Humanity finds itself on the brink of extinction due to the emergence of the Incubi, otherworldly monsters that capture humans to use as breeding material, and the only ones that can stand against these enemies are the Witches, magical girls given powers by supernatural beings. High schooler Renka Azuma is one such girl; her alter ego is Silver Lotus, a magical girl controlling countless insects to fight the Incubi day after day. On a certain day, Silver Lotus rescues a fellow Witch, a novice named Azure Nova, from an Incubi attack. This meeting with this self-proclaimed fan of hers is an encounter that introduces a change to Silver Lotus’s otherwise solitary daily life?! Here begins a dark fantasy about an unorthodox magical girl who commands insects to devour monsters!
Kuro Heartfield is the lord of the frontier territory, but his true identity is that of an ordinary 25-year-old man who got reincarnated here from another world. He has been relegated to being the feudal lord of this remote region for his demotion, after earning the resentment of high-ranking nobles, but here he found his new life to his liking, and so he has no complaints. One day, he receives a compulsory marriage proposal and his soon-to-be spouse\'s name is Lady Violet Valentine. She is a respectable noble lady from a duke\'s house, but her true identity is that of a so-called villainess, one who opposes the heroine in nearly all the routes of a certain romance game. A slightly mysterious married life starts today between these fellow outcasts aiming to make a place where they belong! (Source: Pixiv Comic)
Shiina Kazuya, the protagonist of the story was killed by a stranger in front of a convenience store when he tried to protect two young girls escaping from the stranger who is trying to stab them. The girls fall and are too overcome with fear to get up and continue running away. When Shiina Kazuya awakens he realizes that he was reincarnated as the young noble Cain von Silford, the third son of an aristocrat (Margrave Garm Von Silford) and his second wife (Sarah) in a world filled with sword and sorcery. Prior to the age of ten Cain grew up in the Gracia Territory surrounded by gods that don\'t know self-restraint, in the upper echelon of nobility, and a loving family (father Garm Von Silford, mother Sarah, and older sister Raine). At the age of ten Cain is given peerage (Title of Duke, own estate, and an engagement), which leads to him living in Esfort the Royal Capitol. This is a classic isekai fantasy about an overpowered young man who just wants to be an average adventurer. He has received the maximum level of divine blessings from all seven gods, overcomes any obstacle that comes his way while hiding his unbelievable status and tends to build a harem of highly influential nobles.
After killing the male lead, the originally innocent girl transformed into a villainess. Just as she was about to enjoy her newfound freedom, she died a violent death and returned back to the start of the game. Having carried over with her all the skills she acquired in her previous \"playthrough\", she was prepared to kill the male lead again; however, the current circumstances seem a bit... strange?
The Head of the Laoshan Sect was attacked and killed by the Demon King.When he was dying, his soul left his body and returned to the modern world after 300 years, His soul possessed the body of a weak man who eats soft rice. Now, he is determined to avenge himself against the Demon King, while also dealing with his mother-in-law......This new life isn't easy...
Job change from villainess to ! Become the adventurer of your dreams with cheat knowledge! Charlotte discovered that she was in the game world she played in her previous life when her engagement was broken off. With her cheat knowledge, she escapes from the scenario and changes her job to a in the enemy country, and enjoys a free adventurous life!
“I’m not interested in revenge!” Rosemary was branded as a villainess and hung for a crime she didn’t commit. She reincarnates as the commoner, “Marie,” while still retaining the memories of her previous life and hopes to live peacefully this time. However, contrary to Marie’s wishes, she ends up returning to the royal palace. “Sister, how do you want to punish the people who killed you?” Her brother, whom she doted on in her previous life, had changed completely and intended to take revenge on behalf of his sister. “Master, please tell me your desire.” The knight who swore allegiance in the previous life swears his allegiance this time as well. I’m not thinking of taking revenge on the person who killed me. However, the people around me will not allow that…
In her previous life, Ye Jin Su wanted money and men but had neither; her death did not affect anyone at all. Fu Da Ming was reborn into the body of a well-off young lady, and thought she could finally live a comfortable life. However, she discovered that her seemingly perfect life was not as perfect as she'd expected, and her father did not seem to cherish her much. 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A humble man in his twenties suddenly dies and is reborn as the daughter of a duke in an 18th-century lookalike world where magic exists! He is now living a second life as the adorable \"Miranda Mirandiehl,\" who looks like a doll. As he was always a \"girl inside\" with girlish interests, he accepted his reincarnation surprisingly easily. And so, after being reborn as Miranda, he will enjoy his new life to the fullest! What kind of encounters await him, and what lies ahead in his gender-swapped otherworldly reincarnation life?
A man who has been reincarnated in a different world acquires the vocation of \"pole master\" in the new world! However, that special ability is not used to defeat enemies, nor to gain power, but to embrace the beautiful girls who appear one after another with all one\'s might! A unique story of conquering another world begins here! The protagonist, “Sao” has been reborn with his memories from his past life. He’s born as a son of a rural villager, but his true identity is a reincarnated person with cheat abilities and the knowledge of the modern world. With the class “Rod Master,” he received as he grows up, and the many skills that came up with it, he can defeat enemies, help people, and even for sex.
This is the story of Ryo, who was reincarnated in the world of swords and magic. It is a story of the royal road to survive using the magic of the water attribute. What is magic? What is swordsmanship? How does it relate to the laws of physics that we know? And what is politics? What is a nation? Why are there many \"kingdoms\" in reincarnation stories? Will republics not work? Can it be written…? Since he is a water-based magician, he shall start with the \"hydrogen bond!\"
One day, Mai remembers that her perfect stepbrother is a character in a death game manga, and that one year later he will hold a death game involving all of his classmates, killing his sister in the process. Mai plans a variety of surprises for her stepbrother every day based on what he said in the manga, \"Nothing unexpected happened, so I was bored,\" but as the days go by, he begins to show abnormal signs... Only I know what my brother\'s really like. Pepu\'s comicalization of Inada Sou\'s popular web novel!