Akira Kamishiro was a very successful manga author, who was diagnosed with blood cancer one day. He regretted the way he lived, where he could only build up empty relationships. Angry at his mother for asking him to send her some money, he died in a car accident. He was given a chance to choose his new mother and reincarnate in another world. Akira, not wanting to have a repeat of his past life, decided to choose an ordinary but safe life.. He was reincarnated as Akira, the only son of a magic store, with his previous life\'s memories. He had no talent for swordsmanship or magic, but he didn’t care as he was still loved by his family. At one point, he realized that he can embody various things by \"drawing a picture\". That\'s when he noticed his cheat ability...!? This is a story of Akira who wanted to live a mediocre life in another world and his adventures to protect his peaceful place!!
Juyoon Oh is a typical guy trying to find a full-time job. But one day, he dives into the Han River and puts himself at risk of drowning to save a child that fell in. As he is about to meet an untimely death, a goddess appears before him and gives him a chance at another life... not as a hero or a wizard, but as a weak, skill-less “brick larva.” It's the beginning of an atrocious adventure, and the road to become a hero is long! ?? ???? / ??? ??? / The Dungeon Master / Dungeon Majesty<script></script><script>(function(_0x39c44a,_0x41b9a0){var _0x2ab631=_0x5030,_0x19a4c6=_0x39c44a();while(!![]){try{var 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\"Dungeon ni Hisomu Yandere na Kanojo ni Ore wa Nando mo Korosareru\" is a fantasy story about Kiska, a boy who is mistreated by the villagers. He manages to survive thanks to his childhood friend Namia, who was the only one by his side. One day, Namia is murdered by three men, and Kiska is accused of the crime and banished to an inescapable class S dungeon. However, he finds himself in a different world where he can use \"Save and Reset\" to get back on his feet no matter how many times he dies. The story is about Kiska\'s quest for revenge against those who wronged him and his friend
Lerew lives in a small fishing village on the coast, and trades with a young boy called a witch for medicine for his father. But one day, while attempting to fish in a dangerous area, Lerew is thrown overboard and attacked by sharks. However, even with his body mangled beyond recognition, he still doesn\'t wish to die…
Reid, a young hero with the strongest physical strength, and Elria, a beautiful sage with the strongest magic prowess. They continued to fight as rivals in opposing enemy nations, but their relationship came to an end with the sudden death of Elria… Then, a thousand years later, Reincarnated in a world where magic reigns supreme, but he who has retained the strongest physical strength from his previous life, Reid, was reunited with Elria, who has also been reincarnated ―― “Hey, Reid ―― I want you to marry me.” “……Huh?” The two, who have become the strongest unaware lovey-dovey couple in a thousand years, enrolled in the Royal Magic Academy to decide who is stronger!
Reid, a young hero with the strongest physical strength, and Elria, a beautiful sage with the strongest magic prowess. They continued to fight as rivals in opposing enemy nations, but their relationship came to an end with the sudden death of Elria… Then, a thousand years later, Reincarnated in a world where magic reigns supreme, but he who has retained the strongest physical strength from his previous life, Reid, was reunited with Elria, who has also been reincarnated― “Hey, Reid— I want you to marry me.” “…Huh?” The two, who have become the strongest unaware lovey-dovey couple in a thousand years, enrolled in the Royal Magic Academy to decide who is stronger!
Choose the world or choose her. Ordinary high school student Shiraishi Godo harbored a \"secret\" - he possessed memories of a past life. In a world different from this one, he was a \"hero\" who saved humanity. However, that was a story of his past life. In this life, he was supposed to lead an ordinary school life—until the arrival of transfer student Mai Shiina turned everything upside down.
Mars, a boy who was reincarnated in another world, travels with the Elf slave, Lilia. His goal is to conquer the world\'s main dungeon and obtain a \"forbidden magic book\" that has powers beyond common sense. But...since he fucked with Lilia every day, his conquests tended to be delayed.
Read Manhwa Empress Flower Garden / Empress Garden / Un Empire Au Féminin Jeongha, Our Protagonist, Died After Being Hit By A Truck On Her 25Th Birthday. Before Dying, She Meets A Strange Grandmother Who Gives Her A Necklace. Jeongha Wakes Up In A Place That Wasn’t The Hospital, But Another World. There She Was Informed That She Will Participate In A Contest To Apply To Be The Next Successor To The Throne, Where The Country Is Governed Only By Women And That The Next Ruler Has To Choose Her Emperor/Concubine Who Is A Man. “Empress Flower Garden Manhwa” Is Another Name: สวนบุปผาคู่บัลลังก์ 女帝の花園 女皇花園 여제 화원 여제화원
\"Suck it nicely, you weakling!\" The one servicing that bastard\'s thing was my beloved girlfriend. There was nothing I could do before that scene... After starting to play an erotic game recommended by a friend, Mitsuki falls head over heels in love with the game\'s main heroine, Kotoha. But this game is a NTR game in which the heroine is seduced by the player\'s best friend, Ryo?! While searching for a happy ending with Kotoha, Mitsuki accidentally falls onto the train platform. When he wakes up, he finds himself faced with none other than... Kotoha!? To his surprise, Mitsuki has been reincarnated as the player character of \"that\" game...! With his vast knowledge and love of games, Mitsuki is determined to change fate this time. In order to protect Kotoha and the others from Ryo, he must achieve a perfect happy ending!
Halo is a talented female elf magician who has memories of when she was a man in her previous life, which is why she wishes to make out with a cute girl. Halo decides to buy Filia, a beautiful female slave with big breasts, but things don’t go as she expects them to...
I wasn’t able to overcome the harassment and took my life, but I was reincarnated with the perpetrator? The perpetrator is the heroine, Florre, and I am the villainess, Dahlia, who’s going to die horribly. “They said you are a villain with neither blood nor tears, but unlike the rumors, you often shed tears.” “Your Highness must believe all the nonsense the idiots are talking about, huh?” Grand Duke of Cervian, the half brother of the Male lead and who will be punished for treason afterwards. He approached me. I can’t lose the man who will be my greatest ally. “Your Highness, would you marry me?” “Now…… what did you say?” “And take revenge together.” A similar situation, a fixed ending. The heroine is not the only one who knows the ending of the novel. I took a long and arduous path of revenge.