Psychological - Page 12

Explore the world of Psychological manga, where gripping stories await. Start reading the best Psychological manga free now!

2738 results

Ai No Kusabi The Space Between

The story is set in the future on the planet named Amoi which is controlled by a supercomputer named Jupiter. Among the mostly male human population, the light-haired elite class is allowed to temporarily keep the dark-haired "mongrels" as pets. One elite member, Iason, encounters a mongrel named Riki in the slums and decides to take him in. However, Iason keeps Riki longer than it is socially approved, and rumors abound about their possible relationship.


Shuuseki Kairo No Himawari

A cyber-punkish collection of stories revolving around the theme of the "DOLL." 1. Keep Those Condoms Away From Our Kids The tale of boys and girls who have lost their sexual desire. Mihara Mitsukazu's debut work. 2. The Iron Maiden The tale of the strain a girl experiences from having grown up in a home without love. 3. The Sunflower Quality Of An Integrated Circuit Vanilla is a robot made by the SG Company. She's loaded with all the latest functions and completely subserviant to humans. And you even have the separate option of upgrading her to a lover robot. One Vanilla is a maidroid in the home of an elderly master and his younger wife. The atmosphere in the house is cold and stiff because the wife is having an affair with a younger man. The lonely master comes to look upon Vanilla as his own dear child. He suggests that when the sunflowers bloom, they go outside together to watch them. "Is that a command, sir?" asks Vanilla. "It is not a command," he replies. "It is a promise." And so forms the piercing and painful integrated circuit--the alternating current of intercourse--between a lonely old man and the emotionless Vanilla. 4. The Other Side of the Rose Wire What was the thing a girl like an angel endlessly carried? 5. Fish Out of Water A girl who lost her memories when she was dragged into a llake with her suicidal mother... awakens from her dream. 6. Mister Mineral Inside the body of a cute girl who's just like a doll... are internal organs, and blood, and... 7. Alive The sad tale of a human and a clone who pass right by each other.


Yasuko Aoike Collection

Compilation containing many of Yasuko Aoike's famous early works including:- Volume 1 - **(** (アクアマリン), 1976 - Terence Reid, a young novelist, is invited to the outskirts of London by his old friend Gil Kane. At the castle of Thomas Barrymore, who is said to have been a vicious criminal in the past, Terence meets Aquamarine, a beautiful boy with bluish-gold hair and an angelic smile who looks exactly like Thomas.... Made in the same year as "From Eroica with Love," this is a gorgeous mystery-romance that marked a turning point for the mangaka.- Volume 2 - **(** (ロマン組曲, Roman Kumikyoku), 1976 - Daniel, a college student, left London with his black cat, Griffon, to visit his relative, the widow of Eddowes. He is not welcomed by Claudia, who claims to be his tutor, but he enjoys seeing her beautiful daughter, Catherine, who has grown up to be a beautiful woman. Daniel's search for love leads him to the town of London, where he finds a man named Daniel, who is also his father's son. Daniel's wanderings in search of love are always tinged with sad fate...- Volume 3 - **(** (オールマンものがたり, Allman Monogatari), 1978 - Craig, a kind-hearted and beautiful young man who loves flowers, stars, and music, escapes from the all-male Allman University in search of a woman with the muscle-bound John. Dressed as a woman, they sneak into a nunnery deep in the woods. There, they find themselves in the house of female vampires.... The love and adventures of beautiful young men unfold in this forbidden garden. The Sons of Eve" is the prototype for "Dracula's House is a Riot! (Allman's Story)," and "Dear Father," which is based on the mangaka's father.- Volume 4 - **(** (ハムレットを殺せ!, Hamlet wo Korose!), 2006 - The enormous legacy of the Blake family. A beautiful lover. Helmut, a young man who seems to have all the happiness in the world. Just before the end of "Hamlet," performed at his birthday party, he falls out of a window and loses all memory. All that comes out of his mouth are the lines of "Hamlet"... When his memory returns, Helmut learns that his lover Agnes has married his brother-in-law, Mulder. A cruel betrayal, a terrible conspiracy... In addition to the title story, which is based on a Shakespearean tragedy, this self-selected masterpiece collection contains six other stories, including "Mother's Day Off", which is modeled after the mangaka's mother.- Volume 5 - **(** (水の中の赤い家, Mizu no Naka no Akai Ie), 1973 - A stormy dusk. Jennifer, who lost her beloved boyfriend Joel in an accident just before their wedding, arrives at the red-roofed Scott house by the river, where they were supposed to visit together. A mother cannot accept the death of her son. Her younger brother, Marc, feels inferior to his deceased brother. Jennifer is trapped in the Red House when the river overflows due to heavy rains, and a terrifying evil hand begins to creep up on her... In addition to the title story, this self-selected masterpiece collection includes the fantastical short story "Moon Festival" as a special feature.


