Martial Arts - Page 52

Explore the world of Martial Arts manga, where gripping stories await. Start reading the best Martial Arts manga free now!

2313 results


In the near future, the National Police Agency establishes an elite covert paramilitary division called Minkei or Private Police in English to tackle violent criminals and gangs. Among its operatives include average school student Kou Shirashi and school idol Mikuru Nazume.


Hakaiou Noritaka

Noritaka Sawamura is a teenager; until this day, everybody has been making fun of him. Now he enters the high school which is an opportunity for him to restart a new life! He loves a girl of his school, but he needs to be a little bit stronger to be recognized by everybody. So he joins the Thai boxing section. His entertainment is very special, due to his master who seems to be a little mad. Noritaka will make you laugh, for sure! Note: My favorite passage is when Sawamura spins through a window with a helmet, his trousers missing, with crap coming out of his ass, and everybody looking at him. He is the most ridiculous man in the world at this moment!


Working seems Pointless After the Hero Labeled Me as a Coward and Kicked Me From His Party

A martial artist called Nicola, who specializes in techniques considered foul by many, is kicked from the Hero's party. Feeling betrayed, he vows to never work again. Nonetheless, Nicola's older sister, Satella, has other plans for him, appointing Nicola as the teacher of the class composed of the weakest alumni in the Shanoa Academy. There, he meets Alice, a tender and lovely elf girl. In a world where a person's worth is determined by their muscles, Alice ranks among the lowest, and to change herself, she enlists Nicola's aid to learn from him a fighting style in which... anything goes! This is a battle fantasy story of rising to the top through clever but underhanded tactics!


Warrior Grandpa and Grandmaster daughter

Just when Liu Jinshan thought he could die without regrets, his family was annihilated! As a result, he became determined to live just so that he could see his only surviving granddaughter, Liu Seol, reach adulthood. As he struggled to raise her and train her with his aging body, Liu Seol, who was born with the talent of a supreme martial artist, grew up much faster than he thought she would. “Don’t worry, Grandpa, I’ll protect you from now on!”


Millennial Cultivator

[This person has obviously been cultivating for millions of years.] Since time traveling, the transmigrator Ye Fan has been living in seclusion in Tianwu City with the intent of living a worry-free life, until one day he awakened to his millennia of cultivation. While others feign at advanced cultivation, Ye Fan acts as though he knows nothing of it.


Shrouding The Heavens

During a field trip, an incident happened to Ye Fan and his classmates, transporting them to MarsFearful for their lives, everybody panicked, except for Ye Fan and his friend Pang BoWith death and betrayal surrounding him, will Ye Fan's wit and calm composure lead them to safety?


I’m The God Killer

Read Manhua I’m The God Killer / 开局就寄,我无挂斩神 An Unspeakable Deity Descends Upon Earth, Turning All Of Humanity Into Fanatical Followers! In This Crazed World, Feng Ming Loses Everything. As The Only Normal Sane Person, He Decides To Reclaim His World, Joining Forces With The Goddess Of Calamity And Misfortune, Si Yuan, And Embarks On The Path Of Slaying Gods!


Gachirin Ni Kiri Saku

From MangaHelpers: A new transfer student has come into town, a girl with a mysterious air and black clothing who is called Inugami Sakuya. What few know is that by moonlight, she hunts and kills those possessed by "Inugami." A man can become possessed by being bitten, leading to a nighttime transformation into a beast driven to eat women. Sakuya gets no thanks for brutally ending the lives of these unfortunate men with her sword, and she is often too late to save the women they threaten. Sakuya also must deal with her own inner demons, which are all too real... [tethysdust]


Super Wechat

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Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni - Watanagashi-Hen

When Keiichi Maebara moved to the small village of Hinamizawa, he did not expect to make friends so quickly. Now Keiichi's days are spent having fun and playing games with his new companions, and his life couldn't be better. However, one day he sees one of his friends, the tomboyish Mion Sonozaki, working at a maid café. Deciding to tease her about it, his initial joking quickly turns to shock as the girl reveals that she is actually Mion's twin sister, Shion. As luck would have it, both girls want to spend the annual Cotton Drifting Festival by Keiichi's side. But when Shion breaks the town's sacred rules and sneaks into a sealed shrine during the festival, dragging Keiichi along with her, things take a turn for the worse. Now, Keiichi and Shion find themselves in fear of being spirited away due to their mistake and must find a way to atone before it is too late. The story of Higurashi no Naku Koro ni is divided into a total of eight chapters: four "Question" arcs and four "Answer" arcs. Each chapter keeps the same main characters, but ends in a different way. However, each chapter gives valuable answers, hints, and clues to the previous one, while at the same time bringing forth even more mysteries. The question arcs are: 1. Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - Onikakushi-hen 2. Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - Watanagashi-hen 3. Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - Tatarigoroshi-hen 4. Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - Himatsubushi-hen The answer arcs are: 5. Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai - Meakashi-hen 6. Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai - Tsumihoroboshi-hen 7. Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai - Minagoroshi-hen 8. Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai - Matsuribayashi-hen The side story arcs are: Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - Onisarashi-hen Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - Yoigoshi-hen Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai - Utsutsukowashi-hen Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - Hirukowashi-hen Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - Kokoroiyashi-hen Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - Kataribanashi-hen Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Rei - Saikoroshi-hen Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Jan


Steel Covenant

Read manhua Steel Covenant online “Qiao An of the Honours Class in the Combat Armour Academy, you have failed the mech compatibility test and have been demoted to the logistics class of the outer academy.” Three hundred years after the apocalypse, the human world lay shattered. A young man, Qiao An, burdened by immense debt, unexpectedly discovers that he has already bonded with not just one, but multiple sets of top-tier Combat Armours. “Black or white—what’s your choice?” “I’ll take them both!” With the strongest combat armours in hand, making money will become easier than ever. “Saving the world? Nah, that’s none of my business.” “What? Did you say all my debts will be forgiven? Wait, hold on—!” “Steel Covenant Manhua” is another name: 钢铁契约


Special Agent K

Special Agent K-Feng, aka Khloe Feng, was on a top-secret mission when the accident happened. When she woke, she was in another time, another place, another body. By day, she’s the illegitimate daughter of a noble family. By night… she’s the Xia Kingdom’s most hyper-lethal assassin. She can dispatch targets in a single bloody blow, but can she survive being a courtly lady too?
