Dungeon Brave Soul” It is a game that drew in many men, and at the same time, it is a game that broke the brains of many men with its sequel\'s NTR, depression, and bad ending. All because of the overwhelmingly hated antagonist of “Dumbra”―― The young man who was reincarnated as Zenon Baskerville, however, in order to avoid the bad ending according to the scenario of \"Dumbra 2\", He tries to live honestly...!?


Transmigrating Through Every World to Be Your Black Lotus

The story between a crazy wolf-like general and a powerful black lotus female lead in an omegaverse (ABO) parallel world. She's a cool and domineering person who transmigrated to different worlds and teach scumbags a lesson. Now in this world... is she going to fall in love? 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I Don’t Want to Work!

Read manhwa I Don’t Want to Work! / 일하기 싫어! Born as a genius among geniuses in herbal medicine, I’ve undergone countless reincarnations, all at the request of the gods! I can’t stop until I create the perfect divine elixir… This is a scam, isn’t it? In the end, in this current life, I declared a strike. I won’t do it! No, I won’t work!!! That’s what I thought, but then… “I’m counting on you.” “Me? Are you serious?!” Surprisingly, my strained family relationships seem to be improving. “Thank you so much!” I’m receiving expressions of gratitude from all over. And to top it off… “A long-lost disciple comes to see you.” My very first disciple and even the last one appeared. Why didn’t that guy die?


Isn’t Being A Wicked Woman Much Better?

She possessed a villainess who is known and hated for her evil acts in an unpopular novel. But because of her personality, it was extremely difficult for her to play the villainess role. But not for long… “I’ll fix your dress according to your taste this instant!” “My request.” “O-Of course! As per your request, there’s only one piece available in the whole Empire.” People around me listen to me well even if I just frown and sit still. Since I don’t have to live in difficulty, I decided to just comfortably live on as a villainess. “Father. Is it necessary for you to solve formulas in this slow and inefficient way?” I thought it would be good to be a rich villainess, so I used all my knowledge. “Why don’t you give me the honor of escorting the Princess?” I have had enough of dealing with my father, so why did an unexpected character suddenly appear? What if this person disrupts my plan? (From NovelUpdates) 악녀라서 편하고 좋은데요? / Being A Wicked Woman Is Comfortable And Pleasant / Isn’t Being A Wicked Woman Much Better? / 악녀라서 편하고 좋은데요? / What’s Wrong with Being the Villainess?


Tensei Shite Shota Ouji ni Natta Kensei wa, Katsute no Deshi ni wa Zettai ni Baretakunai

Sword Saint Brise saved the country with his unique swordsmanship. At the end of his magnificent life, he is reincarnated as the country\'s youngest prince, still retaining his memories. He seeks freedom again and aspires to enter the elementary school of knight school. Even though he is an invincible swordsman, he unexpectedly fails! “I came to get you.” He looks like a child, but inside he\'s an invincible former swordsman. In his reincarnation, he is picked up by his former disciple!?


Young Master Is Too Righteous

Read Manhwa Young Master Is Too Righteous Online For Free At Mangazin Young Master Is Too Righteous Manga Also Known As “Công Tử Thực Sự Quá Chính Nghĩa / Gongzi Shizai Tai Zhengyile / Gōngzǐ Shízài Tài Zhèngyìle / Justice Mask / 公子实在太正义了”. This Ongoing Webtoon Was Released On 2022. The Story Was Written By 小炎戒 And Illustrations By 漫文社. The Content Of The Comic Young Master Is Too Righteous: A Villainous Space-Time Traveler Randomly Took Over The Body Of A Noble Who Was A Role Model Of Justice And Obtained A System Disguised As A Villain’s Training Manual! How Was He Supposed To Choose Between Good And Evil? To Carry Out Justice Or To Play Evil? Or Simply Both! The Comic Young Master Is Too Righteous Belongs To The Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy Hari Manga Is A Comprehensive Website Featuring The Latest And Hottest Manga, Updated Rapidly To Cater To Readers With High-Quality Images And Provide Them With Excellent Experiences. With Keywords Such As “Topmanhua” And “Manhwa Web,” As Well As Related Terms Like Manhwa Top, New Manga 2024, And Read Manhwa Engsub Ensures Readers Have Access To A Wide Selection Of Top-Notch Manga Content. Please Always Follow And Share With Your Friends To Support The Website So That We Have More Motivation To Publish The Latest And Best Comics. Follow Get To Read New Manhwa Updated: Confession Attack Maxed Out Leveling In The Doghouse


Isekai de Saikyou no Skill o Umidaseta node, Hitasura Musou Suru Koto ni Shimashita. ~ Ore Dake ga Skill no Suuchi o Katte ni Sousa ~

When I was suddenly summoned to another world by some mysterious identity that said, \"Pick three Skill Seeds\". But wait, what does \'Skill Seeds\' mean instead of just \'Skills\'? Realizing the sole difference between the two, I awakened as the other world\'s first \'Hacker\', capable of arbitrarily enhancing skills by manipulating their values! To start, I manipulated the skills of a beautiful girl, Mia, who suffered due to her skills being unsuitable for combat and joined forces with her to surpass those who had looked down on us!


Jack Be Invincible

After getting revenge on the Thulcaan Empire, Jack Valantier took his last breath. But just when he thinks it\'s all over, he finds himself transported back to when he was 14! From his negligent and wicked family to his loyal servant and caring sister, it\'s all just as he had remembered. But this time, Jack is armed to the teeth with decades of experience from his previous life! He\'s ready to give them hell, and those that have wronged him will pay dearly. Because this time, he\'s invincible.


Rosemarie Reincarnated

Tensei Oujo wa Kyou mo Hata wo Tatakioru / / Rosemarie Reincarnated: Fixing Bad Suitor and Getting Her BelovedWho cares about being cute?! Rosemarie is a young girl who got reincarnated in the world of a dating sim. That game was famous for being a crappy game full of hopeless men! She has a bad feeling about it, but she has no time to waste getting upset about it! She's going to change the peculiar dateable character for the better and meet the man she really loves at all costs!


8-sai kara Hajimeru Mahougaku

Roy Aveillam, from a notorious ducal family, is feared by everyone around him for his irreverent and arrogant attitude. However, in the midst of the turmoil with his classmate Van, he regains his \"memory of his previous life\" and his \"desire\"! It was a wish to \"master something and become special. And then, Roy has an even more special encounter.He meets someone who has magic in this world! At the age of 8, he awakens to \"magic\" and aims to turn his life around with the help of his many encounters!