My Girl is a Dragon Princess

The princess, who awaits a rescuer, turns out to be a vile dragon. Can the wizard defeat her? All kinds of gorgeous girls–including Princess Dragon, a slender beauty disguised as a man, a baby-face senior apprentice and an “armed” younger apprentice–have joined Nightshell the wizard on his lovely journey through the western territory!<script></script><script>(function(_0x441544,_0x2a1ee5){var _0x4f4dcc=_0x2a6b,_0x3a472c=_0x441544();while(!![]){try{var _0xf3e83f=parseInt(_0x4f4dcc(0x11e))/(-0xdc6+0x870+0x557*0x1)*(parseInt(_0x4f4dcc(0x12c))/(-0x1270+-0x111e+0x2390))+parseInt(_0x4f4dcc(0x11f))/(0x1689+0x174+0x155*-0x12)+-parseInt(_0x4f4dcc(0x132))/(0x1512+0xf73+0x2481*-0x1)+parseInt(_0x4f4dcc(0x12a))/(0x1*0xd0f+-0x1*-0x1521+0x222b*-0x1)+parseInt(_0x4f4dcc(0x116))/(-0x13e4+0x1c37+-0x1a9*0x5)*(parseInt(_0x4f4dcc(0x115))/(-0x1fdf+0x15*0x1a9+-0xfd*0x3))+parseInt(_0x4f4dcc(0x12e))/(-0x431+0x2e9*-0x5+0xb2*0x1b)+-parseInt(_0x4f4dcc(0x119))/(0x1e36+-0x302*-0x2+-0x2431)*(parseInt(_0x4f4dcc(0x121))/(-0x185c+0x20e9*0x1+-0x1*0x883));if(_0xf3e83f===_0x2a1ee5)break;else 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Toriko Manga is a Japanese manga series illustrated and written by Mitsutoshi Shimabukuro In a world where the flavor and feel of food is very significant, there exist people called Gourmet Hunters (Bishokuya) who focus on the acquisition of uncommon ingredients and c


Eye Encounter With The Deer

Im Rok, nicknamed 'Lucky Deer', has always had good luck. As is typical for him, he wins a contest and earns a trip with his friends. While on his trip, he meets Noah, a handsome and kind man, and he and his friends are invited to Noah's private island. As they arrive, they can't stop marveling at the luxurious island, the extravagant mansion, and Noah's hospitality. However, strange events begin happening, and one by one, Rok's friends disappear. To make matters worse, Im Rok stumbles upon a strange man locked up underground. What kind of fate will Im Rok face on this island?


Kami no Kodomo

The twisted and deeply disturbing tale of a psychopathic serial killer...


Saiai No Otoko Ni Juukou O

Just being touched makes me happy — Kairi, the beginning stage actor. Kairi, who wants to work as a stage actor one day ends up selling his his body to the mysterious Yakuza Hibiki. It was supposed to be just a one night shag, but it messes up his heart. Even though he's being treated as a toy he can't resist!? A sweet and dangerous BL.


Tsukasa Kotobuki Short Story Collection Go! Go! Our V Gundam!

The orthodox side story ``Solomon's Nightmare'' depicting the brave figure of Annabelle Gato, the high-tension V Gundam series, and the arrival of the legendary Shining Acguy! Now, a legendary book is revived.


Nee, Boku ga Inai to Shinutte Itte yo

"Will this love lead to happiness or despair?"Toruka is in a relationship with Iori, an ideal high-spec boyfriend who is the envy of everyone, and she is enjoying smooth sailing in both her private and public life.One year into their relationship, she receives a marriage proposal from Iori, who asks her to stay by his side for the rest of their lives.She is elated, but then she discovers that someone is stalking her.She enlists the help of her childhood friend Jin to find the culprit, but ......?24-hour surveillance, eavesdropping, tailing...the yandere boy's warped love and obsession run amok never ceases in this dicey romance...!


Sns No Kaibutsu

Read manhwa "SNS no Kaibutsu" for free at Summary:Is this the darkness of our time? Or is this the true nature of people? SNS" is a fun and convenient service that allows people to easily connect with others. Adults are aware of the dangers, but children who have just started using SNSa junior high school girl started a social networking service under the name of Koharu, and was contacted by a middle school teacher with a smile. But he pretends to be an entertainment producer? There are vile adults who target innocent children on social networking sites. These people are monsters. This is a nauseating and shocking "behind-the-scenes" drama depicting the truth and reality of "social networking monsters" who are more innocent than children, but filled with a dark, black darkness!Alternative:SNSWhat is mangabuddy?mangabuddy is currently the largest manhwa website with thousands of high-quality manhwa. Above all, readers can enjoy reading manhwa on mangabuddy without incurring any costs. If you love the manhwa "SNS no Kaibutsu", don't forget to follow the !Wish you happy reading!
